Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Castle of Hunedoara - The Hunyadi/Corvins Castle

Hunedoara Castle's, also known as the Hunyadi Castle, is built on a strategic position, on a rocky cliff at the exit of Zlaşti river from a small defile from Poiana Rusca Mountains. It's construction began in the XIV century, over a royal castrum, also built over the remains of an old roman stockade. A 1399 document reminds of a royal castrum and a castellan of Hunedoara. The castrum has been given in 1409 by the king of Hungary, Sigismund, to the noble Voicu and his family.
The initial core was designed by Voicu's son, Iancu de Hunedoara and his wife, Elisabeta Szilaghi. Later, Matei Corvin, Iancu's son, transformed the castle into a luxurious nobiliar residence. He built the "Matei Wing", with a loggia that has renaissance elements. In 1618, Gabriel Bethlen, the prince of Transylvania, initiated a new work phase, building, among others, the "Bethlen Wing".


Richard Klekociuk said...

Great photography Daliana! I love the arches. Some great subjects for drawing!

robert said...

Ca sa ti-o spun pe sleau..! Citez: "Nu uita ca atunci cand faci o fotografie, ea include 2 persoane: fotograful si privitorul ....".

Ei, bine, privitorul este uimit si fascinat, pierdut in contemplatie si se intreaba daca mai este valabila si adevarata chestia cu 99% transpiratie si 1% inspiratie. Pentru ca la tine se pare ca procentul s-a inversat.

Felicitari, inca o data, maestre Daliana!

cartim said...

La Daliana procentul e 99% inspiratie , si privit prin ochii Dalianei orice lucru oricat de neinsemnat ar fi prinde viata si valoare.
Felicitari !

Test said...

Foarte frumoasa seria. Prelucrarea sepia foarte reusita!

Geografilia said...

Abia astept sa ajung in Hunedoara. Ardealul, starea mea de spirit...
(un plus pe cica, merita)

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