Saturday, May 9, 2015

Farmec a obținut calitatea de Furnizor al Casei Regale a României

8 mai 2015 – Farmec, cel mai important producător român de cosmetice, a devenit

Furnizor al Casei Regale a României. Brevetul de Furnizor al Casei Regale a României a fost înmânat

directorului general Mircea Turdean de către Alteța Sa Regală Principesa Moștenitoare Margareta a

României în cadrul unei ceremonii desfășurate la Palatul Elisabeta. La ceremonie, alături de Alteța Sa

Regală, a luat parte Principele Radu.

Calitatea de Furnizor Oficial conferă companiei Farmec dreptul de a folosi însemnele Casei Regale și

mențiunea ”Furnizor al Casei Regale a României”, fiind un simbol al faptului că produsele Farmec sunt

utilizate și apreciate de către Casa Regală a României.

”Suntem onorați de statutul de Furnizor al Casei Regale a României, o adevărată recunoaștere a calității

produselor noastre și a valorii de simbol pe care Farmec o are pentru spiritul românesc. Suntem una

dintre cele mai longevive, performante și moderne companii din România, iar produsele noastre create

cu talent și iscusință românească sunt apreciate de milioane de consumatori din țară și din străinătate”,

a declarat Mircea Turdean, Director General Farmec.

Obținerea calității de Furnizor al Casei Regale a fost precedată de vizita Alteței Sale Regale Principesa

Moștenitoare Margareta a României, alături de Alteța Sa Imperială și Regală Arhiducesa Maria

Magdalena a Austriei, la fabrica de la Cluj Napoca.

Alături de o istorie de peste 125 de ani, Farmec este astăzi o companie 100% românească modernă și

performantă, cu o evoluție constantă de la an la an. Succesul companiei se datorează echipei de peste

600 de angajați, managementului performant, precum și inovațiilor permanente din laboratoarele

Farmec. Numai în ultimul an, Farmec a lansat pe piață game noi precum Gerovital H3 Derma +, Gerovital

H3 Men, Gerovital H3 Evolution Perfect Look, precum și Gerovital Happiness, gamă dedicată tinerilor.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Walk On Water - Kat Dahlia

You said ya lights, ya left me blind
But I could never turn away
Rather ya black, rather ya white
You always left me in the green
And my shadow's groom
But I never know
Now I'm chasing blue
Are you changing you
You bring the rain, you bring the night
I never get the time of day
I wanna cry, you wanna fight
All this loving goes in vain
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I torn them through
But what would that prove
I'm so confused

I'm not feeling too well, cause I just can't tell
If I'm entering the gates of, heaven or hell
And I'm trust you, cause I just can't tell
I know you so well
Remember when we fell, remember when we fell

I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
And I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wished I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water

You said ya lights, ya left me blind
But I could never turn away
Rather ya black, rather ya white
You always left me in the green
And ya shadow's groom
But I never know
Now I'm chasing blue
Are you changing you
You bring the rain, you bring the night
I never get the time of day
I wanna cry, you wanna fight
All this loving goes in vain
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I've torn them through
Wish you wore my shoes
Cause I've torn them through

I'm not feeling too well, cause I just can't tell
If I'm entering the gates of heaven or hell
Can I trust you, cause I just can't tell
I know you so well
Remember when we fell, remember when we fell

I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean, just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water
And now I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wished I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean, but just because I feel it
Can I walk upon the water

It's a storm a brewing, on my horizon
No matter what I'm choosing, baby I ain't deciding
So we shine, so we shine
A cat told me catch a knife. I'll trade ya promise for my life

I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I cant walk upon the water
If I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I can't upon the water
And now I'm drowning in emotion
You quickly suffocating, wish I was a little taller
If I'm attracted to the ocean
But just because I feel it, I cant walk upon the water

I can't walk upon the water, no
I'm attracted to the ocean
But I slipped right through, I slipped right through
I drown for you
Baby I slipped right through, I slipped right through
I drown for you

Vand Vila Dorobanti 7 camere D+P+1+M


Vila D+P+1+M
teren de 200 mp
 strada infundata in apropierea Pietei Dorobanti
. Consolidata in anul 1999
 400 mp suprafata construita
7 camere mari, 3 bai , 2 balcoane, 2 bucatarii
La demisol -garaj +spatiu hobby
Necesita renovare

Aproape de parcuri, spatii comerciale, piata, banci, scoli si gradinite etc
Pretabil : Cabinet de Avocatura, Centru de Infrumusetare,
Cabinete Stomatologie, Lucuinta multifamiliala, ETC

PRET : 460.000 EUR
Telefon proprietar : 0723 742 986

vand vila dorobanti 7 camere

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What If God Was One of Us

Remember: Not all people in this world received the same blessings that you have: opportunity, house, education and comfort. We must not forget that we don't live without a purpose and this purpose is to help one another.
'If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to His face
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home
If God had a face, what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like Heaven and in Jesus and the Saints
And all the Prophets and...
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Just tryin' to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to Heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make his way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome'

"One of Us" is a song written by Eric Bazilian (of The Hooters) and originally released by Joan Osborne. Released in March 1995 on the album Relish and produced by Rick Chertoff, it became a Top 40 hit in November of that year. The song is the theme song for the American television series Joan of Arcadia. The song was nominated for three Grammys and peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100, but Osborne was unable to repeat the success and is considered a one-hit wonder.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Prin Bucureștii lui Mircea Eliade – traseu-cultural pietonal

Traseul – cultural ARCEN se dorește a fi o alternativă pietonală a Capitalei, un traseu care valorifică patrimoniul construit și imaterial al Bucureștilor și care contribuie la salvarea memoriei orașului.
Traseul „Prin Bucureștii lui Mircea Eliade” cuprinde istoria și poveștile mahalalelor Negustori, Sfinților, Mântuleasa și Vergului, legătura acestor locuri cu Mircea Eliade – casa cu mansardă, Școala Mântuleasa, Foișorul de Foc, casa lui Mircea Vulcănescu – dar și istoria prezenței personajelor lui Mircea Eliade în acest spațiu „încărcat de semne magice”.
Traseul „Prin Bucureștii lui Mircea Eliade” se va desfășura, în perimetrul străzilor: Mântuleasa – Romulus – Popa Soare – Dimineții – Pictor Romano – Sf. Ștefan – Plantelor –Negustori – Dumitru Stăniloae – Calea Moșilor – Sfinților, având ca punct de pornire Biserica Mântuleasa (str. Mântuleasa, nr. 20) și punct final pe str. Radu Cristian.

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