Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8 - International Women's Day

Today, we stand together to celebrate women around the world. We take a justified pause to acknowledge and honor women who are making strides, breaking glass ceilings and achieving great things. But even as we acknowledge them, we cannot rest on our laurels. We must work together to inspire change, to take it a step further and provoke change, so that in the years to come, we will have many, many more women to celebrate. (Mo Abudu)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


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Comptoir de Famille

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Graphis Advertising 

Florian Gindila si Viorel Plesca va propun o incursiune in elementele fundamentale ale fotografiei de portret: tehnica fotografiei, tehnica luminilor, notiuni de fotocompozitie.

Sesiunea practica de studio, expunerile teoretice, proiectiile de fotogr
afie, evaluarea, demonstratiile pe echipamente foto vor avea loc la sediul Graphis Advertising, Str. Inclinata, nr 1- 3, sector 5, Bucuresti

Sesiunea practica in aer liber va avea loc in parcul Carol.

SAMBATA 15 MARTIE: 11,00-14,00 sesiune foto studio
15,00-18,00 sesiune foto in aer liber
DUMINICA 16 MARTIE: 11,00 -14,00 seminar teoretic, discutii, evaluare fotografii si feed-back
Pentru detalii si rezervari:
Florian Gindila: 0723 165 568,
Viorel Plesca: 0743 081 925,


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Second Cold War ?

This is perhaps the most dangerous point in Europe's history since the end of the cold war. Direct confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces will draw in the United States, one way or another. While there is still time, it's extremely important to understand what each party involved is aiming for.
more here: The crisis in Crimea could lead the world into a second cold war


Russian troops have surrounded at least two military bases in Crimea and approached others seeking to gain access or get hold or their weapons. There were reported to be about 150 Russian troops and more than 20 military vehicles outside the Perevalnoe base, where there was a tense standoff. Ukrainian soldiers drove a tank up to the inside gates of the base in response and around 15 of them lined up against the gate.
Vladimir Putin has declared war on Ukraine, the acting prime minister in Kiev, Arseniy Yatseniuk, has said, as Ukraine called up its military reserves in readiness to fight. Ukraine also ordered its troops to resist responding to Russian “provocations” for fear of triggering a bloodbath.
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, warned that Russia could be expelled from the G8 and face economic sanctions, unless President Vladimir Putin halts his “incredible act of aggression”. He also mentioned visa bans, asset freezes and trade isolation as possible steps.
The rule of Ukraine’s new leaders will “end with a new revolution” amid more bloodshed, Russia’s Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev has predicted. In a Facebook post, he accused the new government in Kiev of “seizing power”, adding that while Viktor Yanukovich had practically no authority, he remained the legitimate head of state according the constitution.
Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused Russia of threatening peace and security in Europe by its actions and of violating the UN charter. He called on Russia to “de-escalate”.
A senior US official has said that Russian forces “now have complete operational control of the Crimean Peninsula.” The same official also estimated that 6,000 Russian forces “with considerable materiel” were in the region and were flying in reinforcements.
Britain and France joined the US in pulling out of preparatory meetings for the G8 economic summit, scheduled to be held in June at the Black Sea resort of Sochi, site of the just-concluded 2014 Winter Olympics.
Ukraine’s parliament has called for international monitors to help ensure the safety of its nuclear power plants.
There were demonstrations both for and against Russian intervention in Ukraine in Moscow. There were at least 10,000 people at the pro demonstration, according to AP, although reporters said some were ordered to be there. The anti demonstration was much smaller but saw at least 50 people detained by Russian police.
Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has accepted a proposal by the German chancellor, Angel Merkel, to set up a “fact-finding mission” that would pave the way for some form of political dialogue in the crisis, according to the German government. war live

Thursday, February 27, 2014

2014 - Year of the Horse

horse drawings
horse drawings
drawing by Daliana Pacuraru

2014 Chinese Lunar New Year of Horse

'And he looks at me, with eyes wiser than his years. He cannot tell me what his mind is saying, so instead he uses his powerful body to communicate. Sometimes his eyes alone can show the meaning behind his actions and other times just they way he carries himself tells me how he feels. There is no truer friend then him, for he knows me inside and out. When I sit astride him he listens to what my body tells him; not because he has to, but because he WANTS to. You cannot trap his spirit or be his master, for his soul alone is purer, his body, rippled with muscle, more powerful, his heart more forgiving than your own. He is an Angel without wings, his forelock and mane, his halo. He is more courageous, more loving, more trusting, more powerful, than any other being in this world - and yet so gentle as to let me join him on his Journey. He is my best friend, who tells no one of my secrets, who rejoices in my joys, shares in my sorrows, and his neck is always there to wrap around me in a caress. A caress that gives me everything I've ever needed: Warmth, security, hope, strength, and reassurance. I cannot break his spirit, nor would I ever want to. I cannot be his Master; only his Partner. When I do wrong, he does not judge me. When I cry, he comforts me. When I laugh, he prances around with his head held high and his tail streaming behind like silk. It is not I who teach him, it is he who teaches me. He does not need to talk for me to listen, I understand him in a way I'll never understand even myself. And he knows me, more than anyone that walks this earth. And he accepts me, for everything I am.. and everything I am not....' 

