Saturday, October 16, 2010

Whittard Shop and My Drawings

Whittard of Chelsea a deschis primul magazin din România
Whittard of Chelsea, renumitul brand premium de ceai şi cafea din Marea Britanie a deschis în Bucureşti, primul magazin din Romania, la parterul noului Cocor Department Store, din zona Unirii.
Intr-un spatiu generos, cu o ambianţa specific britanica veţi găsi peste 870 de produse diferite: ceai de negru si verde din diferite zone ale lume de la clasicul English Breakfast la ceaiul afumat Lapsang Souchon, ceaiuri cu ciocolata, scortisoara, bucati de mere, cardamom, cuisoare sau piper negru, ciocolată calda in diferite amestecuri cu menta, caramel, ardei iute, cocos sau miere si musetel, cafea, dar si accesorii multiple: râşniţe de cafea, espressoare electrice, filtre de cafea şi o gamă largă de porţelanuri fine, ceşti şi ceainice. Alaturi de acestea biscuiţii potriviţi, diverse sortimente de gemuri şi cel mai fin zahăr care completeaza aromele ceaiului şi cafelei Whittard of Chelsea.
Magazinul aflat la parterul Cocor a însemnat o investiţie de 80.000 de lire sterline şi este primul dintr-o serie de şapte care vor fi deschise în următorii ani în România, ca parte a strategiei globale de expansiune a Whittard of Chelsea. Alte două magazine Whittard of Chelsea vor fi deschise anul viitor în România.
Whittard of Chelsea Plc. este una dintre cele mai vechi companii britanice de ceai si cafea si a fost fondată în 1886 la Londra. Magazinele Whittard of Chelsea sunt prezente în cele mai cunoscute zonele comerciale al capitalei britanice si din Marea Britanie. Pe lângă cele 80 de magazine din Marea Britanie , compania Whittard of Chlelsea este prezenta în alte 25 de ţări.

In magazinul Whittard of Chlelsea veti gasi si tablourile mele.Multumesc Irina si Cristina!

Whittard of Chelsea has opened its first store in Romania
Whittard of Chelsea, the famous brand of premium coffee and tea in Britain opened the first store in  Bucharest -Romania, on the grand floor of the new mall Cocor - Union area.
In a large space with a specific ambiance UK you will find over 870 different products: black and green tea from different parts of the world of the classic English Breakfast in Smoked Lapsang Souchon tea, chocolate tea, cinnamon, apple pieces, cardamom, cloves and black pepper, hot chocolate in different mixtures with the mint, caramel, pepper, coconut and chamomile or honey, coffee, and multiple accessories: coffee grinders, electric espresso, coffee and a wide range of fine china , cups and teapots. Along with these cookies right, different kinds of jam and sugar to complement the finest tea and coffee flavors Whittard of Chelsea.
On the ground floor- The Shop Whittard  meant an investment of 80,000 pounds and is the first in a series of seven that will be opened next year in Romania as part of global expansion strategy Whittard of Chelsea. Other two stores will open next year in Romania.
Whittard of Chelsea Plc. is one of the oldest British tea and coffee companies and was founded in 1886 in London. Whittard of Chelsea stores are present in major commercial areas of the British capital and the UK. In addition to the 80 stores in Britain, Whittard of Chlelsea company is present in 25 other countries.

In Whittard store you will find my drawings also!
Thank you Irina &Cristina!


FreeSeoDesign said...

Stii ce lipseste la magazinul acela, ceva carti. Sa citesc in timp ce beau ceai ... sunt dependent de ceaiuri Sau imi doresc prea mult? :D

Se-cret said...

Arată foarte bine.Și mie îmi plac ceaiurile,dar le prefer iarna!În curând vine și vremea lor.

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Da, magazinul este unic in Romania!
Puteti vedea printre ceaiuri si cafele si desenele mele!

Whittard - Cocorul is the first shop in Romania!
It is decorated with my drawings!

J_on_tour said...

Nice choice of colours and composition. Looks like they have done good work with the shop design and decor. Great to hear that you have some of your drawings on display. Whittard only seem to have small shops near where I live in out of town shopping centres.

Aura said...

Felicitari! Desenele sunt superbe! Sunt convinsa ca nu vor trece neobservate.
Mult succes si o zi perfecta!

joo said...

Lucky you to have their shop opened - I have to bring tea,which I love, from England:(
The shops looks lovely and it's nice to see your drawings there!

