Showing posts with label Conacul Marghiloman - Hagiesti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conacul Marghiloman - Hagiesti. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The architectonic ensemble Udriste - Nasturel

La 35 de kilometri de Bucuresti, in judetul Giugiu, se afla singurul monument de arhitectura civila romaneasca de la inceputul secolului al XVII-lea construit in intregime din piatra de talie slefuita. Este vorba de Casa de piatra Udriste Nasturel, cladire de patrimoniu de gradul unu, construita intre anii 1640-1642 ca resedinta de vara de logofatul Udriste Nasturel si de fratele sau Cazan, dupa ce au revenit dintr-o calatorie in Italia.
Citam de pe site-ul Muzeului Taranului Roman cateva informatii despre importanta acestui monument: pe un platou din apropierea raului Arges, Casa de Piatra de la Herasti, ctitorie a boierului Udriste Nasturel, carturar vestit in epoca si cumnat al domnitorului Matei Basarab, ofera vizitatorilor sai bucuria cunoasterii singurului monument de arhitectura civila romaneasca de la inceputul secolului al XVII-lea construit in intregime, pe dinafara si pe dinauntru, din piatra de talie slefuita. Folosirea spatiului si formelor arhitecturale pe cele trei nivele (pivnita, parter, etaj), oranduirea si distribuirea saloanelor, holurilor si scarilor interioare, frumusetea pivnitelor si incaperilor mici boltite cilindric, impreuna cu tehnicile de lucru folosite si calitatea materialului dau o nota distincta de originalitate si farmec intregului ansamblu monumental pe care, Paul de Alep, secretarul patriarhului Macarie al Antohiei, ajuns la Heresti in septembrie 1657, il va asemui cu \"un palat fara egal in lume afara numai de Tara francilor atat de frumos ca imprastie toata grija sufletului intristat.

At Herasti is a beautiful palace known as Casa stone which was built Udriste Nasturel in the XVIIIth century. Medieval ensemble composed of Druganescu Mansion, built in 1715, restored and arranged as a museum of ethnography and folk art is in the village Floresti Stoenesti. Appearance is among the monuments of architecture Brancoveanu. 
Udriste - Nasturel architectural ensemble is composed of the church with the two patrons, "Holy Trinity" and "St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel", Stone House and Stolojan House. Both Stone House and the church were founded by  Nasturel family during the epoch of Matei Basarab, forming one of the most outstanding ensembles emerging from this period.

The church is a historical monument, built on the place of a small wooden church, by the princess Elina, the wife of Prince Matei Basarab, and with the contribution of his brothers, Cazan and Udriste Nasturel, on the land of their family, in 1644.

Built by brothers Nasturel and Cazan Udriste in 1642, the house is considered by Paul of Aleppo, in his travels, "a palace without equal in the world", having the appearance of Viennese palaces with Baroque elements .
Over time, the architectural ensemble had several owners: Constantin Nasturel Herescu, Prince Milos Obrenovici, family Atanasie Stolojan.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hagiesti - Marghiloman Mansion - Seasons

There's house on my block that's abandoned and cold

Folks moved out of it a long time ago 

Looks like it's haunted with the windows all cracked 

And everyone call it  'the house where nobody lives' 

Once it held laughter once it held dreams 

Did they throw it away did they know what it means 

Did someone's heart break or did someone do somebody wrong? 

Well the paint was all cracked it was peeled off of the wood 

Papers were stacked on the porch where I stood 

And the weeds had grown up just as high as the door 

There were birds in the chimney and an old chest of drawers 

Looks like no one will ever come back to the house were nobody lives 

Once it held laughter, once it held dreams 

Did they throw it away did they know what it means 

Did someone's heart break,  or did someone do someone wrong? 

So if you find someone someone to have, someone to hold 

Don't trade it for silver don't trade it for gold

I have all of life's treasures and they are fine and they are good
They remind me that houses are just made of wood
What makes a house grand ain't the roof or the doors
If there's love in a house it's a palace for sure
Without ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives ,without love it ain't nothin
But a house, a house where nobody lives. 
(House Where Nobody Lives Lyrics)

O restaurare care nu se mai termina
Conacul de la Hagiesti a fost construit de familia Marghiloman intre 1869-1874. Cele trei niveluri plus pivnita prezinta 7 camere la parter,  10 incaperi la etaj, un hol central si 2 terase laterale. Constructia inglobeaza portiuni din zidaria unui ansamblu boieresc de la sfarsitul secolului al XVII-lea. Cladirea este tipica pentru arhitectura resedintelor boieresti din secolul XIX. A fost proprietatea lui Alexandru Marghiloman (1854-1925), om politic roman, deputat, senator in Parlamentul Romaniei, ministru in mai multe departamente. Din functia de Prim Ministru, in perioada martie-octombrie 1918, a semnat pacea separata cu Germania din 5 martie 1918.(about ro)

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