Born: February 19, 1876, Hobita , Romania
Died: March 16, 1957, Paris, France
Constantin Brancusi is often regarded as the most important sculptor of
the twentieth century. His visionary sculptures often exemplify ideal
and archetypal representations of their subject matter. Bearing laconic
titles such as Fish, Princess X, and Bird in Space, his sculptures are deceptively simple, with their reduced forms aiming to reveal hidden truths. Unlike the towering figure of Auguste Rodin,
for whom Brancusi briefly assisted early in his career, Brancusi worked
directly with his materials, pioneering the technique of direct
carving, rather than working with intermediaries such as plaster or clay
'Aş vrea ca lucrările mele să se ridice în parcuri şi
grădini publice, să se joace copiii peste ele, cum s-ar fi jucat peste
pietre şi monumente născute din pământ, nimeni să nu ştie ce sunt şi
cine le-a făcut - dar toată lumea să simtă necesitatea şi prietenia lor,
ca ceva ce face parte din sufletul Naturii.'
Constantin Brâncuşi