Showing posts with label Daliana Pacuraru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daliana Pacuraru. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Aleph

“A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.”
― Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Romanian Royal Train -Trenul Regal

It has carried kings, a dictator and an American president across Romania and now the Royal Train sits Buchares railway station waiting for visitors.
Made in 1928 in Milan, the train was used by royal family until 1948, when King Michael, in its luxurious carriages, took his last lunch on Romanian territory before going into exile.
During communism, the train, furnished with Cordoba leather, nut tree and rose wood, Murano glass and Bohemia crystal,
served as the presidential train for Nicolae Ceausescu until 1977, after which it was replaced by a Romanian-made train.
In 1975, the train hosted American president Gerard For and state secretary Henry Kisinger, who travelled across Romania together with Ceausescu.
Made of 5 wagons, it is currently owned and managed by the Romanian railways company CFR.
Romania insider 

Pe vremea regelui Carol al II-lea cele mai rapide trenuri parcurgeau in sub 135 de minute cei 120 km dintre Bucuresti si Sinaia. Astazi cele mai iuti trenuri fac sub 90 de minute, insa niciunul nu se apropie de luxul din trenul regal.

Anul acesta trenul regal are si o locomotiva de pe vremea monarhiei, una cu aburi produsa in 1936 la fabrica din Resita care incepuse productia de locomotive inca dinaintea anului 1880, pe vremea austriecilor, iar in perioada Romaniei Mari asigura aproape in totalitate nevoile retelei interne. Interiorul locomotivei este auster, dominat de robineti, cazan si angrenajele specifice "pufaitoarelor" care au dominat caile ferate romane intre 1870 si 1960.

Trenul regal avea 12 vagoane in momentul cand Regele Mihai a calatorit pana la granita de vest la inceput de 1948 cand a fost silit sa abdice

Acum pot fi vizitate are cinci vagoane, dintre care cel mai interesant este vagonul - sufragerie unde masa mare este din lemn de nuc si trandafiri, iar scaunele sunt imbracate in piele de cordoba. La lampi s-a folosit sticla de Murano si cristal de Boemia, pe pereti sunt tablouri cu figuri importante din Casa Regala a Romaniei, dar si un tablou cu harta Romaniei mari.

Celelalte vagoane sunt de dormit, insa nu unele banale. E dominanta culoarea visinie, traditionala pentru Caile Ferate Romane, insa gasesti si o cada de baie mare, dusuri, oglinzi elegante si paturi confortabile, demne de o vila, nu de un tren. Clantele de la usi si manerele de la geamuri sunt elegante, perdelele sunt si ele mai stilate, iar la capat de vagon se afla un cazan cu lemne pentru incalzire.

Vagoanele au fost construite la Milano in 1928, trenul a fost folosit un deceniu de familia regala pentru calatorii nu doar spre Sinaia, ci si pana la Savarsin, iar dupa al doilea razboi mondial a devenit tren prezidential, in el purtandu-se in 1955 discutiile dintre Gheorghiu-Dej si Hrusciov, pe tema retragerii trupelor sovietice din tara. Tot cu acest tren a fost facuta o calatorie speciala intre Bucuresti si Sinaia cand presedintele SUA, Gerald Ford, l-a vizitat pe Ceausescu in 1975.

Acum, trenul apartine Societatii Feroviare de Turism care il inchiriaza companiilor si institutiilor care il solicita.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

NIGHTLOSERS at Trattoria Rock 'n Pasta


Sitting on the top of the world (1994) – caseta – in curand re-editat pe cd Plum Brandy Blues (1998) – CD Rhythm & Bulz (2004) – CD Cinste Lor (2013) – CD


Hanno Höfer (voce, chitară, muzicuță, washboard) Grunzo Geza (keyboard) Claudiu “Nasu” Purcarin (tobe) Jimi “EL” Laco (vioară, chitară, mandolină, banjo) Luci “Stein” (electric & double bass) Barila Andreescu (bass)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First prize - Locul 1

Thanks to /
Multumiri :
- Mirela Momanu – curator Asociatia Bucurestiul meu drag
- Andrei Birsan – presedinte Asociatia Bucurestiul meu drag
- Vlad Eftenie – arhitect si fotograf urban
- Mihai Petre – membru Asociatia Bucurestiul meu drag
  AME Design ( ).
Parteneri: Nikon Romania
Scoala de fotografie Frelancer
Gazda: Carturesti Café Verona,
Parteneri media:
- Radio Romania International
- Radio Romania Cultural
- Modernism,
- Comunitate foto

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thassos Beaches

Livadi Beach is situated in the south- east of the island of Thassos at a 38 kilometer distance of the capital Limenas
and 12km from Potos, close to Aliki. It is a quiet beach that is popular with backpackers and campers. The beach consists of sand ,small pebbles and good music. The beach is right next to the Monastery of Michail Archangel.
From Archangel monastery sure to see a beautiful beach between the cliffs that take your breath away. Livadi is the beach waiting for you to enjoy the crystal clear waters and beautiful sandy beach, with calm and serenity.

Makryammos beach (makryammos is the greek word for long sand) is a long beautiful sandy beach at just 2 kmdistance of the capital of Thasos in the northeast of the island. It is surrounded by lush forest.

Marley beach lounch bar

Octopus beach Thassos

Paradise beach is a beautiful bay with a shallow sandy beach, bordered on both sides with granite grey rocky promontories,  a true paradise on earth.

South beach

Aliki beach Thassos
Aliki emerges from the depths of history.

Legend has it that, in ancient times, this peninsula was ruled by Queen Aliki.

Behind the houses lining the coast, we can still see the remains of an ancient settlement, while in the eastern gulf* the Jericho gulf, we find the ancient sanctum with its two buildings, constructed in mid-7th century B.C. A "Kouros" (young man) statue found on this site in 1886 is currently on display at the Museum of Constantinople.
The historical prosperity of Aliki coincides with the simultaneous mining of the marbles, which lasted from the 6th century B.C. to the 7th century A.D. Unquestionable witness of this area having been really bustling with life is the so-called "Marmarostrata" (= road made of marble), which led to Limenas; sections of it are still saved to this day in the areas of Petradi and Dermata. Also, the sunken quarry at the edge of the peninsula, with its half-finished quarry works, attests to the fact that there used to be a huge work site here, which was suddenly abandoned due to an unexpected event, probably the major earthquake in 365 A.D., or the one in 1509 A.D.
The modern visitors to Aliki, whether they stand staring at her deep blue waters or dive into them, will sense amid the sunny atmosphere the ancient majestic feeling given off by Aliki, so imposing that it will make them expect to see the mythical Queen emerging, amidst the sounds made by the ancient marble workers' chisels, to welcome them as her most cherished guests.
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