Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Sea , Rain and Uriah Heep

It's raining outside but that's not unusual
But the way that I'm feeling is becoming usual
I guess you could say
The clouds are moving away
Away from your days
And into mine

Now it's raining inside and that's kind of a shame
And it's getting to me, a happy man
And why should you want to
Waste all my time
The world is yours
But I am mine

Rain, rain, rain, in my tears
Measuring carefully my years
Shame, shame, shame, in my mind
See what you've done to my life

Rain, rain, rain, in my tears
Measuring carefully my years
Shame, shame, shame, in my mind
See what you've done to my life

lyricsfreak / Uriah Heep Rain Lyrics 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Autumn Story

sheep in the shade
through the leaves
sun patterns her fur

watch the fruits
play a little blues
one more leaf falls

in my own thoughts
a sudden shower of leaves
realizing the season

autumn fire
overnight freeze
noon sunshine and perfect blue
autumn in the desert

blue-red silence
a tornado of thoughts:

autumn leaf
alone with my thoughts
this evening

no summer, no birds, 
only colors.
leaves whisper my story

weekend afternoon
red leaves skip down the hills
behind you

brown, gold, shades of rust
Falling nuts on my table
At night, barren land…

November wild colors
a flock of seagull
lands in left-over lake

trees color burst
yellow, orange, red and green.
still I miss summer

the door is open

trees whisper
and speak sign-language
to each other.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Concurs Foto : 'TOAMNA 2012'

Organizatorul Concursului 'TOAMNA 2012' este GRAPHIS ADVERTISING.

Concursul se desfasoara in PAGINA DE FACEBOOK GRAPHIS /facebook in perioada 1 NOIEMBRIE 2012- 1 DECEMBRIE, castigatorii concursului urmand a fi anuntati in data de 5 DECEMBRIE 2012.

Trimite un e-mail la adresa cu o fotografie de toamna (citadin sau rural).( Lucrarile pot aborda genuri de fotografie diverse, cum ar fi: peisajul, macro, portretul, foto-reportajul, instantanee etc. dar trebuie sa se incadreze in tema impusa!), alaturi de urmatoarele informatii cu caracter personal: adresa de email valida, nume / prenume reale ale participantului la concurs, numar de telefon de contact.


Marele premiu : 
Premiul Publicului

Un afis printat pe canvas( 70x100) cm inramat cu rama de aluminiu .  Marele premiu va fi acordat fotografiei cu cele mai multe voturi exprimate prin “Like”

Premiul Juriului

Premiul pentru cea mai reusita fotografie din punct de vedere tehnic si artistic, potrivit evaluarii fotografului profesionist Vali Onciu , scenograf Sergiu A. Nap si Daliana Pacuraru (din partea organizatorului) : un print pe hartie foto a fotografiei selectate ( 70x100 ) cm.

Mentiuni onorifice acordate de juriu (3 premii)

print pe autocolant A3

Concursul se va incheia cu o expozitie a celor mai bune 20 de fotografii participante (la sediul Graphis Advertising) .

Monday, October 29, 2012

Village Museum and Saint Dumitru

National  Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti”  organized the event of  ”Saint Demetrius” , patron and protector of this space of tradition and spirituality.
Formerly called feast of Saint Dumitru Sânmedru, marks the second season pastoral,  when nature and Hibernate is being prepared to be reborn in the spring.
In the three days of celebration, there was folklore ensembles, concerts and popular music vocalists of the ethnic Romanian and Bulgarian, and marching band music, religious music, military honors … in antique equipment, theater  photo exhibition, folk-inspired costumes parade, fair with the products of traditional cuisine – traditional cakes, pies, meat products, cheese, gingerbread, bio-products, honey, fruits and vegetables, also handmade objects.
Muzeul Naţional al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti" din Capitală a organizat, de vineri până duminică, o nouă ediţie a Târgului de "Sfântul Dumitru", patronul şi protectorul acestui spaţiu de cultură.
În cele trei zile de sărbătoare, vizitatorii s-au bucurat de prezenţa ansamblurilor folclorice, a tarafurilor şi a soliştilor de muzică populară românească şi ale etniei bulgare, precum şi de muzica de fanfară, muzica religioasă şi onoruri militare. Sspectacole de teatru, expoziţii de fotografie, parada costumelor de inspiraţie populară şi o şezătoare la mijloc de zi .

Produsele din gastronomie tradiţională - cozonaci, plăcinte, produse din carne, brânzeturi, turtă dulce, produse bio, miere, fructe şi legume, zacuscă, dulceţuri . (MEDIAFAX)

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