Anonymous said...

ca de obicei ... lucrarile tale au facut magazinul superb.
cand o sa trec pe la buc neaparat voi merge sa iau niste ceaiuri

DuCo said...

Frumos magazinul.Cand voi ajunge in Romania , mai mult ca sigur o sa savurez o cafea acolo.Sper sa se mai deschida asemenea magazine si sa le decorezi la fel de frumos...
O seara aromata !

Clint said...

This should be a wonderful meeting place! I would enjoy going there for my morning coffee and visiting with new friends.

Your drawings will be a terrific addition to the ambience.

Short Poems said...

The shops looks really nice, really great to see your lovely drawings there :)

cartim said...

Foarte cu gust amenajat magazunul iar tablourile tale imi plac deosebit de mult , mai ales cu Big Ben-ul, umbrela si ceasca de ceai :P foarte originala combinatia :P

La mine pe blog ai o leapsa destul de originala, sper sa o preiei .

joanna said...

A bold marketing strategy in a tight market. Very beautiful architectural space and display of their products, your art compliments and adds valuable interest for an otherwise very astute surroundings. Your art is as beautiful as your photography and nicely framed I wish you much success in the sale of your art. Are they numbered pieces or one of a kind? Are you also making calendars and postcards of your art?


have a wonderful week end.

Unknown said...

LOVE this store!
Following you back!

Anonymous said...

Frumoasa ceainarie

Anonymous said...

muy bueno !

becky said...

Your drawings are superb! How wonderful that they will be displayed there. Looks like a wonderful shop... If I were there, it looks like a place where I would hang out. Congrats!

ADRIAN said...

Congratulations, beautiful drawings in a grand shop.


Funky and colorful mugs you got here. Your drawings are exquisite.

Tudor said...

Foarte frumos.Bafta in continuare.Cu siguranta cand voi trece prin Bucuresti voi vizita magazinul.

DaddyNoBucks said...

Looks like a great place to visit and shop, something for everyone. I like the design and the way you captured it.

robert said...

Sa zicem ca acum te-ai apucat sa studiezi fizica si maine trebuie sa te intalnesti cu Einstein sa vorbiti. Ce i-ai spune?
Cam asa ma simt eu cand vad ce faci tu pe aici....

PS: acum ti-am vazut si ZeList-u ;)

Unai, Eibar said...

I love your photographyes, nice shot!

Grettings from spain.

Anonymous said...

very pleasant these photos!
there are many people at your home!:))
my favorites are No. 3, 9 and 14 I find particularly beautiful!

T. Becque said...

Congratulations on having your drawings displayed here, how wonderful! And they are lovely! This shop looks like so much fun to go through.

FreeSeoDesign said...

@ Robert, ai vazut ce pozitie are Daliana in Zelist, nu avem nici o sansa s-o ajungem. Nu stiu cum tu, dar eu sunt lipsit de speranta ...

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Thank you all of you, my friends!
I wait for you here at The Tea Party!

Tommy Andre Nekkoy said...

nice pictures - well done

Unknown said...

Whau in sfarsit un magazin decorat ca in Anglia! Superbe desene :)

Abia astept urmatoarea postare...

Anonymous said...

Hello, my friend!
I don't think we have Whitthard Shop in Barcelona!
Can you check for me?
Can you place all the shop's adress?
All shops have your drawings like decoration?
I want some sorts of tea and one of your drawings!
Keep in touch!

Unknown said...

Incantatoare fotografiile... te duce cu gandul departe....

Se pot cumpara tablourile din magazin? Vin sarbatorile si ma gandeam ca ar fi un dar minunat...

Traveling Hawk said...

Frumos magazin, cu atmosfera data si de lucrarile tale! Felicitari! Se va deschide si in Timisoara un asemenea magazin?

Unknown said...

Great photography and your artwork will be a great addition to what looks a fab place. Kev

cartim said...

Mi-ar fi placut sa iti vizitez expozitia life, este foarte frumoos magazinul vazut din exterior ...cred ca si atmosfera e faina in magazin :P

VertAnge said...

Felicitari! Am sa intru sa arunc o privire cand ajung prin zona.

ANRAFERA said...

like very much your way of seeing the things, you are very a retailer and originally. Regards.

the elder said...

Proud of ya. :)

Anonymous said...

Singurul site unde poti gasi bijuterii Hello Kitty.

Katyna said...

Felicitari pentru articol, si mai ales pentru poze.
Am facut o mica trimitere catre postarea aceasta, chiar astazi pe blogul meu.
Sper sa ca e in regula.

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