România a fost singura țară din blocul estic care a trecut printr-o revoluție violentă și în care conducătorii comuniști au fost executați.
Statisticile victimelor revoluției din decembrie 1989 potrivit Ministerului Sănătății (aproximativ):
1104 morți și 3321 răniți (221 civili și 663 militari).
The Romanian Revolution of 1989 was a week-long series of increasingly violent riots and fighting in late December 1989 that overthrew the government of the totalitarian president Nicolae Ceauşescu. After a trial, Ceauşescu and his wife Elena were executed. Romania was the only Eastern Bloc country to overthrow its government forcefully or to execute its leaders.
~1104 dead and 3321 wounded
more here: Romanian Revolution of 1989
Sad so sad. For the best though as things have turned out. It must be awful to experience something so horrible at the time.
Executati chiar in ziua de Craciun... De ce? Pentru ca la romani se poate orice, sunt o masa de manevra atat de usor de manipulat...
Sarbatori frumoase!
Au fost executaţi din cauză că aşa a promis cineva...
Hi Wind,
Every revolution has its price
i.e. blood sweat and tears.
Ce vremuri! Ma uit acum la videoclip-ul asta si parca e din alta lume. De parca nici nu as fi trait acele timpuri...
Dupa 20 de ani altele sunt datele problemei... alti oameni, chiar si alte locuri. Acum e doar istorie. Si cativa care mai povestesc din cand in cand.
Oare cum o fi peste 20 de ani?
A sad truth. Freedom won by hard measures...
" desperate times require desperate measures "
An appropriate photograph for remembrance.
I fully remember that year of 1989. I was only 8 years and all the world had their eyes in the revolutionary deeds that were happening in Eastern Europe, the fall of many tyrannies. I remember that the adults told me we were witnessing the march of the history and the end of an era. So tragic it was specially in Romania. It has been difficult, but i am sure your brave and proud people, together and united, will stand, and no chain will be able ever to tie your spirit of free and independence.
Rise Romania and shine!!And my respect for your strength.
Regards Wind, and be free, always.
...dramático video el que nos expones sobre un hecho que espero y deseo no se repita en ningún lugar del mundo. Os deseo lo mejor.
Cordial saludo.
Imaginile inca sunt vii in mintea mea, cu toate ca nu aveam decat 12 ani cand a venit Revolutia... Tin minte ca la noi se taia porcul atunci... A ramas cutitu-n porc si toata lumea s-a dus in fata televizorului... Imi pare rau ca au murit atatia tineri degeaba... Imi pare rau ca au trecut 21 de ani, iar noi ne intoarcem incet-incet, de undeam plecat! Imaginea cu statuia este absolut SUPERBA! Iti doresc un Craciun plin de liniste si iubire in suflet!
Decembrue este o luna plinade ambivalente pentru mine.
Tristete pierderii a trei persoane dragi si foarte apropiate, tensiunea si biruinta Revolutiei, toate imbinate cu bucuria Craciunului...
Saptamana 15-23 Decembrie 1989 va ramane cea mai impresionanta din viata mea, cu trairile cele mai intense.
Am facut si eu un clip cu Revolutia pe muzica formatiei Promusica Timisoara '89 , sper sa iti placa.
... nu au fost executaţi decât doi dintre ei, cei mai nesemnificativi ... restul sunt bine mersi, ne conduc astăzi ...
Every country has had a revolution in its history, it is sad we can't solve differences with words.
I only knew what happened in Romania through news. I cannot imagine how your brave and proud people from young to old, really felt.
All I can say is no matter how tragic or no matter how triumph the history is, there is always something that we should learn. We should not forget what had happened.
Great entry.
Yoshi from Japan
I have so much admiration for the Romanian people...their freedom forged in fire. Thank you, Wind.
We will remember people who fought for democracy. Who is not with us anymore. Thank you for the post.
Hard to believe that it was 21 years ago! Hope we won't have to face anything like this again!
Greeting from Poland - December here is also significant;1970 in Gdańsk, and then 1981 in whole country!
I remember the year of 1989 very well.
A very sad time in your countries history.
The end of one era and the start of a free and brighter future for Romania.
A fost intr-adevar un moment istoric crucial si prima "revolutie televizata", evenimentele fiind urmarite in timp real la scara globala.
Cinste lor, eroilor revolutiei!
I hope your lifestyle has improved dramatically since the 1989 Romanian Revolution.
People need constant reminders of the lessons of history, it seems to me, and to post such a reminder is an act of patriotism. Well done, Wind.
In recent years, I have become more and more an admirer of Eastern European countries and their people and less enthusiastic about Western Europe simply because there was a growing struggle for freedom in the East during the last quarter of the Twentieth Century. At the same time, the West was slipping into greater self-absorption and America was growing into the "me first" nation it has become today.
Freedom is an ongoing battle because there always are individuals and bureaucracies trying to take it away for one reason or another. Constant freedom requires constant vigilance.
so sad, Wind, so saud I don't have words to comfort you from living this experience. Hugs and love
Remember this year very well and its outcoming in your country as well. So far it is this the only site to refer to it, much respect upon this. Until now I did not wear any kind of uniform, not sure whether I could have done what those 'fighers for freedom' did, much respect upon them as well.
Please have a good Wednesday.
daily athens
We remember the heroes of freedom!
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
da, mare pacat de cei care au murit!
Lithuanian revolution wasn't so violent. I remember 1989 in Romania and we in Lithuania were with Romanian people who fought for freedom. Too sad that freedom comes with blood and violence.
Wind, you are in my thoughts and I wish you all the best.
Freedom, peace for you and your
country, dear Wind !
I wish you a wonderful Christmas !
It's a high price to pay for freedom.... but may your country always be free. Wind, you are a good ambassador for your country.
How can we ever forget. I was 20 years old, living by myself. I actually cancelled Christmas that year and stayed home alone with my dog. My Christmas-payment went to the Red Cross... maybe I grew up that year, made my own decissions based on compasion and what I felt was right.
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