Thursday, August 15, 2019

ArtHalle One Summer Show

'Bucharest weather may be unpredictable, 
but you can always rely on ArtHalle to bring the heat with our One Summer Show. 
From 08th August at our 10 Budisteanu Gallery 
we will be exhibiting artworks by a range of ArtHalle artists,
 all of which were previously displayed at exhibitions during the year.
Throughout the duration of the show, 
as we sell the artworks we will replenish the show with yet more wonderful artworks, 
so be sure to keep visiting the gallery
 to get some ArtHalle beauties on your wall this summer!'
Dan St. Andrei
photo : Daliana Pacuraru

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Amused To Death - Roger Waters

Doctor, Doctor, what is wrong with me
This supermarket life is getting long
what is the heart life of a color tv
what is the shelf life of a teenage queen

Ooooh western woman, Ooooh western girl

News hound sniffs the air, when Jessica Hahn goes down
He latches on to that symbol of detatchment
Attracted by the peeling away of feeling
The celebrity of the abused shell, the belle

Ooooh western woman, Oooooh western girl

And the children of Melrose strut their stuff
is absolute zero cold enough
and out in the valley, warm and clean
the little ones sit by their tv screen
no thoughts to think, no tears to cry
all sucked dry, down to the very last breathe
bartender what is wrong with me,
why am i so out of breathe
the captain said excuse me ma'am
the species has amused itself to death

amused itself to death
it has amused itself to death
amused itself to death

we watched a tragedy unfold
we did as we were told
we bought and sold
it was the greatest show on earth
but then it was over
we ohhed and awed
we drove our racing cars
we ate our last few jars of caviar
and somewhere out there in the stars
a keen eyed look out
spied a flickering light
our last hurrah
our last hurrah
and when they found our shadows
grouped round the tv sets
they ran down every lead
they repeated every test
they checked out all the data on their list
and then the alien anthropologist
admitted they were still perplexed
but on eliminating every other reason
for our sad demise
they logged the only explanation left
this species has amused itself to death

no tears to cry, no feelings left
the species has amused itself to death
amused itself to death

[Alf Razzell:] "Years later, I saw Bill Hubbard's name on the memorial to the missing at Aras. 
And I... 
when I saw his name 
I was absolutely transfixed; 
it was as though he... he was now a human being instead of some sort of nightmarish memory of how I had to leave him, all those years ago. 
And I felt relieved, and ever since then I've felt happier about it,
 because always before, whenever I thought of him, I said to myself,
 'Was there something else that I could have done?'
 [ "I'd rather die, I'd rather die..."] 
And that always sort of worried me. 
And having seen him, and his name in the register - as you know in the memorials there's a little safe, there's a register in there with every name - and seeing his name and his name on the memorial; it sort of lightened my... heart, if you like." 
[donna:] "When was it that you saw his name on the memorial?" 
[Alf:] "Ah, when I was eighty-seven, that would be the year, ninete... eighty-four, nineteen eighty-four."
Songwriters: Roger Waters
Amused to Death lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Coldplay - Gravity

It's been a long time coming
Such a long, long time
And I can't stop running
Such a long, long time
Can you hear my heart beaten?
Can you hear that sound?
'Cause I can't help thinking
And I won't stop now
And then I looked up at the sun, and I could see
Oh, the way that gravity pulls on you and me
And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun
And the way that gravity pushes on everyone
On everyone
When your wheels stop turning
And you feel let down
And it seems like troubles
Have come all around
I can hear your heart beating
I can hear that sound
But I can't help thinking
And I won't look now
And then I looked up at the sun, and I could see
Oh, the way that gravity pulls on you and me
And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun
And the way that gravity pushes on everyone
On everyone
Coldplay Gravity 
Songwriters: Christopher Anthony John Martin / Guy Rupert Berryman / William Champion / Jonathan Mark Buckland
Gravity lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd., UNIVERSAL MUSIC MGB SONGS OBO UNIVERSAL MGB PUB LTD

Saturday, May 25, 2019

De ce să votăm?

Ce rost are? De ce să ne deranjăm să votăm?
Cu siguranță există motive aparent raționale pentru care o mare parte din populație alege să nu își exprime opțiunea la alegerile parlamentare sau prezidențiale. În același timp rezultatele pozitive al unei astfel de atitudini se lasă așteptate. Ceea ce nu se poate spune despre cele negative: nivelul de trai, infrastructura, problemele din educație sau cele din sistemul de sănătate.
Eric Liu · fondator Citizen University, director executiv Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program.
„…nu există opțiunea de a nu vota. A nu vota înseamnă tot a vota, dar pentru ce disprețuiți și respingeți. A nu vota poate fi camuflat într-un act de rezistență pasivă și principială, dar de fapt a nu vota înseamnă predarea puterii în mod conștient către cei care au interese opuse ție, și către cei care se vor bucura să profite de absența ta. Absența de la vot e pentru fraieri.”

