Wednesday, August 10, 2011


 If I were a swan, I'd be gone

If I were a train, I'd be late

And if I were a good man,

I'd talk with you / More often than I do.

If I were to sleep, I could dream

If I were afraid,

 I could hide.

If I go insane,

please don't put your wires in my brain.

 If I were the moon, I'd be cool

If I were a rule , I would bend.

If I were a good man, I'd understand the spaces between friends.

If I were alone, I would cry.

And if I were with you, I'd be home and dry

And if I go insane,
Will you still let me join in with the game?



life for sale b/w, HEART FOR SALE, memories series, white memories, Life


Rick Forrestal said...

Great series of your photos. Really nice.

And I love the crystal ball pic, a lot.

Se-cret said...

Îmi place mult seria alb negru. Lebăda este majestuoasă și impresionantă!
Tare frumos Wind!

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Great serious of photos to go with the lyrics of the song. I really love the photo of the swan. Nice work! :)

Anamaria do Val said...

you're amazing! Your posts are always original and creative. It is a pleasure to come by. kisses and hugs

RobertN said...


ADRIAN said...

So much work and so wonderfully composed.........Thank you once again for provoking thought and appreciation.

Fram Actual said...

I think I prefer you as a swan, Wind. For a few reasons.

As for your photographs this morning, I think I am happiest with the one of your horse. Anyone who is able to survive his scrutiny is worthy, indeed.

But, for whatever reason, the shot which catches hold of me is the one of the man and the woman (the second from the bottom), who, in my imagination, are discussing their future.

The array here is amazing. Some are absolutely artistic and others are journalistically perfect. You could easily have your choice of two professions with this group, in my opinion, and all the photos are compelling.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it Wind. Beautiful images!

Unknown said...

Fotografii care grăiesc singure, fără a mai fi nevoie de prezentare. Felicitări realizatorului şi mulţumiri prezentatorului, care nu poate fi decât una şi aceeaşi persoană. Să te bucuri de zile bune de lucru în continuare.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Amazing shots. Most I like the swan :) LG Tina

Liz said...

beautiful shots.

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos and words, as always

Unknown said...

This is a versatile series of pictures ... already the first image arouses my attention! The idea with the crystal ball I find original ... like mr very good!

April said...

O incantare ce gasesc de fiecare data aici....esti fantastica!

Bitch said...

You are full of great ideas!
Pictures and music!!
I love the horse image!!!!

Windsmoke. said...

Fantastic photos, i especially like the Swan and the Moonrise very spooky indeed and the Crystal Ball, wouldn't it be good if we could look into the future :-).

Madalina Dascalu said...

minunata serie,foarte fain si mesajul

Anonymous said...

Lovely selection of images. Thanks for sharing.

Joop Zand said...

You are a great photographer.... lovely shots.

Max Peter said...

WOW! A whole world is put under our steps, just with a few wonderful pictures! Great shots!
I have to thank you for these beautiful works.

joo said...

If I could take such fantastic photos, I would be happy!

Traveling Hawk said...

o alta serie de exceptie nu doar prin realizare ci si prin conceptie; felicitari, Wind!

Richard said...

Thor is above, shield up and awake...

Elisa N Viajes said...

Your pictures are amazing!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - these shots just blew me away. Fantastic!

codingpills said...

Superba serie!

ANRAFERA said...

Bellas sencuencias de fotografías.
Me gusta sus detalles, perspectiva y procesados.
Enhorabuena Wind.
Cordial saludo.
P.D.: Buen tema de Pink Floyd.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful...all of it!

Kim, USA said...

Fantastic shots and beautiful words!

Watery Wednesday

Christina Klas said...

These are gorgeous photos. The swan is unbelievable!

BrandNewStudio said...

I like your
work very much

Costin Comba said...

