Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Agony and The Ecstasy

Photo from Bucharest : Lipscani, Buzesti, etc
Va recomand: Politici filtrate de ratiune

'Nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni - Bucureştiul este traducerea citadină a ideii de haos: rutier, arhitectonic, mobilier stradal, infrastructură, spaţii de recreere. La fiecare pas se sapă, se construieşte,
se dărâmă.Provizoratul pare infinit, nesimţirea constructorilor care sparg imediat fiece colţ de oraş, odată pus la punct, nu are limită. Bucureşteanul, cu nervii întinşi la maximum, zace mii de ore pe an în ambuteiaje, se accidentează grav, dacă nu-şi pierde viaţa, înghiţit de veşnice excavaţii nesemnalizate. ...'
mai multe aici: Marian Sultănoiu
The Bucharest City Hall has started demolishing the old houses on the Buzesti boulevard in the capital city to expand the boulevard. The first houses – on the right side of the boulevard, coming from Victoriei Square to Vasile Parvan – were demolished on Thursday night and 87 houses in total will be knocked down to make room for the extension. Romania Insider 

Lord of the Rings Soundtrack - Requiem for a Tower

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Village Museum (Muzeul Satului): Wood, Windows, Cats and Time (II)

The Village Museum was established in 1936 and it contains over 300 wooden houses, windmills, churches etc. from all over the country.  Many of the buildings are originals which were brought here in pieces and reassembled. The oldest houses date as far back as the 17C. Behind the project from the start was ethnographer Dimitrie Gusti (1880 - 1955) who wanted the museum to mirror as closely as possible the aspects of the rural life. Because of this the museum is organized as a real village, with clusters of houses being linked by winding paths. This makes for a pleasant stroll especially if you find yourself in Bucharest during the summer, when the city is hot and dusty.

Muzeul Satului - Bucuresti

N-am gandit ca oi ajunge - Grigore Lese (Asa zice sufletu' cateodata)

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