Sunday, August 15, 2010

Best Blog - Summer AWARDS

 At Art Words Gallery

 Artkleko's Weblog 

BestBlogThinker / Pulitzer Medal 

 Cartim's Blog 

BestBlogEverBlogged / Pulitzer Medal
 Colours and Sounds


to be continued


FreeSeoDesign said...

Uau, ce surpiza placuta!
Imi bate inima prea tare, a trebuit sa ies afara sa ma revin :)
Multumesc frumos!

cartim said...

Multumesc mult pentru premiu !!!
Ma bucur extrem de mult ca ma aflu intr-o astfel companie de bloguri pretioase, importante.
Nu stiu daca blogul meu este interesant, dar sper din tot sufletul sa fie asa.
Multumesc inca o data pentru acest foarte frumos premiu.

robert said...

Maestre, Daliana!
Ma simt onorat si privilegiat de atentia care mi se acorda - desi intre noi fie vorba: despre cine e vorba aici?! :D

Il iau repede pana vine Arcadia, care e plecata undeva prin Fagaras... :)

O sa fie si Winter Awards?

Mel said...

Thank you lovely! It is the community itself that makes the blog special. I'm so glad you are a part of it!! :)

Daliana Pacuraru said...

@freeseodesign- cu placere si SEO placut! Felicitari!

@Cartim - Cu mare placere!

@robert. Trebuia sa scapam de obsesia asta cu Pulitzer mai ales ca aici intrarea e aia taxa e de 50$ ha ha
uite-te aici:
"wiki- Famous recipients of the Pulitzer Prize include President John F. Kennedy for Biography; Margaret Mitchell, Saul Bellow, Ernest Hemingway, Eudora Welty, Harper Lee, William Faulkner, and Toni Morrison for Fiction; Robert Frost for Poetry won 4 times; Roger Ebert for Criticism; and Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and Stephen Sondheim for Drama. Eddie Adams for Spot News Photography Upton Sinclair also won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel Dragon's Teeth...etc etc...)

Arcadia o sa-l inhate din plin la venire...!

@Missy Ricco- yes ,Congratulation!

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