Showing posts with label Daliana Pacuraru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daliana Pacuraru. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Walk On Water - Kat Dahlia

You said ya lights, ya left me blind
But I could never turn away
Rather ya black, rather ya white
You always left me in the green
And my shadow's groom
But I never know
Now I'm chasing blue
Are you changing you
You bring the rain, you bring the night
I never get the time of day
I wanna cry, you wanna fight
All this loving goes in vain
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I torn them through
But what would that prove
I'm so confused

I'm not feeling too well, cause I just can't tell
If I'm entering the gates of, heaven or hell
And I'm trust you, cause I just can't tell
I know you so well
Remember when we fell, remember when we fell

I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
And I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wished I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water

You said ya lights, ya left me blind
But I could never turn away
Rather ya black, rather ya white
You always left me in the green
And ya shadow's groom
But I never know
Now I'm chasing blue
Are you changing you
You bring the rain, you bring the night
I never get the time of day
I wanna cry, you wanna fight
All this loving goes in vain
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I've torn them through
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I've torn them through

I'm not feeling too well, cause I just can't tell
If I'm entering the gates of heaven or hell
Can I trust you, cause I just can't tell
I know you so well
Remember when we fell, remember when we fell

I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
And now I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wished I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean, but just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water

It's a storm a brewing, on my horizon
No matter what I'm choosing, baby I ain't deciding
So we shine, so we shine
A cat told me catch a knife. I'll trade ya promise for my life

I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I cant walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I can't upon the water
And now I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wish I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I cant walk upon the water

I can't walk upon the water, no
I'm attracted to the ocean
But I slipped right through, I slipped right through
I drown for you
Baby I slipped right through, I slipped right through
I drown for you

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eusebiu Ştefănescu - Arhivarul clipei

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu, a natural elegance, passed away

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu was a "presence of a natural elegance", an actor who lived intensely through theatre and poetry, a press release by the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER), sent AGERPRES on Sunday, reads.

"He had a still, sincere gaze which left you off-guard, made you be afraid of your gloomy thoughts, a gaze that chased perfidy away. He was a presence of a natural elegance, with a discreet smile, but which was hiding a very joyful mystery. The mystery of an extreme life experience through theatre and poetry. As a teacher, he managed to pass on, to guide several generations of future actors to the perfection, to the controlled severeness of the force of the word well spoken in the spotlights," the release says.

"As a member of the UNITER Senate, Eusebiu Stefanescu received in 2014, at the UNITER Awards Gala, the Prize of the UNITER chairman for 'his contribution to the beautiful utterance of poetry'. Almost one year after being granted this award, Eusebiu Stefanescu is passing away, leaving a huge void," the UNITER release reads.
Eusebiu Stefanescu has died on the night of Saturday to Sunday, at the Bucharest Military Hospital, at 70 years of age.AGERPRES 

Moartea actorului Eusebiu Ştefănescu l-a dărâmat pr Florin Piersic. „Îi consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru că imi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă”, a declarat marele actor. .  
Actorul Eusebiu Ştefănescu a murit, duminică, la vârsta de 70 de ani. Potrivit primelor informaţii, decesul actorului a fost cauzat de o tumoare cerebrală.
"Acum două săptămâni, fiind la Ploieşti, am aflat de suferinţa acestui minunat coleg care mi-a fost foarte apropiat partener în filmele făcute. El era un coleg excepţional şi dacă vreţi vă spun o întamplare care să mângâie sufletele familiei lui este faptul ca eu am fost şi sunt in continuare bun prieten cu baiatul lui, cu Ionut Stefănescu.  Nu ştiu cum să vă spun că de multe ori împreuna cu Ionuţ, într-o zi m-am întâlnit în fata ministerului Educaţiei şi am povestit foarte multe despre viaţa noastră şi a lui Eusebiu. Între toti cei pe care îi cunosc de vârsta mea şi pe cei mai tineri cu câtiva ani, atât vreau să vă spun că era un recitator excepţional. Acum o lună de zile vorbeam cu Patriarhul Daniel spunea ca trebuie să îl pomenesc pe Eusebiu Stefanescu care a venit o dată şi a recitat foarte furmos. Ii consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru ca îmi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă", a declarat actorul Florin Piersic la România TV.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Fly On - Coldplay

Flock of birds
Hovering above
Just a flock of birds
That's how you think of love
And I always look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly always
Sometimes they arrive
Sometimes they are gone
Fly on
Flock of birds
Hovering above
Into smoke I'm turned and rise, following them up
Still I always look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly away
One minute they arrive
Next you know they're gone
Fly on

Fly on, ride through
Maybe one day I'll fly next to you
Fly on, ride through
Maybe one day I can fly with you
Fly on
Writer(s): Christopher Anthony John Martin, Guy Rupert Berryman, William Champion, Jonathan Mark Buckland

Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd.
COLDPLAY lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
"O" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sfantul Dimitrie - Saint Dimitrie

