Photo in Bucharest : Lipscani, Buzesti, Gabroveni
There's a house with no door and I'm living there
at nights it gets so cold and the days are hard to bear inside.
There's a house with no roof, so the rain creeps in,
falling through my head as I try to think out time.
I don't know you, you say you know me, that may be so,
there's so much that I am unsure of ...
You call my name, but it sounds unreal, I forget how I feel,
my body's rejecting the cure.
There's a house with no bell, but then nobody calls;
I sometimes find it hard to tell if any are alive at all outside.
There's a house with no sound; yes, it's quiet there ...
there's not much point in words if there's no-one to share in time.
I've learned my lines, I know them so well, I am ready to tell
whoever will finally come in
Of the line in my mind that's cold in the night, it doesn't seem right
when there's that little dark figure running ...
There's a house with no door and there's no living there:
one day it became a wall ... well I didn't really care at the time.
There's a house with no light, all the windows are sealed,
overtaxed and strained NOW NOTHING IS REVEALED BUT TIME
Won't somebody help me ......?
Van Der Graaf Generator - House With No Door lyrics
Nu-i nimic, e-n regulă,
mai aşteptăm două sute de ani,
ce-o să fie, un biet accident istoric,
o socoteală matematică greşită,
suntem în Estul Europei, nu uitaţi.
Ruşii, da, Maghiarii, da,
Polonezii, da, Bulgarii, da,
noi, nu, noi nu, noi nu progresăm,
că se interpretează,
când nu voiau vecinii,
noi nu puteam, n-aveam voie,
când vor vecinii,
nu vrem noi, n-avem nevoie,
asta e, aşa suntem noi, ai dracului,
daţi în Paşte, asta e, daţi în Paşte,
nu-i nimic, e-n regulă,
mai vedem noi, mai vedem,
aveţi răbdare, nu bateţi din picioare,
nu vă pripiţi
noi regresăm cu plăcere,
noi regresăm cu talent,
noi nu ne luăm după nimeni
decât când regresează.
Două sute de ani! Atât!
Aveţi răbdare, nu chemaţi salvarea,
nu exageraţi, nu cricniţi,
regresaţi cu noi!
Înapoi, marş!
Adrian Păunescu Regresăm
sursa : romanian voice
Nu-i nimic, e-n regulă,
mai aşteptăm două sute de ani,
ce-o să fie, un biet accident istoric,
o socoteală matematică greşită,
suntem în Estul Europei, nu uitaţi.
Ruşii, da, Maghiarii, da,
Polonezii, da, Bulgarii, da,
noi, nu, noi nu, noi nu progresăm,
că se interpretează,
când nu voiau vecinii,
noi nu puteam, n-aveam voie,
când vor vecinii,
nu vrem noi, n-avem nevoie,
asta e, aşa suntem noi, ai dracului,
daţi în Paşte, asta e, daţi în Paşte,
nu-i nimic, e-n regulă,
mai vedem noi, mai vedem,
aveţi răbdare, nu bateţi din picioare,
nu vă pripiţi
noi regresăm cu plăcere,
noi regresăm cu talent,
noi nu ne luăm după nimeni
decât când regresează.
Două sute de ani! Atât!
Aveţi răbdare, nu chemaţi salvarea,
nu exageraţi, nu cricniţi,
regresaţi cu noi!
Înapoi, marş!
Adrian Păunescu Regresăm
sursa : romanian voice
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - House With No Door (1970)
Similar post : The Agony and The Ecstasy , Bucharest - City and Souls
Similar post : The Agony and The Ecstasy , Bucharest - City and Souls
Poliţia Centrului Istoric s-a dotat cu uscător! :)
... înfiorătoare imaginile, şi muzica...
aş fi fost uşă, dar nimeni nu-mi mai trece pragul
aş fi fost fereastră, dar numai vântu-mi mai străbate obrajii
aş fi fost cuib, dar numai furnicile mă mai încălzesc
aş fi fost dragoste
dar am devenit uitare...
weekend frumos să ai
Foarte buna serie, bravo!
Weekend placut :)
Ahhh, Wind..
this is really something else!!
