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Showing posts with label photo. Show all posts
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Monday, April 29, 2013
Vernisaj - 'PARIS, mon amour' - OPENING EXHIBITION - APRIL 30th
Nu stiu daca Parisul este Marele Bucuresti dar de Paris te indragostesti la prima vedere, oamenii, arhitectura, stradutele din Montmartre,
cafenelele desprinse din picturile lui Lautrec, cosurile de fum dupa
care te astepti sa fie o pisica, toate au un farmec greu de egalat.
roman, ca bucurestean, in Paris te simti ca acasa, dar mult mai bine ….
Ba chiar esti mandru ca esti roman, dupa ce vizitezi muzeul dedicat lui
Constantin Brancusi.
unde ar putea mai bine sa expunem Parisul decat la Cafe Verona de la
Carturesti, atmosfera intima ne readuce aminte de Paris.
Juriul Concursului
Anca Cernoschi -
Stefan Tuchila -
Andrei Bîrsan –
Despre expozitie:
Denumire: “Paris mon amour”
Organizator Bucurestiul meu drag
Curatorul expozitiei: Mirela Momanu, Coordonatorul de expozitii al Asociatiei
Loc de desfasurare: Café Verona, Carturesti, Bucuresti
Vernisajul marti 30 aprilie ora 18.30
Expunere 30 aprilie – 14 mai 2013
Fotografiile sunt tiparite cu tehnologie Canon.
Invitat la vernisaj Matei Nicolescu, solist al Teatrului de Opereta si profesor de canto
Felea • Adrian Pava • Alexandru Buduru • Alexandru Dinu-Serban •
Alexandru Grigore • Anastasia Dumitrescu • Andreea-Livia-Ivanovici •
Andrei Georgescu • Andrei Morosan • Andreia Birsan • Calin Andrei Stan•
Camelia Stan • Crisanta Maciuceanu • Cristian Martis • Cristian Simic •
Cristian Stefanescu • Cristina Bobe • Cristina Demian • Daliana Pacuraru
• Dan Glavan • Dan Mirica • Dan Moruzan • Daniel
Alexandrescu • Daniel Balteanu • Danut Chiriac • Dragos Bardac • Elena
Constantin • Elisei Noata • Eugen Calota • Florin Muraru • Ionut
Hrenciuc • Julia Kretsch • Lucian Falnita • Marana Pascovici •
Maria-Livia-Chiorean • Marius Godoi • Mihai Radulescu • Mirela Dinu •
Natalia Iarmenco • Oana Unciuleanu • Ovidiu Ungureanu • Petru Schiopu •
Rafael Ianos • Razvan Dragomirescu • Robert Reghina • Roberto Iosupescu •
Ruxandra Nastase • Simona Manolache • Sorin Stoicescu • Victor Ciurea •
Vlad Patru • Vlad Vaivoda
Asociatia Bucurestiul meu drag– memoria vizuala a orasului
sa descoperim pentru noi toti si pentru copiii nostri farmecul locului,
oamenii si traditiile care l-au construit, care i-au definit spiritul
si care într-un fel sau altul interfereaza zilnic cu prezentul nostru.
Prin excursii, expozitii si revista Bucurestiul meu drag promovam
cunoasterea orasului, asa cum este el, cu bune si cu rele.
Carturesti - Café Verona -
este un concept store care funcționează ca o librarie și ca agent
cultural, implicându-se activ în revitalizarea vieții artistice din
România și în campanii de responsabilizare socială.
Canon este liderul mondial in produse de imagistica si solutii digitale pentru acasa si pentru birou.
Bucurati-va de Parisul vazut de romani!
Andrei Bîrsan
Presedinte Asociatia Bucurestiul meu drag
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Wild Boar and his Friends
"Pigs on the Wing" is a two-part song by the progressive rock band Pink Floyd from their 1977 concept album, Animals, starting and wrapping up the album.
- Roger Waters — music, lyrics, acoustic guitar, vocals
- Snowy White — guitar solo (8-track version only)[3]
- Richard Wright — Hammond organ (8-track version only)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Trash the Dress
Trash the dress, also known as fearless bridal or rock the frock, is a style of wedding photography that contrasts elegant clothing with an environment in which it is out of place. It is generally shot in the style of fashion and glamour photography.
"Trash the dress" is the art of destruction or deconstruction of a
bride's wedding dress to create a new "artwork" . This new "masterpiece" is formed in the
creative destruction of the dress. This will normally be portrayed in a
sequence of images or simply a single image.
Pictures are taken on a beach, but other locations include city streets, rooftops, garbage dumps, fields, and abandoned buildings. ( Trash_the_dress)
Trash the Dress este o tehnica interesanta in fotografia de nunta. Este arta, rafinament,
libertate de expresie, poezie...
Pentru fotografi sau cameramani, TTD este un test de originalitate.
Locatiile trebuie alese cu atentie , fie ca sunt locuri pustii pe malul marii, paduri,
peisaje salbatice de munte, strazi vechi, case parasite, santiere , in locuri romantice,
periculoase, rustice, unele triste - altele pline de poezie.
Limita depinde doar de imaginatia fotografului .
cu exceptionala contributie a : Dungha , Marius Grozea
Monday, July 23, 2012
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - by Richard Bach
'To the real
Jonathan Livingston Seagull,
who lives within us all.'

about Richard Bach
Richard David Bach
was born June 23, 1936, Oak Park, Illinois. He is an American writer. He is widely known as the author of the hugely popular 1970s best-sellers Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions, The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah and others
His books espouse his philosophy that our apparent physical limits and mortality are merely appearance. He claims to be a direct descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach. He is noted for his love of flying and for his books related to air flight and flying in a metaphorical context. He has pursued flying as a hobby since the age of 17.
The story is about Jonathan Livingston Seagull , an ordinary seagull who is more interested to know about flying then just eating fish.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a 1973 American film directed by Hall Bartlett, adapted from the novella by Richard Bach. The film, which has no human actors on screen, tells the story of a young seabird who, after being outcast by his stern flock, goes on an odyssey to discover how to break the limits of his own flying speed.
Once you start reading you understand that the story can be , or is, related to human beings. We mostly live for the sake of living and do not seek the purpose of life and do not travels beyond ordinary and remains ordinary.
I am sure many of you have read this but please read if you haven’t, and re-read if you have already.
the movie Jonathan Livingston Seagull / 1973 /full:
To Dean
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Fly with Me - Learning to Fly
"Learning To Fly"
(Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne)
Well I started out down a dirty road
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
And the town lit up, the world got still
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
I guess I'll know when I get there
I'm learning to fly, around the clouds
But what goes up must come down
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