Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fanfare Music Festival On Europe Day

Bucharest celebrates Europe Day!
“Fanfare music festival”
On Europe Day, celebrated on May 9, countries like Spain, Holland, France, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Poland, Switzerland, the UK and Turkey accepted the invitation to join the Romanian military band festival, consisting of Music Army Band and Music Navy Band.
The Fanfare Music Festival – will take place on 9 and 10 May, in the following locations: Union Square, University Square, Historic Downtown, Military, Cişmigiu and Constitution Square.

Friday, May 9, 2014

SOLARIS - Tabula Rasa (Arvo Pärt)

“We take off into the cosmos, ready for anything: for solitude, for hardship, for exhaustion, death. Modesty forbids us to say so, but there are times when we think pretty well of ourselves. And yet, if we examine it more closely, our enthusiasm turns out to be all a sham. We don't want to conquer the cosmos, we simply want to extend the boundaries of Earth to the frontiers of the cosmos. For us, such and such a planet is as arid as the Sahara, another as frozen as the North Pole, yet another as lush as the Amazon basin. We are humanitarian and chivalrous; we don't want to enslave other races, we simply want to bequeath them our values and take over their heritage in exchange. We think of ourselves as the Knights of the Holy Contact. This is another lie. We are only seeking Man. We have no need of other worlds. A single world, our own, suffices us; but we can't accept it for what it is. We are searching for an ideal image of our own world: we go in quest of a planet, a civilization superior to our own but developed on the basis of a prototype of our primeval past. At the same time, there is something inside us which we don't like to face up to, from which we try to protect ourselves, but which nevertheless remains, since we don't leave Earth in a state of primal innocence. We arrive here as we are in reality, and when the page is turned and that reality is revealed to us - that part of our reality which we would prefer to pass over in silence - then we don't like it anymore.”
― Stanisław Lem, Solaris 

1. Tabula Rasa: I. Ludus -- Con moto (Arvo Pärt)
2. Tabula Rasa: II. Silentium -- Senza moto (Arvo Pärt)
3. Company for String Orchestra: Movement I (Philip Glass)
4. Company for String Orchestra: Movement II (Philip Glass)
5. Company for String Orchestra: Movement III (Philip Glass)
6. Company for String Orchestra: Movement IV (Philip Glass)
7. "Come In!": Movement I (Vladimir Martynov)
8. "Come In!": Movement II (Vladimir Martynov)
9. "Come In!": Movement III (Vladimir Martynov)
10. "Come In!": Movement IV (Vladimir Martynov)
11. "Come In!": Movement V (Vladimir Martynov)
12. "Come In!": Movement VI (Vladimir Martynov)
13. Darf ich (Arvo Pärt)

About this album:

Silencio is a meditative collection of 20th-century works for string orchestra, including works by Arvo Pärt, Philip Glass, and Vladimir Martynov. The disc is bookended with works by Pärt, whose Tabula Rasa opens the disc. The work was written for and dedicated to Kremer, violinist Tatjana Grindenko and conductor Eri Klas (all featured on this recording), who premiered it in 1977 in Estonia. It was recorded live for release on ECM later that year. Tabula Rasa is scored for string orchestra, solo violins and prepared piano.

Philip Glass's Company was originally composed for a Public Theater production of a play based on Samuel Beckett's short novel of the same name. Later it became Glass's String Quartet # 2 and received its first recording by Kronos Quartet, on their self-titled debut, in 1986. It is heard here in an adaptation for string orchestra.

The Russian composer Vladimir Martynov wrote "Come in!" for Kremer and Grindenko, who premiered the work in Leningrad in 1988. A six-movement work for two solo violins and string orchestra, it takes its title from the following text, written by the composer:

The staircase to Heaven is inside your heart; you enter through the door of your soul.

Our whole life is but an attempt to find this miraculous entrance.

All our deeds are but a timid knocking on this mysterious door

All our hopes are to hear a voice that would respond, 'Come In!'

Closing the disc is the world premiere recording of Arvo Pärt's Darf ich... (May I), recorded in Berlin last year.

Kremer founded the Kremerata Baltica, an orchestra of young musicians from the three Baltic States, in 1996. They first performed in Riga, Latvia in February 1997. Kremer had long sought to share his rich artistic experience with young musicians in his native Latvia and the Baltic region, and was prompted to form a more lasting relationship with the artists, as a way to give back to the community that fostered his own musical growth. The Kremerata Baltica is made up of musicians whose average age is 25 and who hail from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Kremer, who acts as the group's artistic director, said, in an interview for The New York Times, that it functions as "a musical, self-critical, a continuation of my musical spirit."

The Kremerata Baltica, who the Los Angeles Times calls, "...extraordinary young players...they animate everything their bows touch..." recently signed an exclusive, six-record agreement with Nonesuch Records, inaugurated earlier this year by the release of Eight Seasons. This reorchestration of Piazzolla's Cuatro estaciones porteñas, paired with the Vivaldi classic, brings with it a new way of listening to both works, and the possibility of discovering the connections they share.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Vama Veche

Se poate sa fie zi...
Se poate sa fie noapte...
Se poate sa fie vara...
La fel cum iarna poate fi.