În urma votului care va avea loc în 26 mai 2019 vor fi aleși cei 705 eurodeputați care ne vor reprezenta la nivelul Uniunii Europene până în 2024. În urma votului care va avea loc în 26 mai 2019 vor fi aleși cei 705 eurodeputați care ne vor reprezenta la nivelul Uniunii Europene până în 2024.
articol preluat gokid

Friday, May 24, 2019

Power of Silence

What distinguishes normal people is that we share a metaphorical dagger; 
the concerns of our self - reflection. 
With this dagger, we cut ourselves and bleed; 
and the job of our chains of self - reflection is to give us the feeling that we are bleeding together, 
that we are sharing something wonderful; our humanity. 
But if we were to examine it, 
 we would discover 
that we are bleeding alone; 
that we are not sharing anything; 
that all we are doing is toying with our manageable, 
unreal, man-made reflection. 
 Sorcerers are no longer in the world of daily affairs, 
because they are no longer prey to their self - reflection.

 ― Carlos Castaneda, Power of Silence

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sleep Stages - BOJIN / ArtHalle

A unique space dedicated to contemporary art in Romania  . 

Arthalle Gallery 

Sleep Stages exhibition with works by Dragos Bojin 

 Budisteanu 10, 010774 Bucharest.
We all will become Sleep, says Dragos Bojin.

An entire new world, marked with freedom and imagination, is becoming available through sleeping. In a psychedelic expressionistic formal stage, the contemporary aesthetics of ambiguity unfolds in Bojin’s works in open compositions, named Episodes, as in a TV drama sleep series.

Bojin exposes his Sleep Series on large canvasses, with countless quasi-identical monstrous characters, with an obsessive frentic dynamics of shadowy emotions that chaotically flood a space of social bitterness and stifled collective fear. His artistic approach catalyzes in the mind of the viewer the anxieties from the Munchian perspective, the collective cry. Bojin deliberately distorts the amplitude of emotions to fully evoke a philosophy of sociality in its miserable, fetid, deformed and odious side where the individual breaks down his contour up to uniformity/ leveling in a huge, amorphous mass.
The Sleep’s chromatics is strong, the thick layers, rich in saturated colors, often strident, in the foreground and often grays in the background.

Intimate and delicate as it is, the dream becomes in Bojin's „Sleep Stages” a mature artistic gesture of reception of a critical state about our lives on both personal and social level. Paradoxically, some of the characters look pretty joking and some are very good-hearted, as the painter says. Some of them keep their smile, no matter how tortured and frighten they are. There’s a glimpse of light in their eyes, as they found a solution to their fears and pains, some seem to try to climb a stair, others try to swim and save themselves, some seem to fall into the abyss.

There’s no beginning or end in Bojin’s paintings.
Sleep is God, he says.

Diana Andrei

Arthalle Gallery are plăcerea de a vă invita la vernisajul expoziţiei "Etapele somnului" cu lucrări semnate Dragos Bojin în Budişteanu 10, 010774 Bucureşti.
Vernisajul expoziţiei va avea loc pe 17 mai 2019, între 19.00 şi 21.00.
Artistul va fi prezent. 
 Etapele somnului

Toți vom deveni somn, spune Dragos Bojin.

O întreagă lume nouă, marcată de libertate și imaginație, devine posibilă prin somn. Într-o scenă formal expresionist psihedelică, estetica contemporană a ambiguității se desfășoară în lucrările lui Bojin în compoziții deschise, numite Episoade, ca într-un serial de televiziune.

Bojin îşi expune “Etapele somnului” in general pe pânze mari, cu nenumărate personaje monstruoase cvasiidentice, cu o frenetică dinamică obsesivă a emoţiilor tenebroase ce inundă haotic un spaţiu al încrâncenării sociale şi al fricii colective inăbuşite. Demersul său artistic catalizează în mintea privitorului anxietăţile din perspectiva munchiană, a strigătului devenit colectiv. Bojin distorsionează in mod voit amplitudinea emoţiilor pentru a evoca plenar o filosofie a socialului în latura sa mizerabilă, fetidă, diformă si odioasă, în care individul își frânge conturul până la uniformizare într-o masă amorfă imensă.
Cromatica lucrărilor e puternică, straturile groase, bogate in culori saturate, deseori stridente, in prim-plan şi griuri colorate pe fundal.
Lucrările lui Bojin nu sunt ”frumoase” la prima vedere, dar devin pe masură ce exorcizează demonii și fricile fiecărui privitor.

Intim și delicat, visul devine în "Etape somnului" un gest artistic matur de expresie a unei stări critice despre viețile noastre atât la nivel personal, cât și social. Paradoxal, unele dintre personaje arată "destul de glumeţe, iar unele sunt foarte bune la suflet”, aşa cum zice pictorul. Unele își păstrează zâmbetul, indiferent cât de torturate și înspăimântate sunt. Lumina rămâne vie în ochii lor, unii par să încerce să urce o scară, alții să înoate și să se salveze, unii par să cadă în abis.
Nu există început sau sfârșit în picturile lui Bojin.
Somnul este Dumnezeu, spune el.

Diana Andrei
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