reflection definition
the throwing back by a surface of sound, light, heat, etc.
anything reflected; specif., an image; likeness
the fixing of the mind on some subject; serious thought; contemplation
the result of such thought; idea or conclusion
the throwing back by a surface of sound, light, heat, etc.
anything reflected; specif., an image; likeness
the fixing of the mind on some subject; serious thought; contemplation
the result of such thought; idea or conclusion
Anat. a turning or bending back on itself
a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation
consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose
obsolete : turning back
a transformation of a figure in which each point is replaced by a point symmetric with respect to a line or plane a transformation that involves reflection in more than one axis of a rectangular coordinate system
Etymology: ME reflexion
Etymology: ME reflexion
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010
Superbe fotografii...
excelenta serie..si cromatica pe masura
You're kidding me these are drawing???!!!!
It´s realy incredible work :)
tres reussi bravo
The reflections are painting in itself. Love the Amara most.
Very impressive work on those reflections... My favourite is the one you called Impressionim, because of the softness of its colors... Great, great share on this one, bravo !
Beau travail. Ma préférée "Virtual Bridge" - Bravo.
Stunning. Absolutely stunning!
These are amazing! You are a reflection artist! Thanks for adding them to Weekend Reflections@
really wonderful reflections! :)
magnificent reflections!
Splendid captures!
superbe !
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