Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Death of my Tarantula

When I came through yesterday morning she (The Brazilian Giant Whiteknee Tarantula (Acanthoscurria geniculata)  was sitting upright with the back two pairs of legs curled totally up under her and the rest of he body fitted to the ground she was lying on.

I tried to leave her as long as I could but I was finally forced to admit she was gone.
She was 3 years old.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8 - International Women's Day

Today, we stand together to celebrate women around the world. We take a justified pause to acknowledge and honor women who are making strides, breaking glass ceilings and achieving great things. But even as we acknowledge them, we cannot rest on our laurels. We must work together to inspire change, to take it a step further and provoke change, so that in the years to come, we will have many, many more women to celebrate. (Mo Abudu)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


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Florian Gindila si Viorel Plesca va propun o incursiune in elementele fundamentale ale fotografiei de portret: tehnica fotografiei, tehnica luminilor, notiuni de fotocompozitie.

Sesiunea practica de studio, expunerile teoretice, proiectiile de fotogr
afie, evaluarea, demonstratiile pe echipamente foto vor avea loc la sediul Graphis Advertising, Str. Inclinata, nr 1- 3, sector 5, Bucuresti

Sesiunea practica in aer liber va avea loc in parcul Carol.

SAMBATA 15 MARTIE: 11,00-14,00 sesiune foto studio
15,00-18,00 sesiune foto in aer liber
DUMINICA 16 MARTIE: 11,00 -14,00 seminar teoretic, discutii, evaluare fotografii si feed-back
Pentru detalii si rezervari:
Florian Gindila: 0723 165 568,
Viorel Plesca: 0743 081 925,


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Second Cold War ?

This is perhaps the most dangerous point in Europe's history since the end of the cold war. Direct confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces will draw in the United States, one way or another. While there is still time, it's extremely important to understand what each party involved is aiming for.
more here: The crisis in Crimea could lead the world into a second cold war


Russian troops have surrounded at least two military bases in Crimea and approached others seeking to gain access or get hold or their weapons. There were reported to be about 150 Russian troops and more than 20 military vehicles outside the Perevalnoe base, where there was a tense standoff. Ukrainian soldiers drove a tank up to the inside gates of the base in response and around 15 of them lined up against the gate.
Vladimir Putin has declared war on Ukraine, the acting prime minister in Kiev, Arseniy Yatseniuk, has said, as Ukraine called up its military reserves in readiness to fight. Ukraine also ordered its troops to resist responding to Russian “provocations” for fear of triggering a bloodbath.
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, warned that Russia could be expelled from the G8 and face economic sanctions, unless President Vladimir Putin halts his “incredible act of aggression”. He also mentioned visa bans, asset freezes and trade isolation as possible steps.
The rule of Ukraine’s new leaders will “end with a new revolution” amid more bloodshed, Russia’s Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev has predicted. In a Facebook post, he accused the new government in Kiev of “seizing power”, adding that while Viktor Yanukovich had practically no authority, he remained the legitimate head of state according the constitution.
Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused Russia of threatening peace and security in Europe by its actions and of violating the UN charter. He called on Russia to “de-escalate”.
A senior US official has said that Russian forces “now have complete operational control of the Crimean Peninsula.” The same official also estimated that 6,000 Russian forces “with considerable materiel” were in the region and were flying in reinforcements.
Britain and France joined the US in pulling out of preparatory meetings for the G8 economic summit, scheduled to be held in June at the Black Sea resort of Sochi, site of the just-concluded 2014 Winter Olympics.
Ukraine’s parliament has called for international monitors to help ensure the safety of its nuclear power plants.
There were demonstrations both for and against Russian intervention in Ukraine in Moscow. There were at least 10,000 people at the pro demonstration, according to AP, although reporters said some were ordered to be there. The anti demonstration was much smaller but saw at least 50 people detained by Russian police.
Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has accepted a proposal by the German chancellor, Angel Merkel, to set up a “fact-finding mission” that would pave the way for some form of political dialogue in the crisis, according to the German government. war live
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