Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Full Moon June 22, 2013

Full moon falls on June 23, 2013 at 11:32 UTC (6:32 a.m. CDT in the U.S.). Thus, for many, the moon appears about as full in the June 22 evening sky as it does on the evening of June 23. This full moon is not only the closest and largest full moon of the year. It also presents the moon’s closest encounter with Earth for all of 2013. The moon will not be so close again until August, 2014. In other words, it’s not just a supermoon. It’s the closest supermoon of 2013.
The astronomers call this sort of close full moon a perigee full moon. The word perigee describes the moon’s closest point to Earth for a given month. Two years ago, when the closest and largest full moon fell on March 19, 2011, many used the term supermoon, which we’d never heard before. Last year, we heard this term again to describe the year’s closest full moon on May 6, 2012. Now the term supermoon is being used a lot. Last month’s full moon – May 24-25, 2013 – was also a supermoon. But the June full moon is even more super! In other words, the time of full moon falls even closer to the time of perigee, the moon’s closest point to Earth. The crest of the moon’s full phase in June 2013, and perigee, fall within an hour of each other.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Ciclop Parking and Graffiti (STREET DELIVERY FESTIVAL)

Opened in 1923, Ciclop is the first multi-storey parking space in Bucharest.
Although it is still functional today, the parking space suffers from an identity “crisis”, lacking a clear direction of development.
With its impressive architecture and historical meaning built over the last century (90 years since its opening), the Ciclop parking space, now “hidden” from public eye, can be rediscovered through artistic interventions and redirected towards a new moment in its “life”.
The invited artists will play with ideas and forms in their own personal and unique style, thus changing the course of the present time. 
ileana partenie 
Over 35 artists invited from different fields: street art, installation, painting, photography, performance.

Expoziţie de artă contemporană în Parcarea Ciclop din Bucureşti

Ciclop este prima parcare supraetajată din Bucureşti, construită în 1923 şi funcţională şi în prezent. Clădirea nu este foarte fotogenică, se încadrează mai degrabă în categoria blocurilor-mamut, cu un aer trist şi cenuşiu.
Mai mulţi artişti şi-au propus să dea viaţă spaţiului din interiorul parcării, cu pereţii cojiţi şi prăfuiţi, şi au adus un strop de culoare în Parcarea Ciclop printr-o expoziţie non-conformistă de street art, pictură, fotografie, instalaţie.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Street Delivery - BUCURESTI

Misiunea Street Delivery este aceea de a reinventa si de a intari rolul structural pe care spatiul public il joaca in viata locuitorilor cetatii, prin convertirea peisajului urban in spatiu viu.

Street Delivery a reprezentat, începând cu 2006, un cadru în care societatea civilă, artişti, arhitecţi, muzicieni, locatari pot oferi o alternativă la felul în care este percepută locuirea oraşului. De-a lungul a trei zile creăm o proiecţie pozitivă asupra potenţialului pe care îl au Bucureştiul, Timişoara sau Iaşiul, ca şi alte oraşe care se confruntă cu situaţii similare.

arhitectura/urbanism - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

arte vizuale - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

societate civila/ecologie - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

ateliere - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

teatru/dans - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

film - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

muzica - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

Young Music - Street Delivery 2013 - Bucuresti

Sunday, June 9, 2013

B-FIT in the Street

The "B-FIT in the Street" theater festival reuniting groups from France, Germany, Spain and Italy, was organized during May 29 – June 1 in Romania’s capital city of Bucharest.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Romanian Flag Guinness Record

