Sunday, January 24, 2010

angkor wat / cambodgia/ kampukeea/ drawings

....desenez zambetul.... desi nu l-am vazut niciodata.... intreb cati din cei care au fost acolo l-au inteles....
ink / pencils / ball pen / canvas



pastel, canson

angkor wat/ drawings

O serie noua de obsesii... statuile din templele...
Nu o sa ajung acolo niciodata, dar fotografiile de aici :
ma influenteaza mult...
....prin fostele temple ale zeilor umbla paianjenii si serpii...
... cum se naste surasul iradiant si luminos pe sutele de statui din Angkor?....
nu e un suras fiziologic...nici un muschi al fetei , al buzelor nu il provoaca....surasul vine de undeva, dinlauntru....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

angkor wat/ drawings

ink / pencils / ball pen / canvas

angkor wat/ drawings

A vision last night before sleep: Leaves and leaves and leaves, leaves curling like shadows, awareness floating through, dream-like in chiaroscuro, golden-brown, parting darkness; emerging, but still into jungle, like roots over stones/crumbled buildings. Where am I? Angkor? I see jungle, no buildings. Still moving, I can't get beyond. I stand at an edge of giant formations, twisted, obscured by my vision. Dim light glows from the horizon. It might even be dawn but, though faint, the light's too bright for dawn in the north. Does tropical dawn come up brilliant? Is it candlelight? A billion flickering candles rimming earth's edge. I open my eyes again. You are not here, you are nowhere...I am awake, without fear. I feel I could have visions often, if I wanted, if I waited quietly for them. I question its meaning. Was it a prophecy, a remembrance, another life -- or just the meaninglessbeauty of living?
ink / pencils / ball pen / canvas

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