La 35 de kilometri de Bucuresti, in judetul Giugiu, se afla singurul
monument de arhitectura civila romaneasca de la inceputul secolului al
XVII-lea construit in intregime din piatra de talie slefuita. Este vorba
de Casa de piatra Udriste Nasturel, cladire de patrimoniu de gradul
unu, construita intre anii 1640-1642 ca resedinta de vara de logofatul
Udriste Nasturel si de fratele sau Cazan, dupa ce au revenit dintr-o
calatorie in Italia.
Citam de pe site-ul Muzeului Taranului Roman cateva informatii despre importanta acestui monument: pe
un platou din apropierea raului Arges, Casa de Piatra de la Herasti,
ctitorie a boierului Udriste Nasturel, carturar vestit in epoca si
cumnat al domnitorului Matei Basarab, ofera vizitatorilor sai bucuria
cunoasterii singurului monument de arhitectura civila romaneasca de la
inceputul secolului al XVII-lea construit in intregime, pe dinafara si
pe dinauntru, din piatra de talie slefuita. Folosirea spatiului si
formelor arhitecturale pe cele trei nivele (pivnita, parter, etaj),
oranduirea si distribuirea saloanelor, holurilor si scarilor interioare,
frumusetea pivnitelor si incaperilor mici boltite cilindric, impreuna
cu tehnicile de lucru folosite si calitatea materialului dau o nota
distincta de originalitate si farmec intregului ansamblu monumental pe
care, Paul de Alep, secretarul patriarhului Macarie al Antohiei, ajuns
la Heresti in septembrie 1657, il va asemui cu \"un palat fara egal in
lume afara numai de Tara francilor atat de frumos ca imprastie toata
grija sufletului intristat.
At Herasti is a beautiful palace known as Casa stone
which was built Udriste Nasturel in the XVIIIth century.
Medieval ensemble composed of Druganescu Mansion, built in 1715,
restored and arranged as a museum of ethnography and folk art is in the
village Floresti Stoenesti. Appearance is among the monuments of
architecture Brancoveanu.
Udriste - Nasturel architectural ensemble is composed
of the church with the two patrons, "Holy Trinity" and "St. Archangels
Michael and Gabriel", Stone House and Stolojan House. Both Stone House
and the church were founded by Nasturel family during the epoch of
Matei Basarab, forming one of the most outstanding ensembles emerging
from this period.
The church is a historical monument, built on the place of a small wooden church, by the princess Elina, the wife of Prince Matei Basarab, and with the contribution of his brothers, Cazan and Udriste Nasturel, on the land of their family, in 1644.
Built by brothers Nasturel and Cazan Udriste in 1642, the house is considered by Paul of Aleppo, in his travels, "a palace without equal in the world", having the appearance of Viennese palaces with Baroque elements .
Over time, the architectural ensemble had several owners: Constantin Nasturel Herescu, Prince Milos Obrenovici, family Atanasie Stolojan.
The church is a historical monument, built on the place of a small wooden church, by the princess Elina, the wife of Prince Matei Basarab, and with the contribution of his brothers, Cazan and Udriste Nasturel, on the land of their family, in 1644.
Built by brothers Nasturel and Cazan Udriste in 1642, the house is considered by Paul of Aleppo, in his travels, "a palace without equal in the world", having the appearance of Viennese palaces with Baroque elements .
Over time, the architectural ensemble had several owners: Constantin Nasturel Herescu, Prince Milos Obrenovici, family Atanasie Stolojan.