An aerial picture shows a huge Romanian flag on the Clinceni Airfield, south of Bucharest.
The biggest flag in the world was unfolded on the Clinceni Airfield (near Bucharest). The flag is 349 metre long, 226 metre wide and weighs a total of 5 tons. The flag was made in partnership by Antena 3 TV and and was homologated by the Guiness World Records. Guinness World Records official says the flag measures 79,290.39 square metres. The previous world record was held by Lebanon for a flag of 65,975 square metres. The making of the flag took hundreds of hours of day and night work as well as ingenious solutions for the manufacturing and transport to the place where it was displayed.
The first pieces of the flag started being stitched together two months ago. Among the participants in the event yesterday there were Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Defence Minister Mircea Dusa, and Interior Minister Radu Stroe. The pilots with the Airclub of Romania offered a spectacular 20-minute show above the biggest flag in the world. The Hawks of Romania flew their Extra 300 aircraft painted in the national
Romanian Flag Meaning:
The red, yellow and blue stripes represent Moldova and Walachia, the two principalities that united to form Romania in 1859. The colors are found in the coat of arms of these former states.
Romanian Flag History:
The current Romanian flag was adopted on December 27, 1989. A horizontal red, yellow, blue flag was introduced by nationalists in 1848. In 1861, Romania was established when Walachia and Moldavia united. The new Romanian country adopted a red (top), yellow (middle) and blue (bottom) horizontal striped flag. The Romanian flag was changed to its present vertical design in 1867 after being influenced by the French flag. Romania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire on May 9, 1877 and a year later this was used as the country's national flag. Between 1867 and 1989 the flag had the country's coat of arms in the center of it.
Interesting Romanian Flag Facts:
There are four countries that use a blue-yellow-red vertical striped flag. They are Moldova, Andorra, Chad and Romania. The Moldovan flag is distinguished by the addition of a coat of arms, but the colors are related to and similarly derived from those of the Romanian flag. The flag of Chad is almost identical to Romania's flag.

Stindardul țării noastre a câștigat un loc in lista recordurilor din Guinness World Records: a devenit un steag HD ( High Dimensions , mai precis cel mai mare drapel din lume.
Ziua de ieri( 27 mai 2013 ) nu a fost aleasa intamplator de catre initiatori, respectiv televiziunea Antena 3 si Fabrica de Steaguri.

În timpul domniei lui Mihai Viteazul la 27 mai 1600, s-a realizat pentru prima data unirea politica a celor trei tari romanesti cu un singur conducator. In punctul cel mai inalt al destinului sau Mihai Viteazul se intitula intr-un hristov emis la 27 mai "Domn al Tarii Romanesti, Ardealului si Moldovei" si isi confectiona bine cunoscuta pecete pe care figureaza cele 3 tari romane surori.

Revenind in zilele noastre , uriaşul drapel are o lungime de 330 de metri, o lăţime de 220 de metri și o suprafață de 7 hectare. Steagul cântăreşte 5 tone si a fost omologat de reprezentantii de la Cartea Recordurilor ca drapelul cel mai mare din lume, după ce a fost intins la aerodromul Clinceni.
Au fost parade militare, avioane mici au făcut demonstratii, au aterizat parașutisti direct pe steag si bineinteles, s-a intonat Imnul Româ 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Send Me An Angel

The Ghighiu Monastery

The Ghighiu Monastery is located about 5 km away from the city of Ploiesti, in the Barcanesti village. The believers come in large numbers to the monastery, which was originally built in the middle of a forest, to pray to a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary brought from Syria and to take water from the healing spring in the courtyard of the monastery.
The first church of the monastery was built in 1817, by superior monk Arsenius of Cernica in the place of another wooden church of the sixteenth century, built by Coresi, a scribe, and his wife. The church that we see today was built between 1858 and 1866, as the abbots of that period desired, Eftimie and Antonie. The church received the “Healing Spring” patronage.
The Ghighiu Monastery often had to suffer due to certain historical and natural events. The church was badly damaged both after the 1940 earthquake and also after the bombardments launched on the oilfields in Prahova county. The 1977 earthquake had repercussions too – the damage was so great that the restoration and reinforcement work lasted until 1990.
In 1952, the monastery was transformed into one of nuns, as a decision of Patriarch Justinian. The present form is due to the renovations of 1954-1958, when the front part was closed, the mosaic was cast and the cells were built in the famous Brancovenesc architectural style. The church’s architectural style also reminds of Brancoveanu’s style because it has a clover shape and only one steeple on the nave.
The Ghighiu monastery was painted in oil, in 1865, by George Tattarescu whose signature stands on many Romanian monasteries. Except for the dome, the painting was made in the Italian school style. When entering the pre-nave, Saint Apostles Peter and Paul are depicted standing on one side and the other of the wooden door. The iconostasis is also made of wood, being carved by the famous masters of those times. The painting was restored in 1950 and 1980, when other consolidation works were performed.
The Ghighiu Monastery has a valuable collection of religious books and other religious artifacts. The most important is the icon of the Virgin and Child, dating from the sixteenth century, being brought from Syria in 1958. The icon was painted on sandalwood and appeared in one of Patriarch Teoctist Justinian’s dreams, demanding to be brought to the monastery. According to an Athonite tradition, the icon has many golden chains that are brought ​​as thanksgiving for the miracles it performed.
Pilgrims also come in large numbers at the Ghighiu Monastery for the holy water in the “Healing Spring”. The legend says that the healing spring water from behind the monastery, spilled after The Virgin Mary had stepped in that exact place when she commanded Coresi to build a holy place. When the patronage of the church is celebrated, the monastery’s courtyard becomes overcrowded and the people who want to take water from the spring move on their knees as a sign of gratitude.The Ghighiu Monastery

