Sunday, April 5, 2015

Floriile - Palm Sunday pilgrimage in Bucharest

Procesiune impresionantă pe străzile Capitalei, cu ocazia sărbătorii Floriilor. Mii de credincioşi, alături de un sobor de preoţi au participat la evenimentul religios ce marchează Intrarea Domnului în Ierusalim. Procesiunea de Florii a avut ca punct de pornire Mănăstirea Radu Vodă şi s-a încheiat la Catedrala Patriarhală. Tot astăzi, credincioşii catolici se pregătesc pentru Noaptea de Înviere. La Catedrala Sf.Iosif din Bucureşti, liturghia va începe la ora 23.00, în prezenţa Arhiepiscopului Mitropolit, Ioan Robu. 

Over 4,000 people participated on Saturday in the Capital at the Palm Sunday pilgrimage, during which His Beatitude Daniel has transmitted them that after the celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, there is another kind of fasting, of the memory of His Passions and of preparing for the Resurrection.
The procession took place, as every year, from the Radu Voda Monastery to the Palace of the Patriarchate, with the participation of 800 priests in Bucharest and Ilfov County, who led the convoy of thousands of pilgrims.
The large icon of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, carried in the procession and made each year by a different church, was made this year by the places of worship in the 6th district, being edged with white freesias.
At the Palace of the Patriarchate, the thousands of participants in the procession have been greeted by Patriarch Daniel, who, after the speeches of other senior clerics, addressed the crowd referring to the importance of the Palm Sunday, the celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
Same as in Bucharest, the Palm Sunday pilgrimages were organized in the Romanian Orthodox Church dioceses and Metropolitan churches across the country and abroad.
In Bucharest, the Palm Sunday pilgrimage was banned by the communist regime in 1948 and resumed in 2008 at the initiative and with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel.
Also on Sunday, about one million Catholics in Romania celebrate Easter, the largest communities being in Transylvania. In Bucovina there is also an important community of Polish and German Catholics.

Friday, March 20, 2015


The solar eclipse of January 4, 2011 was a partial eclipse of the Sun that was visible after sunrise over most of Europe, northwestern and South Asia. It ended at sunset over eastern Asia. It was visible as a minor partial eclipse over northern Africa and the Arabian peninsula.

20 March 2015 — Total Solar Eclipse

It's a Total Solar Eclipse in the Faroe Islands and Svalbard (Norway), and a Partial Solar Eclipse in Europe, northern and eastern Asia and northern and western Africa. The eclipse starts at 07:41 UTC and ends at 11:50 UTC. 

The total phase of this solar eclipse is not visible in Bucharest, but it can be observed there as a partial solar eclipse.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eusebiu Ştefănescu - Arhivarul clipei

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu, a natural elegance, passed away

Actor Eusebiu Stefanescu was a "presence of a natural elegance", an actor who lived intensely through theatre and poetry, a press release by the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER), sent AGERPRES on Sunday, reads.

"He had a still, sincere gaze which left you off-guard, made you be afraid of your gloomy thoughts, a gaze that chased perfidy away. He was a presence of a natural elegance, with a discreet smile, but which was hiding a very joyful mystery. The mystery of an extreme life experience through theatre and poetry. As a teacher, he managed to pass on, to guide several generations of future actors to the perfection, to the controlled severeness of the force of the word well spoken in the spotlights," the release says.

"As a member of the UNITER Senate, Eusebiu Stefanescu received in 2014, at the UNITER Awards Gala, the Prize of the UNITER chairman for 'his contribution to the beautiful utterance of poetry'. Almost one year after being granted this award, Eusebiu Stefanescu is passing away, leaving a huge void," the UNITER release reads.
Eusebiu Stefanescu has died on the night of Saturday to Sunday, at the Bucharest Military Hospital, at 70 years of age.AGERPRES 

Moartea actorului Eusebiu Ştefănescu l-a dărâmat pr Florin Piersic. „Îi consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru că imi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă”, a declarat marele actor. .  
Actorul Eusebiu Ştefănescu a murit, duminică, la vârsta de 70 de ani. Potrivit primelor informaţii, decesul actorului a fost cauzat de o tumoare cerebrală.
"Acum două săptămâni, fiind la Ploieşti, am aflat de suferinţa acestui minunat coleg care mi-a fost foarte apropiat partener în filmele făcute. El era un coleg excepţional şi dacă vreţi vă spun o întamplare care să mângâie sufletele familiei lui este faptul ca eu am fost şi sunt in continuare bun prieten cu baiatul lui, cu Ionut Stefănescu.  Nu ştiu cum să vă spun că de multe ori împreuna cu Ionuţ, într-o zi m-am întâlnit în fata ministerului Educaţiei şi am povestit foarte multe despre viaţa noastră şi a lui Eusebiu. Între toti cei pe care îi cunosc de vârsta mea şi pe cei mai tineri cu câtiva ani, atât vreau să vă spun că era un recitator excepţional. Acum o lună de zile vorbeam cu Patriarhul Daniel spunea ca trebuie să îl pomenesc pe Eusebiu Stefanescu care a venit o dată şi a recitat foarte furmos. Ii consolez familia şi sunt rănit şi vreau să spun ceva...trebuie să spun un lucru foarte grav. Abia am curaj să apăs pe butonul de la telefon pentru ca îmi este frică să primesc tot timpul o noua veste tristă", a declarat actorul Florin Piersic la România TV.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

