Thursday, July 10, 2014


Asociatia „ Bucurestiul meu drag”, impreuna cu Casa de Cultura „Friedrich Schiller” va invita joi 10 iulie 2014, ora 18,30 la vernisajul expozitiei de fotografie Bucurestiul in alb si negru , care va avea loc la sediul Casei de Cultura „ Friedrich Schiller ” (Str. Batistei, nr.15).

La 555 de ani de la prima atestare documentara a Bucurestiului, veti putea vedea un Bucuresti clasic si elegant prezentat in 36 fotografii alb-negru realizate de membrii asociastiei noastre. Este o reexpunere a expozitiei din toamna 2013 intr-o ambianta de Bucuresti interbelic – Casa Schiller.
Capitala a unui pamant tragic unde adesea totul sfarseste in comic, Bucurestiul s-a lasat in voia evenimentelor fara acea rigiditate si, prin urmare fara acea fragilitate pe care o provoaca mania. Iata de ce, strabatand curba sinuoasa a unui destin picaresc, Bucurestiul a ramas vesel.” (Paul Morand, 1935)

Expun: Alfredo Padron, Anca Coman, Andreea Grigorescu, Andrei Birsan, Andrei Bosoiu, Calin Andrei Stan, Carmen Gradinaru, Catalin Dinculescu, Cornel Hlupina, Cornel Petrescu, Cristian Bucur, Cristian Ihart, Cristina Badescu, Cristina Tinta, Daliana Pacuraru, Dan Moruzan, Daniel Gheorghita, Diana Chiriac, Eli Driu, Elisei Noata, Iulia Herescu, Leonard Butusina, Marcel Eremia, Maria Livia Chiorean, Mihai Petre, Mihai Roznovanu, Mirela Momanu, Monica Balareanu, Monica Miron, Neculae Juncu, Radu Iacob, Razvan Preda, Roberto Iosupescu, Sergiu Sfetcu, Stefanel Vlad, Victor Ciurea, Vlad Eftenie.

Curatorul expozitiei este Mirela Momanu.
Va prezenta: Andrei Birsan, presedintele Asociatiei „ Bucurestiul meu drag”
Ilustratia muzicala: prof. Dumitru Sascau
Coordonator proiect: Aurora Fabritius

Seria de imagini prezentata in expozitie ilustreaza conceptul deportret urban, analizat si prezentat ca instrument de lucru, cu termen de noutate, in cadrul analizei imaginii spatiului urban cu vocatie comunitara. Timpul deschide o dimensiune filosofica, oferind multiple chei de citire ale dimensiunilor sale la scara urbana. Imaginile se transforma  pastrand memoria orasului , a oamenilor si a gesturilor efemere care se petrec, fotograful si fotografia ramanand martori.
Bucurestiul nu isi pastreaza urmele, inlocuindu-se pe sine cu aproape fiecare noua zi. Orasul ajunge sa-si piarda urma in propriul praf. Raman insa oamenii, acele prezente discrete dar atat de deschise a povesti orasul carea fost. Tranzitia de stare este nuantata prin cadre care evoca de data aceasta un plan afectiv. Nota de umor nu lipseste  spiritului bucurestean.
Exercitiul de investigare in planul imaginii cadrului urban isi poate dovedi astfel capacitatea, prin reflectarea sa la nivelul alcatuirii unui portret urban, de a se constitui intr-un instrument util de analiza poetica a realitatii urbane cotidiene.” (Vlad Eftenie, „ Bucurestii in tranzitie”)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Petru si Pavel - Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel sunt praznuiti de catre Biserica Ortodoxa la data de 29 iunie a fiecarui an. Acestia sunt sarbatoriti impreuna datorita faptului ca ambii s-au savarsit la Roma. Sfantului Apostol Pavel i s-a taiat capul iar Sfantul Apostol Petru a fost rastignit cu capul in jos. Conform Sinaxarului, moastele celor doi apostoli au fost puse impreuna. Conform cercetarilor recente, Petru a fost rastignit in anul 64, iar Pavel a fost decapitat in anul 67. Petru si Pavel sunt, de asemenea, autori a unor epistole incluse de catre Biserica in textele canonice ale Noului Testament (Pavel -14; Petru – 2). Acestia sunt considerati ca fiind printre cei mai importanti oameni care au luat parte la Biserica lui Hristos. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Amused to Death