Izvorul tamaduitor de la Manastirea Ghighiu

Crucea apelor.

In curtea Manastirii Ghighiu nu ai loc nici sa arunci un ac. Cu sticle si bidonase in mana, mii de oameni veniti din toate colturile tarii asteapta a doua sfintire a apelor, nadajduind fiecare la ajutorul lui Dumnezeu. Exista o zi anume din an, cand se deschide crucea apelor si unele izvoare capata puteri miraculoase. E Vinerea Tamaduirii - prima vineri de dupa Pasti, cand credinciosii se aduna la sipot, asteptand precum ologul din Videzda Evangheliei sa-si gaseasca vindecarea. E ziua "tulburarii apelor", ziua in care legenda spune ca imparatul Leon cel Mare, plimbandu-se prin padurea din preajma cetatii Constantinopole, a dat peste un orb cazut la pamant. Mai mult mort decat viu, omul cerea cu glas abia soptit ca cineva sa-l ajute si sa-i racoreasca buzele cu putina apa. Milos din fire, Leon a inceput sa caute un izvor, dar nu l-a gasit. De trei ori a incercat si, cand deja isi pierduse orice nadejde, a auzit din cer glasul Maicii Domnului: "Nu mai osteni, Leoane, caci apa e langa tine. Potoleste buzele si ochii orbului si vei cunoaste cine sunt eu". Intr-adevar, nu departe, chiar la radacina unui stejar, clipocea un izvor rece si curat, din care imparatul a luat cum a putut cateva picaturi si, umezind ochii nevazatorului, acesta a inceput deindata sa vada si sa dea slava lui Dumnezeu. Asa a ridicat Leon cel Mare o falnica manastire ce dainuie pana in zilele noastre si, tot asa, bucuria lui s-a transformat intr-o mare sarbatoare crestina, pe care maicile de la Ghighiu o pastreaza cu sfintenie: "Izvorul Tamaduirii".
Apa e sfanta prin ea insasi, e toata un miracol si, nu intamplator, taranii o respecta ca pe o icoana aparte, fara chip. Hutulii din nordul Bucovinei o sarbatoresc intr-un fel anume, aruncand intr-o apa curgatoare cojile de oua inchistrite (incondeiate) de la Pasti, in timp ce batranul cel mai batran (patriarhul satului) se adreseaza ritualic celor morti, spunandu-le ca toate rubedeniile au mai trait o data bucuria Invierii, ca toti satenii sunt sanatosi si s-au veselit in noaptea pascala, dar nu i-au uitat nici o clipa pe cei ce au murit si acum se odihnesc intru Domnul. Unii considera ca apa desparte si uneste deopotriva doua lumi (cea vazuta si nevazuta), ridicand izvoare si fantani in amintirea parintilor, asa cum se intampla si astazi in Gorj. Altii arunca apa primei scaldari a pruncului la radacina unui par, pentru sporul intregii gospodarii, sau isi clatesc fata a doua zi de Pasti cu apa in care se afla asezate, in chip mistic si solemn, un ou rosu si un banut de argint. Prin apa, primim viata si curatirea de pacate, botezul si binecuvantarea (sfestania) casei. Apa este inceputul si sfarsitul a toate cate sunt; e chiar Cristos - izvorul nesecat din care cine bea nu mai inseteaza niciodata. Izvorul tamaduitor de la Manastirea Ghighiu

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