Nisipul sa fie ud
Iar marea un pic amara
Nisipul sa zgarie lin
Iar marea sa fie murdara.

Vrei soare, soare iti dau
Sau pielea ti-e ruda cu luna
Pe stanci daca vrei te sarut
Sau in apa... mi-e totuna.

Sa pot sa te aleg dintr-o suta
In ochi sa ai inima mea
Sa-ncerc sa ma ascund de iubire
Dar sa nu te mai
Sa nu te mai pot uita

Iar noaptea sa ai pielea uda
Insetata sa tragi din tigara
Pe mare se aude sirena
Al tau san imi mangaie mana.

Povestea merge mai departe
Ca vantul din Vama Veche...
Eu nu pot sa mai continui
Caci eu mi-am gasit pereche.

Povestea merge mai departe
Ca vantul din Vama Veche...
Eu nu pot sa mai continui
Saruta-ma in ureche.

Am plecat la Vama Veche
Ca sa imi gasesc pereche
Am ajuns la Vama Veche
Si sunt apucat de streche
Stau pe plaja-n Vama Veche
Si-am sarutul in ureche
Doar pe plaja-n Vama Veche
Noi totï vom avea pereche.

Versuri "Vama Veche - Vama veche"

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Aleph

“A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.”
― Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph and Other Stories

Friday, April 18, 2014

Nina Cassian - RIP

Nina Cassian, an exiled Romanian poet who sought refuge in the United States after her poems satirizing the regime of President Nicolae Ceausescu fell into the hands of his secret police, died on Monday at her home in Manhattan. She was 89.
Intense, passionate and cleareyed, Ms. Cassian’s poetry often centered on the nature of erotic love and — both before her exile and after — of loss, death and decay. In “Ballad of the Jack of Diamonds,” published in The New Yorker in 1990 in a translation by Richard Wilbur, she wrote:

Nina Cassian read her poetry at Cooper Union in New York in 2003.  
Credit Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times
Here is the Jack of Diamonds, clad
In the rusty coat he’s always had.
His two dark brothers wish him dead,
As does the third, whose hue is red. ...
One brother, on his breast and sleeves,
Is decked with tragic, spadelike leaves.
The next has crosses for décor.
The motif of the third is gore.
The Jack of Diamonds is dead,
Leaving a vacuum in his stead.
This ballad seems at least twice-told.
Well, all Rumanian plots are old.

The New York Times 

RIP Nina Cassian

'In unele clipe ideale, sunt pasarea maiastra-a lui Brancusi.
Mi-e gatul ca un cast lunecus
pentru mainile tale. '

Thursday, April 17, 2014




IUDA. “Vai, cat de mult rau fac… acei oameni nelegiuiti care vand pe ai lor si care tradeaza dragostea, prietenia, fratietatea…”

“Lasa-l tu pe Iuda, intoarce-ti mai degraba luarea-aminte asupra ta…!”

“Dar ochii vinovati ori se ascund, ori se obrăznicesc, atunci când nu vor să se plece…”


“Pe ziua de astazi – iata, prin altele, ce amintire amara: mai-marii iudeilor s-au adunat in casa lui Caiafa si chibzuiau cum sa-L prinda prin viclenie pe Domnul Iisus si sa-L dea mortii. Atunci, nefiind rugat de nimeni, a venit la ei unul din cei doisprezece, Iuda Iscarioteanul, si a zis: “Ce voiti sa imi dati, si eu Il voi da pe El voua?” Ei i-au dat treizeci de arginti. Cand am citit locul acesta din Scriptura, sufletul meu s-a umplut de nemultumire – si asupra mai-marilor iudei, si asupra lui Iuda. Ce aveau in vedere acesti mai-mari, de au atras asupra lor si a poporului vina si pedeapsa pentru uciderea de Dumnezeu? Si cum a putut sa se hotarasca la asa o fapta Iuda, care intotdeauna era asa de apropiat de Domnul si asa limpede vazuse intiparita in El plinatatea Dumnezeirii?

Dupa aceea, gandul meu s-a mutat la caracterul tradarii lui Iuda; si in timp ce cugetam la lucrul acesta, din constiinta au inceput sa rasara una dupa alta propriile mele fapte, foarte asemanatoare cu fapta lui Iuda. Cu cat ma gandeam mai mult, cu atat semanau mai tare. Atunci, in locul nemultumirii impotriva lui Iuda, a inceput sa renasca temerea pentru mine insumi, si glasul launtric mi-a grait: “Lasa-l tu pe Iuda, intoarce-ti mai degraba luarea-aminte asupra ta si ingrijeste-te sa scapi de soarta lui amara”. Cu acest indemn, fratilor, ma infatisez si eu voua. Aveam de gand sa va infatisez cat de neagra este tradarea lui Iuda. Acum, insa, zic: sa-l lasam pe Iuda. Sa cercetam mai bine faptele noastre, ca sa curatim din viata noastra tot ce poarta vreo trasatura a caracterului lui Iuda – si prin aceasta sa scapam de pedeapsa cereasca ce a cazut asupra lui.


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