-Daca ai fi fost o lebada, ai fi plecat, dar te-ai fi intors de fiecare data.
-Daca ai fost tren ai fi fost abandonat.
- Daca ai OM nu ai fi bun, daca ai fi bun nu ai fi OM
- daca ti-ar fi frica te-ai ascunde. ai grija unde, sa nu iti pierzi linistea.

Linda said...

Wonderful images and captioning!

Blitz said...

The swan was just beautiful! And the serie with this text marwelous! I really admire your work:)

Unknown said...

Great post... Beautiful-thoughtful photos. I appreciate that.

~Rainey~ @ The Project Table

Sorin said...

Minunate ! A patra este de excepţie . Îmi place în mod deosebit . Nu stiu cum se numeşte tehnica dar m-a încântat îndemânarea cui le realizează .

Al said...

Great photos, and I love the Pink Floyd reference. This is the second blog in a row that I've visited today with a Floyd reference, the last one I was at had a post called "Green Is The Color!"

Light and Voices said...

Impressive Thinking Outside the Box images. I post mine on Mondays if you are interested in looking. Your brain works. It isn't on sleep mode. Nice series!
Joyce M

TrevorW�� said...

An amazing series...great composition and words....So well executed.


Barbara said...

I love the swan photo individually, and as a series, they are very interesting.

Cloudia said...


wonderful post!

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >


Malgorzata Ingstad said...

I am very much afraid of your pictures, but I must see.

robert said...

If I was like you ...

Fotokarusellen said...

A wonderful post. Beautiful work.
Like it very much.

Unknown said...

Wonderful series !!!!
Greetings Andrzej.

Liliana said...

Spechless! The swan is gorgeuos and the crystal ball is fabulous. If I saw the world in a crystal ball I`d see it very colourful! :)))
Congratulations ! See you!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images, and early Pink Floyd.

Anonymous said...

Este foarte frumoasă seria de fotografii!Adevărată artă fotografică!Felicitări pentru realizarea ei și mulțumiri că ai împărtășit-o cu noi!

Carlos said...

Si Yo fuera solo un hombre, tal vez indiferente sería.
Pero como un aficionado a la fotografía
tu "If" mes deslumbró y me emocionó mucho.

Toda una genialidad, amigo.

Un abrazo.

JO said...

lovely collections of photos.

~ Jo's Precious Thoughts ~

Zamfir de Turda said...

Poemul fotografic al Domniei tale îmi aminteşte de If-ul lui Kipling.

Bibliotecaru said...

Odată am scris
Cea mai mică poezie:

„Sunt om.”

Am pus punct
Şi am întors foaia.

Mai târziu m-am răzgândit,
Om parcă era totuşi prea mult,
Prea bine,
Mai degrabă un ţel.
Am şters, am modificat
Şi a ieşit:

„Sunt formă umană.”

Am pus iarăşi punct,
Dar… nu mai era
Cea mai scurtă poezie.

(Gheorghe E Florescu din volumul "Din Realitate")

Cassy said...

Fabulous shots! "If" I can only fly...

Cassy from Guitar Made Easy

Victor said...

mulţumesc, vântule...

Marty said...

I really love all these images !
a great post, great shots, great
imagination! wonderful !!!

Gisizee said...

This is a wonderful pairing of images and words! Your photographs are amazing, as always, but they are even better with the lyrics to open them up further! Great work!

de wereld volgens essi said...

very impressive!!!

Andrey Samolinov said...

Interesting and beautiful series - great work

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

wow! very nice...words & photos...flowing from one to the next. beautiful!

Veronique said...


Unknown said...

Superbe si cu o mie de semnificatii fiecare, de la frumusete, gratie, la adevar social, filosofie, impresionism, abstract, sensuri, ganduri, putere de reprezentare fiind doar cateva, foarte putine dintre ele.

J_on_tour said...

Wonderful set that I come to expect of you. It is difficult to know how you consistently produce quality material like this.
I'm a train rather than "talking more often than I do" !!

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