Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Romanian Winter Traditions / Traditii Romanesti

During winter solstice, when the sun is weak and frost and dryness take over, Romanian peasants conceived ceremonies to help the Sun and Nature to overcome this "temporary crisis." 
Romania is a country with a long and complicated history. 
It also has a variety of customs, traditions and holidays.
Within South Eastern Europe however, Romania preserved a significant number of traditional customs and celebrations manifest within the strong community of the village.

Peasants possessed a deep knowledge of the way to tend the earth. They had the ability to enjoy life and to dream into the future. They were regular observers of the feasts for the earth, their cattle, the flowers and crops, and the overall beauty of living.
The Romanian customs can be divided into family customs, calendar-based customs and religious customs. They represent a "triptych" marked by the three major life changes: birth, marriage and death.

 December 10, 2011 - Village Museum - Bucharest
Village Museum-Bucharest

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Johnny Raducanu - Adio, Mr. Jazz!

Johnny Răducanu / portrait/ pastel

Johnny Răducanu - In Memoriam
 December,1/ 1931 – September, 19 /2011

He offered me a leaf like a hand with fingers.
I offered him a hand like a leaf with teeth.
He offered me a branch like an arm.
I offered him my arm like a branch.
He tipped his trunk towards me
like a shoulder.
I tipped my shoulder to him
like a knotted trunk.
I could hear his sap quicken, beating
like blood.
He could hear my blood slacken like rising sap.
I passed through him.
He passed through me.
I remained a solitary tree.
a solitary man.

Nichita Stãnescu

about Johnny Raducanu : The Independent, Boston Globe, MEDIAFAX,
Daily Tribune, Taiwan News, Quedit,

 Adevarul (Johnny Răducanu are o pensie de doar 429 de lei. Vezi cât câştigă astăzi marii artişti)

Harry Tavitian - Johnny Raducanu – When I Die I Live Again
Bibliotecarul - Bre Nea Johnny, ce ţi-a venit să pleci?
 Harry Tavitian si Johnny Raducanu

despre Johnny Raducanu pe bloguri : Nastase, metropotam, Niculina Moisescu
bookaholic, Simona Ionescu, Mircea Hodarnau, krossfire,,
Das Jazz Blog ,
ziarul de iasi

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Collapse Into Now - Life for Sale

I don't mark my time with dates, holidays, faded wisdom, locked karma holders. Convenient.

I am made by my times, I am a creation of now, shaken with the cracks and crevices
I'm not giving up easy, I will not fold, I don't have much, but what I have is gold....

I saw your face...

I like you, love you, every coast of you.
I've seen your eddies and tides and hurricanes and cyclones.
Low ebb tide and high, full moon. Up close and distant.I read you.

Had enough to drink to make my own party, all my fellow writers in half costume, half asleep

Look, the sky, the sea, the ocean, the sun, the moon.
Breathing with you. Touch. Change. Shift. Allow air. Window open. Drift. Drift away. Into now.

 I want Whitman proud. Patti Lee proud. My brothers proud. My sisters proud.

I want me. I want it all. I want sensational. Irresistible.

 I sing in platinum, I dress in brass, I eat in zinc

This is my time and I am thrilled to be alive.

Living. Blessed. I understand.

Twentieth century: Collapse Into Now

I can be bad poet, street poet

A sun makes shadows
All over your face
As you sit
Naked and blue
Into me

Colapse into Now / BLUE/ lyrics / REM

Life for Sale/ photo experiment .
'Yellow circus left the stakes a broken ropes world's useless mug/The ties that bind, ha ha/I can be bad poet/Street poet/ Shit poet/Kind poet too/Subway/Almost 4AM/Halloween night/
Had enough to drink to make my own party
All my fellow writers in half costume, half asleep
Half silly, gone to seed
I don't mark my time with dates, holidays, faded wisdom, locked karma holders
I am made by my times
I am a creation of now
Shaken with the cracks and crevices
I'm not giving up easy
I will not fold
I don't have much
But what I have is gold
I saw your face...
I sing in platinum
I dress in brass
I eat in zinc
Let it pass
Compare a toast
I like that
I understand courage
I still roll with the shout of a character I was married to today
I try to see outside myself
I understand the eyes
Excuse all the highs
I am sorry
Ha ha
I like you, love you, every coast of you.
I've seen your eddies and tides and hurricanes and cyclones.
Low ebb tide and high, full moon.
Up close and distant.
I read you.
Look, the sky, the sea, the ocean, the sun, the moon.
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.
Naked and blue.
Breathing with you. Touch. Change. Shift. Allow air. Window open. Drift. Drift away. Into now.
I want Whitman proud. Patti Lee proud. My brothers proud. My sisters proud. I want me. I want it all. I want sensational. Irresistible.
This is my time and I am thrilled to be alive.
Living. Blessed. I understand.
Twentieth century:
Collapse Into Now
A sun makes shadows
All over your face
As you sit
Naked and blue
Into me '

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