Art Prints
horse drawings

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thoughts for the Valentine’s Day

Every February 14th  - the day of St. Valentine in the West – is celebrated with great fast, and this “holiday” had penetrated so deeply into the mind of modern man, for if you ask what greater holiday is to be celebrate in February, you are been answered without hesitation: Valentine’s Day! This day becoming a clear marking on the twisted map of consumerism.
Everything that you may want…ceramic vases, underwear, monkeys, jewelry, books, and why not, slippers and bath towels so naturally, as long as there is a demand, these toys will continue to sell.
All like in the real story of the Tower of Babel …
The day of Saint Valentine, the “patron of lovers”, had lost its meaning in legends and the history of the Roman Empire. Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints all martyred, called Valentine or Valentinus, but not on this day.
In the Orthodox calendar, the Holy Martyr and Bishop Valentine, is commemorated on July 30. In the Orthodox Church. there are many martyrs who bared his name: Holy Martyrs Mark Sotirih and Valentine – October 24, Holy Martyr Valentina – February 10, St. Valentine the Martyr – April 24, St. Valentine the priest – July 06, and Holy Martyr Valentina – July 18.

 More informations here:

Pe 30 iulie, Biserica Ortodoxa face pomenirea Sfantului Mucenic Valentin, episcopul Umbriei.
An de an, ziua de 14 februarie ne pune pe fiecare dintre noi, in calitate de crestini ortodocsi, in fata unui dublu paradox. In primul rand, de Valentine’s Day a auzit toata lumea, astfel incat, la o adica, oricine poate defini succint "sarbatoarea", in timp ce despre viata Sfantului Valentin nu cunoaste nimeni mai nimic.

In al doilea rand, multi sunt contrariati de faptul ca in aceasta zi nu intalnesc in Calendarul Ortodox niciun sfant care sa poarte acest nume. Intamplarea face ca nici Calendarul Romano-Catolic sa nu-l mai pomeneasca in aceasta zi, Sfantul Valentin fiind scos din calendar in 1969 din cauza ambiguitatii datelor referitoare atat la persoana sa, cat si la faptele care au condus la consacrarea lui ca sfant. In prezent, la 14 februarie, catolicii ii amintesc pe Sfintii Chiril si Metodie.

Asadar, nu gresim atunci cand spunem ca Valentine’s Day, cu tot "marketing-ul" aferent, este in Romania - si nu numai - o "sarbatoare" fara sarbatorit.

Despre Valentine’s Day s-a scris si s-a comentat suficient, pro si contra. S-a scris si s-a spus, din pacate, destul de putin despre Sfantul Valentin al Ortodoxiei, praznuit de Biserica in ziua de 30 iulie.

Mai multe informatii aici: 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cover designed by Daliana Pacuraru of Romania

Art Prints

February 2014 - Special Cover Issue 1

This issue features a front cover designed by Daliana Pacuraru of Romania, inside back cover by Brigitte Cadena of Texas

Magazine Cover Contest

Eye On Fine Art Photography
We are a legally owned magazine, registered in the State of California, under our company name, C&T Publishing.

The Eye on Fine Art Photography magazine is aimed at so-called 'amateur' photographers who have an exceptional eye for photography, who create art through their photography and want to get noticed throughout the country. Our aim is to see that these artistic newcomers to the field are given a fair opportunity to break through the barriers that have long been imposed by the media market against non-professionally trained photographers. There is a big, wide world full of exceptional talent that has been ignored. It is time for these artists to come out of the shadows to gain the recognition they so richly deserve.

Each month will have a new theme. Submissions for each issue will be reflective of that theme.

Since most people have more interests than just photography we are dedicated to bringing you interesting news, events and stories about people from all over the world.

February 2014 - Special Cover Issue 1

This issue features a front cover designed by Daliana Pacuraru of Romania, inside back cover by Brigitte Cadena of Texas

February 2014 Issue 
The February 2014 issue is now available!

You will notice that there are TWO February issues. This is because we had so many excellent cover submissions that we couldn't pick just one! So...

Issue 1 features a front cover designed by Daliana Pacuraru of Romania, inside back cover by Brigitte Cadena of Texas and back cover by Georgi Dimitrov of Russia.

Issue 2 features a front cover designed by Mike Nellums of Rhode Island, inside back cover by Brigitte Cadena of Texas and back cover by Anthony Citro of Arizona.

Both issues contain the same article content. The Table of Contents for this issue is as follows....

2 - Editor's Page
4 - Cover Winners
6 - Boundless Love
10 - The Wizard of Coronado Island
16 - Locks of Love
20 - Expressions of Love
23 - Fun with Photography
27 - Steampunk Revolution
30 - Getting My Kicks on Route 66
39 - It's About Time – Martin Sanchez
44 - Love Is Not Candy
45 - A Lover's Feast
47 - Valentine's Day Recipes
49 - Marianne Osiel – Sophistication w/ a Bohemian Twist
52 - Temecula Is For Lovers
56 - Sweetheart Abbey
58 - Saddell Abbey
60 - Going Lo-Fi in a Digital World with the Recesky
63 - Photography Make-up
64 - Encounter With A Red Tail
68 - Utah – Life Elevated
74 - Say It With Roses
76 - Make Your Own Rainbow Roses
77 - Animal Magnetism
82 - Submit to Our Magazine

We would also like to again welcome Mike Nellums, Richard Reeve, Carla Parris and Shreeni Mani as valued members of our cover design and writing staff!

Best Regards,

Tommy & Cindy  

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