"Two things that have haunted me most are the days when I had to collect the paybooks; and when I left Bill Hubbard in no-man's-land."
"I was picked up and taken into their trench. And I'd no sooner taken two or three steps down the trench when I heard a call,
'Hello Razz, I'm glad to see you. This is my second night here,' and he said
'I'm feeling bad,' and it was Bill Hubbard, one of the men we'd trained in England, one of the original battalion. I had a look at his wound, rolled him over; I could see it was probably a fatal wound. You could imagine what pain he was in, he was dripping with sweat; and after I'd gone about three shellholes, traversed that, had it been...had there been a path or a road I could have done better.
He pummeled me, 'Put me down, put me down, I'd rather die, I'd rather die, put me down.' I was hoping he would faint. He said 'I can't go any further, let me die.' I said 'If I leave you here Bill you won't be found, let's have another go.' He said 'All right then.' And the same thing happened; he couldn't stand it any more, and I had to leave him there, in no-man's-land."
"I don't mind about the war, that's one of the things I _like_ to watch, if it's a war going on, 'cause then I know if our side's winning, if our side's losing..."


"The Ballad Of Bill Hubbard"

Sunday, June 15, 2014

125 de ani de la moartea lui Mihai Eminescu

Acum 125 de ani, în ziua de 15 iunie 1889, pleca dintre noi Mihai Eminescu, „cel mai mare poet pe care l-a ivit şi-l va ivi vreodată, poate, pământul românesc”. Fără Eminescu, am fi fost mai săraci, mai goi, mai puţin români. Şi-a închiat viaţa slujirii neamului său, pe care l-a iubit ca nimeni altul, arzând ca o flacără pentru idealul libertăţii şi unităţii naţionale. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mineriada 13-15 iunie 1990

24 de ani de la Mineriada din 13-15 iunie 1990 

Sase morti, peste 1.000 de raniti, sute de persoane arestate si o interventie in forta a minerilor impotriva protestatarilor din Piata Universitatii, acesta a fost bilantul mineriadei desfasurata in perioada 13-15 iunie 1990 in Bucuresti. Anul acesta se implinesc 24 de ani de la mineriada din iunie 1990, considerata cea mai brutala si mai violenta dintre toate cele sase mineriade care au avut loc in Romania dupa 1989. Desi, potrivit datelor oficiale, sase persoane si-au pierdut viata in urma violentelor, patru dintre ele fiind impuscate, asociatiile victimelor mineriadelor sustin ca numarul lor s-ar ridica la peste 100 de persoane. Dupa 24 de ani, bilantul real al evenimentelor din vara lui 1990 ramane neclar. 

In June 1990, the Romanian authorities violently suppressed the peaceful demonstration of University Square in Bucharest. For many, that gesture showed that the ruling National Salvation Front, the self-proclaimed vanguard of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989, was just the old Communist Party under a new label and that President Ion Iliescu had remained true to the Stalinist convictions he shared while serving as a communist high-ranking decision maker during the 1950s and the 1960s. Iliescu called on the miners of the Valea Jiului to come to Bucharest to defend the nascent democracy against the protesters. Various national and local government members helped organize the transportation of the miners to Bucharest. Once in the capital, the miners beat up defenseless students, young girls with short skirts and men with beard (conforming to the bourgeois stereotype), destroyed property, and ransacked the headquarters of opposition political parties. Iliescu publicly thanked them for their bravery. During the 1990s, the miners came or tried to come to Bucharest five other times.

During the following twenty years, the civil society unsuccessfully tried to find out the truth about those events. In 1998, it asked for access to file 75/P/1998, prepared by a small team of prosecutors and gathering evidence of state brutality against peaceful protesters. Curiously, At the time when that request was made, the country was ruled by the anticommunist opposition, the Democratic Convention. From 2000 to 2004, when the Social Democrats (the conservative wing of the Salvation Front) formed the government and Iliescu again served as President, all efforts to prosecute the case were stalled, for obvious reasons. But the situation continued even after their political rivals, the Democrats (later renamed the Democrat-Liberals) and the Liberals, won the general elections of 2004. After the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Romanian state to surrender the file to the victims of the June 1990 mineriada. But for over a year the Romanian prosecutors refused to comply with that court order. It was only after the leader of the Association 21 December 1989, Teodor Mihaes, went of hunger strike for a staggering 78 days that the entire copy of the file was released to the civil society. 

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