ROGER WATERS - Perfect Sense

Take out the dagger
And let's have a stab at the sexual revolution
Hey girl
Let freedom for all be our rallying call
Tomorrow lets make...our new resolution
Yeah, but tonight lie still
While I plunder your sweet grave
And remember
Only the poor can be saved

Hey girl
As I've always said I prefer your lips red
Not what the good Lord made
But what he intended
Hey girl
Don't point the finger at me
I am only a rat in a maze like you
And only the dead go free
So...please hold my hand
As we blunder through the maze
And remember
Nothing can grow without rain

Don't point
Don't point your finger at me
I awoke in a fever
The bedclothes were all soaked in sweat
She said "You've been having a nightmare
And it's not over yet"
Then she picked up the doggy in the window
(The one with the waggly tail)
And she put him to bed between two bits of bread

4:41 AM (Sexual Revolution) Lyrics

Artist: Roger Waters (Buy Roger Waters CDs)
Album: The Pros And Cons Of Hitchhiking

 Video for "4:41AM (Sexual Revolution)" from Roger Waters' 1984 debut 
"The Pros & Cons of Hitch Hiking", Eric Clapton is featured on the 
 album on lead guitar.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


'Dragobete, the traditional lovers’ day in Romania, is celebrated on February 24, ten days after the Western European and American counterpart Valentine’s Day. The Dragobete traditional story goes that, clothed with holiday suits, young men and women meet in front of the church and go searching the woods and meadows for spring flowers. They sit around fire on the hills of the village and talk. At noon, the girls run to the village, each followed by one boy who had fallen for them. If the boy is fast and reaches the girl of his choice and if she likes him, she kisses him in front of everyone.  This tradition triggered the expression “Dragobete kisses the girls!” (Dragobetele saruta fetele). The kiss show the two lovers’ engagement, Dragobete being an opportunity to show the love in front of the community.
There are a number of Dragobete customs in rural areas, many of which are not kept by modern Romanians anymore. On this day, no animals are sacrificed because it would ruin the point of mating. In the old days, single women used to gather the last remnants of snow, called “the fairies’ snow”, and the water resulted from the melted snow was used throughout the year for various beauty treatments and love spells.
The tradition goes that men should not hurt women, nor argue with them, otherwise they will not do well the whole year. Youngsters believe that on this day they should be joyous and respect the holiday, so that they can be in love the whole year.'

sursa : 
Vlad Condurache,
Corina Saceanu,

Friday, February 20, 2015

Constantin Brâncuși

'Things are not difficult to make; what is difficult is putting ourselves in the state of mind to make them.' 

Constantin Brancusi 

Constantin Brâncuși
portrait by Daliana Pacuraru 

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Constantin Brancusi was born February 19, 1876, in Hobitza, Romania and was a Romanian sculptor, painter and photographer who made his career in France. Considered a pioneer of modernism, one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th-century, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture. As a child he displayed an aptitude for carving wooden farm tools. Formal studies took him first to Bucharest, then to Munich, then to the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1905 to 1907. His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism, as did Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, André Derain and others. But other influences emerge from Romanian folk art traceable through Byzantine and Dionysian traditions.He studied art at the Scoala de Meserii (school of arts and crafts) in Craiova from 1894 to 1898 and at the Scoala Natzionala de Arte Frumoase (national school of fine arts) in Bucharest from 1898 to 1901. Eager to continue his education in Paris, Brancusi arrived there in 1904 and enrolled in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1905. The following year, his sculpture was shown at the Salon d’Automne, where he met Auguste Rodin.
Soon after 1907, Brancusi’s mature period began. The sculptor had settled in Paris but throughout these years returned frequently to Bucharest and exhibited there almost every year. In Paris, his friends included Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, and Henri Rousseau. In 1913, five of Brancusi’s sculptures were included in the Armory Show in New York. Alfred Stieglitz presented the first solo show of Brancusi’s work at his gallery “291,” New York, in 1914. Brancusi was never a member of any organized artistic movement, although he associated with Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara, and many other Dadaists in the early 1920s. In 1921, he was honored with a special issue of The Little Review. He traveled to the United States twice in 1926 to attend his solo shows at Wildenstein and at the Brummer Gallery in New York. The following year, a historic trial was initiated in the United States to determine whether Brancusi’s Bird in Space was liable for duty as a manufactured object or as a work of art. The court decided in 1928 that the sculpture was a work of art.
Brancusi traveled extensively in the 1930s, visiting India and Egypt as well as European countries. He was commissioned to create a war memorial for a park in Turgu Jiu, Romania, in 1935, and designed a complex that included gates, tables, stools, and an Endless Column. After 1939, Brancusi continued to work in Paris. His last sculpture, a plaster Grand Coq, was completed in 1949. In 1952, Brancusi became a French citizen. He died March 16, 1957, in Paris.(guggenheim )

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