Saturday, April 24, 2010

Life for sale- Memories series

my evening view
my music

my people
my freeway

my best friend

my profile
my spring
my thoughts
my path

Add Image my feelings

my blog

my ideology

my free time
my walls

my morning
my heart

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rosia Montana- Aries / Romanian Landscapes

Râul Arieş a fost poluat duminică cu o mare cantitate de ape acide rezultate din galeriile de mină părăsite ale fostei exploatări miniere din Roşia Montană, din zona comunei Bucium.Chiar dacă din probele de apă rezultă valori peste limitele normale, autorităţile nu au încadrat fenomenul ca fiind unul de poluare.

S-au constatat valori mari ale fierului şi a celorlalte metale, cupru şi zinc.

Fenomenul este prezent de mulţi ani însă acum s-a înregistrat o accentuare a acestuia datorită surpării unui perete de la o galerie de pe Valea Izbicioara. Exploatarea minieră din această zonă a fost închisă în anul 1968.

Valea Izbicioara colectează ape de mină de la galeriile părăsite ale fostei Exploatări Miniere Roşia Montana - Sector minier Bucium şi ale fostei Întreprinderi de Prospectare şi Exploatare Geologică. Din aceste galerii părăsite sunt evacuate zilnic ape de mină, ape acide, roşiatice şi cu conţinut ridicat de metale. (

Râul Abrudel este lipsit total de faună piscicolă

Pe râul Arieş, pe kilometri întregi, apa nu se mai vede din cauza deşeurilor.
Si inca ceva... Ora Pământului nu a influenţat în niciun fel consumul de energie electrică...
asa, ca idee....

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wild Horses of Fire - Horse Series- Drawing

Wood, oil colors, unfinished

thessaloniki sea clouds and horse
artwork wild-horses-of-fire-horse-series
Portrait horse
My horse
Horses, Kandia portrait,
Tabla Butii
Horse poster, horse portrait how to do

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Horse Racing - Hippodrome de Paris-Vincennes

Created in 1863 and intended for the obstacle races, the hippodrome of Vincennes is largely destroyed during the war of 1870.
Entirely rebuilt in 1879, it then accomodates its first trotting races, this second vocation will be the maid.
Undertaken in 1976, the complete restoration and the rehandling of the hippodrome do of it one of the most modern places and most functional for the professionals as for the public, impassioned by the races which proceed there: more than 750.000 entries to the hippodrome are entered each year!
In addition to the two tracks and external and interior platforms, a giant screen of 118 m2, single in Europe, and an interior video network were arranged.
The hippodrome of Vincennes is open all the year and 153 meetings of trot take place each year.
Trot is reserved for the horses which were born and were high in France (except for Great Price of America)
"The Sport of Kings"

thessaloniki sea clouds and horse
artwork wild-horses-of-fire-horse-series
Portrait horse
My horse
Horses, Kandia portrait,
Tabla Butii
Horse poster, horse portrait how to do

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rising of The Phoenix Bird

hand made

The Phoenix Bird reborn through fire: when it gets old it will make a nest (sometimes of myrrh) and set it on fire. The phoenix will be consumed in the flames, but will be reborn out of the ashes.
"A mythical bird that never dies, the phoenix flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory information about our life and the events unfolding with it. The Phoenix, with its great beauty, creates intense excitement and deathless inspiration."
The Feng Shui Handbook, feng shui Master Lam Kam Chuen.
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