Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austria. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2010

Butterfly Castle - Schmetterling Haus - Austria trip (2)


This magical experience is right in the centre of Vienna, just 200 meters from the opera building. The butterfly house is to be found inside one of the worlds most magnificent "Jugendstil" greenhouses, a part of the royal palace (Hofburg)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hundertwasser Manifesto - Austria Trip (I)

Why may a human being not do what he needs to do, like a flower.
The colourful, the abundant, the manifold, is always better than mediocre grey and uniformity.
Only those who think and live creatively will survive in this life and beyond.
De ce nu poate un om să se comporte ca o floare!
Culorile, abundenta, varietatea  sunt mai bune decât griurile mediocre şi uniformitatea.
Numai cei care cred şi trăiesc creativ vor supravieţui în această viaţă şi dincolo de ea.

Paintings for me are gateways, which enable me, if I have
been successful, to open them into a world which is both
near and far for us, to which we have no admission, in
which we find ourselves, but which we cannot perceive,
which is against the real world
Our parallel world, from which we remove ourselves in one respect
Yes, and that is the paradise, that is what we are in, what we are arrested in, and which some inexplicable power denies us.
Picturile pentru mine sunt porti care ma lasa sa descopar o lume atât de
aproape dar intangibila , in care nu putem intra, dar in care suntem ... pe care nu o putem percepe,
si care este împotriva lumii reale.
Lumea noastră paralela, din care ne autoexcludem într-un fel.
Da, ăsta este paradisul, suntem in el, suntem arestaţi în el, paradisul in care o putere inexplicabilă ne neagă.

I believe, and I am absolutely certain, and therefore I believe, that painting is a religious occupation, that the actual impulse comes from without, from something else that we do not know, an indefinable power which comes or does not come and which guides your hand
People used to say in earlier times that it was the muse, for example, it's a stupid thing to say of course, but it is some kind of illumination.
And the only thing one can do is to prepare the ground, so that this extraterrestrial impulse or however else one might describe it can reach you.

Cred şi sunt absolut sigur şi prin urmare, cred că pictura este o ocupaţie religioasa, că impulsul real vine din afară de la altceva ce nu stim, o putere nedefinita care vine sau nu vine şi care ghidează mâna...
Oamenii obişnuiau să spună demult că a fost muza ! Pare un lucru stupid , dar este un fel de iluminare!
Şi singurul lucru pe care- l putem face este să pregătim terenul, astfel încât acest impuls extraterestru sau cum vrem sa-l numim , ne poate atinge.

That means eliminating the will, eliminating the intelligence, eliminating "wanting to do better", eliminating ambition...
I should perhaps like to be known as the magician of vegetation or something similar. We are in need of magic
I fill a picture until it is full with magic, as one fills up a glass with water
Everything is so infinitely simple, so infinitely beautiful.
Venice, 1975

Asta înseamnă că trebuie sa fii pregătit....
Asta înseamnă să elimini vointa , inteligenta, să elimini  "vreau  mai bine, mai mult", să elimini ambiţia!
Aş vrea, probabil, să fiu cunoscut ca vrăjitorul copacilor sau ceva similar. Avem nevoie de magie!
Aş umple o imagine numai cu magie, ca şi cum ai umple un pahar cu apă!
Totul este atât de  infinit de simplu , aşa infinit de frumos.
Veneţia, 1975

Hundertwasser is one of the most important artists & architects to emerge from the latter half of the 20th-century and is certainly by far the most important Austrian one.
Hundertwasser Biography

(translate from english  and photo:Wind- ha ha , I don't know if you will read everything here even it is very important )

I think HUNDERTWASSER would like this :

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