The favorite of mine is the one
with the dog...
Wish you a very special weekend!~
Love the b/w photo of the dog. Gorgeous! Have a grea day!
Wonderful shots, as always, Wind. My faves are the two with the dogs. Have a great weekend, my friend!
These are wonderful!
Shocking photos and very touching words...
They are all FANTASTIC, they have lovely colors and good light.
Greetings, Joop
Wonderful, beautiful series!
Nice collection, these are really old and ruinous hoses.
You get better every post. Every image is stunning, Numbers 5,9 and eleven are so good they are out of order....Thank you.
Mă gândeam să spun că-mi place una, dar toate îmi plac, toate îmi vorbesc.
I have said it before and I say it again...your work is simply stunning... awesome images in each post that you make...
Redam cu arta odiosul arata senzational de real.
Prea real...dar opera de arta in sine
Fantastic photos, my favourite is the classic black & white photo of the dog guarding his master's house :-).
great pics. that's a nice dog by the way!
Detallistas fotografías de éstos lugares "en decadencia" pero aún con muestra de el encanto que tuvieron en su día. Muy bueno el reportaje y la múscia con la que lo acompañas. Que tengas un estupendo fin de semana. Saludos cordiales.
Ramón - España -
everybody said it already, but there is no better word: stunning! Loved the post. Hugs from Anamaria
This serie of photos was great. Sometimes the old and the ugly can be very beautiful.
life might be its common theme
without a past, a future
all present
please have a good sunday.
daily athens
pity that nothing is done with such architecture!
Splendida si trista serie! Cel mai mult imi place fereastra spre verde...acolo e speranta...
Poeme puternice, şi imagini, nu am cuvinte.
Terrific series of photos, Daliana.
Love all of them.
Great job!
Happy Sunday!
B xx
Incet, dar sigur, ne pierdem cate o caramida de istorie...
Oricumpostezi ;i orice postezi mă impresionează profund. Culoarea,compoziția,ideile,totul este perfect pentru mine. Felicitări Wind!
where is it all going ? coming down ? being restored ? going nowhere ? these are images of a painful transition and a present past. they are very strong and much appreciated. regards, robert
Genius composition! These are all great masterpiece.
Foarte reusita seria, impresionante imaginile si totodata locul! Foarte bine prezentat!
Hauntingly beautiful! Wonderful photography, it evokes a strong emotion of sadness - the dog with his back to us makes a very powerful statement. Our ways perplex the animal kingdom.
Have a lovely week,
Mi se pare atat de ciudat Bucurestiul, nu stiu , parca ar coexista doua lumi paralele in el, cea de fite si aceea reala, pe care , de regula , camerele de fotografiat sau filmat le ignora, sau le evita.
Bine ca te avem pe tine , asrfel putem vedea si fata mai putin vazuta a capitalei.
Imagini de un curaj nebunesc ...
Sa ai un 8 Martie fericit!
Hi Wind, There's a lot going on here and loads to talk about. I like the aspect of number 2 with the sky and plant. Number 9 is something else, while 13 is a door for a mouse or is that a dormouse.
Great images, colours and compositions and it's good to see that later in the post that despite the building ruins, the plant and shrub life continues. Nice dog shot at the end :-) ... I must start looking for more of those again !
Belas fotografias com muito Sentimentos e coração :)
Felicitações e feliz de conhecer o Seu blog :)
Wonderful sensitive images my friend! I know you are living in Bukarest and at this time the images with the street dogs going straight to my hearth. Thanks a lot for your comment on my last post! It makes me very happy to hear about the 10 dogs who lives in your office yard!!! It makes me very very happy to hear, that a lof of people do this like you do!!!!!!!!! I think, that a painter, who create his animal paintings in the sensitive way like you do, loves all animals.
I wish you a wonderful weekend and send a lot of hugs and kisses from Luzia.
Great reporting there on the decline, which once had wanted to be beautiful places. Saludos.
a spectacular collection ... i'm so glad to have found your blog ...
Those are sad photographs. The one with the dog breaks your heart.. sad, but with a certain beauty too.
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