Showing posts with label photo. Romania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo. Romania. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Winter slowly sets in: Romanian capital Bucharest sees first snow of the season

It started to snow in Romania’s capital Bucharest on Saturday afternoon, October 25, with big flakes, after two days of cold, windy weather: the first snow of the season.
Meteorologists had warned that the unusual warm weather for this time of the year – think 20 degrees Celsius – will come to an end, and make room for what’s more likely for end-October: temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, and 1-2 degrees Celsius up in the mountains.
The previously sunny Bucharest is now under a wave of snow and blizzards, and temperature is around 2 degrees Celsius. On Saturday afternoon, Bucharest was the only place in the country where it snowed, but it was windy and cold in many other areas of Romania as well.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Geamăna , Alba, Roşia Montana, România

'Cândva, la Geamăna, în munţii Apuseni era un sat. Acum e acoperit aproape în totalitate de deşeuri provenite de la cariera de cupru de la Roşia Poieni. Localnicii au fost obligaţi să se mute de la un an la altul tot mai sus de vatra satului, pentru a scăpa de invazia sterilului, care în timp le-a acoperit biserica, le-a înghiţit cimitirul.

Schimbarea la faţă a zonei a început în anul 1977, când Nicolae Ceauşescu a decis să dea drumul exploatării de cupru de la Roşia Poieni. La acea vreme era cea mai mare din Europa. La început, locuitorii celor aproape 400 de case şi-au imaginat, probabil, că se vor îmbogăţi, însă n-a fost chiar aşa. La începutul anilor 1980, au fost expropriate de statul român peste 300 de familii din Geamăna. Sumele primite au fost în funcţie de proprietăţi.

În 1986, când a început deversarea sterilului, trăiau aici peste 1.000 de persoane. Acum, în căsuţele moţeşti, răsfirate de-a lungul a câţiva kilometri, în jurul lacului în care ajunge tulbureala de steril de la cariera de cupru, mai trăiec 20 de suflete. Casele rămase au fost aşezate de destin mai deasupra, pe culme, cum spun localnicii. Tot pe deal a fost ridicată şi biserica satului, cam la 100 de metri de vatra satului. Este unul din puţinii martori care ne arată că aici a fost odată o aşezare omenească. Nămolul a ajuns,însă, la nivelul acoperişului. Sub biserică, în valea Şeşii, se află lacul cu tulbureala de steril, înroşit de deşeurile de la cariera de cupru de la Roşia Poieni. Aici a fost până în urmă cu aproape trei decenii vatra satului Geamana.'

Once, Geamăna was a village in the Apuseni Mountains . Now is covered almost entirely by waste from copper career at Rosia Poieni . Residents were forced to move  above the village to escape the poison invasion that covered the church and cemetery.

The Changing Face of the area began in 1977 , when Nicolae Ceausescu decided to release copper exploitation at Rosia Poieni . At that time it was the largest in Europe. At first , residents of about 400 homes have imagined perhaps that will enrich , but it was not so . In the early 1980s , was expropriated by the Romanian over 300 families from the village. The amounts received were based on the properties .

In 1986, when began the tailing discharge , 1,000 people lived here . Almost 20 souls are living now in the little wooden houses , scattered along the several kilometers around the lake .The remaining houses were placed by Destiny on the hill, as the locals say . Also on the hill was built the village church , about 100 meters from the center of the village . It is one of the few witnesses who shows us that there was once a human settlement . The slurry reached , however, on the roof . Under the church, in Sesia Valley lies tailings lake , crimson career copper waste from Rosia Poieni . This was until about three decades ago, the hearth of the Geamăna Village .
Images taken from another world, which can be compared with the moon made ​​public by the U.S. space agency . Trees dry out of the swamp filled with lime surrounded by a yellowish- white , sometimes gray water . Homes were in the middle of the valley . Here the hills was filled with apple, plum . Were gone.
A church buried in the gray shore , of which only remaining tower and roof , surrounded by wreaths of dry trees , which were swallowed along with the local cemetery . In the distance the lake is blood red .