Thousands of pilgrims from across Romania and abroad have queued to pray at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest, at the Venerated Wood of the Holy Cross, brought from Greece and at the Holy Relics of Saint Dimitrie the New, protector of Bucharest. Romanians celebrate Saint Dimitrie on October 27 but the pilgrimage goes on during the entire week. The feast of Saint Pious Dimitrie the New, Protector of Bucharest, whose relics are kept in the Patriarchal Cathedral, has always represented a distinguished spiritual time for the faithful of Bucharest as well as for many pilgrims from all over the country.
A series of manifestations are organized between October 23 and 29, among which an exhibition entitled The Orthodox Creed – books, icons and holy crosses, in the Europa Christiana room of the Patriarchal Palace. On Tuesday, October 26, when Saint Great Martyr Dimitrie, the Myrrh Bearer is celebrated, His Holiness Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Chruch will inaugurate the Centre for Patrimony of “Saint Constantine Brâncoveanu” of the Romanian Patriarchate, in 63 Maria Rosetti St., Bucharest.
Unless you want to take part in the ceremonies held this week at the Patriarchal Palace near Unirii Square in Bucharest, we suggest avoiding car trips in the area, which is overcrowded by pilgrims during these days.
On Saint Dimitrie Romanians called Dumitru or Dumitra also celebrate their name days.
Several pre-Christian traditions on Saint Dimitrie have survived for centuries in Romania: the day before Saint Dimitrie, fires are lit in Romanian traditional villages and children usually jump over the fire to stay healthy during the entire year. The Saint is also the protector of shepherds, who can now figure out what sort of a winter will follow. Shepherds place their coat in the middle of the herd and wait to see what sort of sheep will lay on it. If a black sheep lays on the coat, the winter will be mild, the tradition goes. If a white sheep will come instead, the winter will be harsh. Another popular tradition says the winter will be mild if the weather will be bad on Saint Dimitrie and that a harsh winter will follow if the Saint Dimitrie day will bring good weather.romania-insider

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Carol I of Romania / 20 April 1839 - 10 October 1914

Carol I (20 April 1839  / 10 October 1914), born Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was the ruler of Romania from 1866 to 1914. He was elected Ruling Prince (Domnitor) of the Romanian United Principalities on 20 April 1866 after the overthrow of Alexandru Ioan Cuza by a palace coup. After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire (1878) in the Russo-Turkish War, he declared Romania a sovereign nation (the country had been under the nominal suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire until then). He was proclaimed King of Romania on 26 March [O.S. 14 March] 1881. He was the first ruler of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen dynasty, which ruled the country until the proclamation of a republic in 1947.

Carol I al României, Principe de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, pe numele său complet Karl Eitel Friedrich Zephyrinus Ludwig von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, (n. 20 aprilie 1839, Sigmaringen - d. 10 octombrie 1914, Sinaia) a fost domnitorul, apoi regele României, care a condus Principatele Române și apoi România după abdicarea forțată de o lovitură de sta a lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Din 1867 a devenit membru de onoare al Academiei Române, iar între 1879 și 1914 a fost protector și președinte de onoare al aceleiași instituții.

În toamna anului 1914, CAROL I a fost înmormântat la Curtea de Argeș, în Biserica episcopală, unde, doi ani mai târziu, avea să-şi găsească odihna și soția sa, ELISABETA.
Despre CAROL I, Constantin C. Giurescu scria: 
"A avut simţul datoriei şi al onoarei în gradul cel mai înalt, fiind o pildă vie pentru toţi supuşii săi. A pus întotdeauna mai presus de sine statul, la a cărui ridicare s-a gândit necontenit".
CAROL I, primul rege al României, scria în testamentul său: "Având aproape 60 de ani, privesc ca o datorie ca să mă hotărăsc a lua cele din urmă dispoziţii. Alcătuind acest testament, mă gândesc, înainte de toate, la iubitul meu popor, pentru care inima mea a bătut neîncetat şi care a avut deplină încredere în mine. Viaţa mea era aşa strâns legată de această de Dumnezeu binecuvântată Ţară, că doresc să i las, şi după moartea mea, dovezi vădite de adâncă simpatie şi de viul interes pe care le am avut pentru dânsa. Zi şi noapte m-am gândit la fericirea României, care a ajuns să ocupe acum o poziţie vrednică între statele europene.
M-am silit ca simţământul religios să fie ridicat şi dezvoltat în toate straturile societăţii şi ca fiecare să împlinească datoria sa, având ca ţintă numai interesele statului (...) Succesorul meu la tron primeşte o moştenire de care va fi mândru şi pe care el o va cârmui, am toată speranţa, în spiritul meu, călăuzit fiind de deviza: «Totul pentru Ţară, nimic pentru mine!»".
Tot la Curtea de Argeş îşi dorm somnul de veci: Regele FERDINAND şi Regina MARIA.
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