Romania is a beautiful country located at the intersection between central and southeastern Europe, and it is actually the eighth largest country of the European Union by area, measuring a total of 92,043 square miles. As far as tourism is concerned, Romania boasts a wide array of attractions, including historical landmarks such as castles or very old forts, beautiful mountains, beaches and fantastic roads.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Romanian Flag Guinness Record

An aerial picture shows a huge Romanian flag on the Clinceni Airfield, south of Bucharest.
The biggest flag in the world was unfolded on the Clinceni Airfield (near Bucharest). The flag is 349 metre long, 226 metre wide and weighs a total of 5 tons. The flag was made in partnership by Antena 3 TV and and was homologated by the Guiness World Records. Guinness World Records official says the flag measures 79,290.39 square metres. The previous world record was held by Lebanon for a flag of 65,975 square metres. The making of the flag took hundreds of hours of day and night work as well as ingenious solutions for the manufacturing and transport to the place where it was displayed.
The first pieces of the flag started being stitched together two months ago. Among the participants in the event yesterday there were Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Defence Minister Mircea Dusa, and Interior Minister Radu Stroe. The pilots with the Airclub of Romania offered a spectacular 20-minute show above the biggest flag in the world. The Hawks of Romania flew their Extra 300 aircraft painted in the national
Romanian Flag Meaning:
The red, yellow and blue stripes represent Moldova and Walachia, the two principalities that united to form Romania in 1859. The colors are found in the coat of arms of these former states.
Romanian Flag History:
The current Romanian flag was adopted on December 27, 1989. A horizontal red, yellow, blue flag was introduced by nationalists in 1848. In 1861, Romania was established when Walachia and Moldavia united. The new Romanian country adopted a red (top), yellow (middle) and blue (bottom) horizontal striped flag. The Romanian flag was changed to its present vertical design in 1867 after being influenced by the French flag. Romania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire on May 9, 1877 and a year later this was used as the country's national flag. Between 1867 and 1989 the flag had the country's coat of arms in the center of it.
Interesting Romanian Flag Facts:
There are four countries that use a blue-yellow-red vertical striped flag. They are Moldova, Andorra, Chad and Romania. The Moldovan flag is distinguished by the addition of a coat of arms, but the colors are related to and similarly derived from those of the Romanian flag. The flag of Chad is almost identical to Romania's flag.

Stindardul țării noastre a câștigat un loc in lista recordurilor din Guinness World Records: a devenit un steag HD ( High Dimensions , mai precis cel mai mare drapel din lume.
Ziua de ieri( 27 mai 2013 ) nu a fost aleasa intamplator de catre initiatori, respectiv televiziunea Antena 3 si Fabrica de Steaguri.

În timpul domniei lui Mihai Viteazul la 27 mai 1600, s-a realizat pentru prima data unirea politica a celor trei tari romanesti cu un singur conducator. In punctul cel mai inalt al destinului sau Mihai Viteazul se intitula intr-un hristov emis la 27 mai "Domn al Tarii Romanesti, Ardealului si Moldovei" si isi confectiona bine cunoscuta pecete pe care figureaza cele 3 tari romane surori.

Revenind in zilele noastre , uriaşul drapel are o lungime de 330 de metri, o lăţime de 220 de metri și o suprafață de 7 hectare. Steagul cântăreşte 5 tone si a fost omologat de reprezentantii de la Cartea Recordurilor ca drapelul cel mai mare din lume, după ce a fost intins la aerodromul Clinceni.
Au fost parade militare, avioane mici au făcut demonstratii, au aterizat parașutisti direct pe steag si bineinteles, s-a intonat Imnul Româ 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Through my Eyes

Ticking away the moments
That make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours
In an off-hand way

Kicking around on a piece of ground
In your home town
Waiting for someone or something
To show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today

And then the one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

And you run and you run
To catch up with the sun
But it's sinking

Racing around
To come up behind you again

The sun is the same
In a relative way
But you're older

Shorter of breath
And one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time

Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines

Hanging on in quiet desperation
Is the English way

The time is gone
The song is over
Thought I'd something more to say

Home again
I like to be here
When I can

When I come home
Cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones
Beside the fire

Far away
Across the field
Tolling on the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell...
Time lyrics © T.R.O. INC., Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
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