Sunday, November 8, 2015

#colectiv 50

The Colectiv nightclub fire was a deadly fire in Bucharest, Romania, on October 30th, 2015, which killed 45 people and injured 166. The fire, the worst such incident in Romania in the last 20 years,occurred during a free concert performed by the metalcore band Goodbye to Gravity
to celebrate the release of their new album, Mantras of War.
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced his resignation on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 following large protests in the wake of a nightclub fire in Bucharest that killed 45 people and injured 179 others.
Ponta declared on national television: “I’m handing in my mandate, I’m resigning, and implicitly my government too.”
“I am obliged to take note of the legitimate grievances which exist in society,” he said. “I hope handing in my and my government’s mandate will satisfy the demands of protesters,” he added.
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is to name a prime minister to form a new government with the approval of the parliament. If this fails, a snap election will be called. Romania is due to hold parliamentary elections in December 2016.
On Tuesday night more than 25,000 protesters took to the streets calling for PM Ponta to step down because of government corruption and poor safety supervision.
The public and protestors are sceptical about the accuracy of the official figures of the size of the protest. Student Mihnea Blag, 21, a survivor of the fire, explained: “There were around 35,000-40,000 protesting but the media did not want to admit it.”

  Protestors met in Victory Square, Bucharest [Dan Mihai Balanescu via Facebook]

He went on to discuss the incident that happened on Friday night: “I’m lucky to be alive. I was near the door that we managed to break and get out. After I made two steps out of the building, it exploded. What I saw there, it was hell on earth.” The fire at the Colectiv nightclub, the worst such incident in Romania in the last 20 years, happened on Friday, October 30, during a free concert performed by heavy metal band Goodbye to Gravity to celebrate the release of their new album, Mantras of War.
Romania’s government declared a three-day period of national mourning beginning the day after, just hours after the tragedy.
Early reports which are still under investigation suggest that the blaze was allegedly caused by the band’s pyrotechnics and the Colectiv Club’s inadequate exits which caused a stampede.
The number of people allowed in was far beyond the permissible limit of the premises and the conduct of fireworks in the interior design conditions were unfit for such activities, according a statement from PICCJ, the Public Ministry, Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Hundreds of Romanian citizens flocked to hospitals and blood donation centres, queueing up to give blood to the many club casualties in need of transfusions.
Thousands more from inside and outside the country took to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to mourn the loss and call for much-needed blood donations.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sexual Revolution - Roger Waters

Hey girl
As I've always said I prefer your lips red
Not what the good Lord made
But what he intended
Take out the dagger
And let's have a stab at the sexual revolution

Hey girl
Don't point the finger at me
I am only a rat in a maze like you
And onlly the dead go free
So...please hold my hand

Hey girl
Let freedom for all be our rallying call
Tomorrow lets make...our new resolution
Yeah, but tonight lie still
While I plunder your sweet grave
And remember
Only the poor can be saved

And only the dead go free
So...please hold my hand
As we blunder through the maze

Don't point
Don't point your finger at me
I woke in a fever
The bedclothes were all soaked in sweat

She said "You've been having a nightmare
And it's not over yet"

Take out the dagger
And let's have a stab at the sexual revolution
Hey girl
Let freedom for all be our rallying call
Tomorrow lets make...our new resolution
Yeah, but tonight lie still
While I plunder your sweet grave
And remember
Only the poor can be saved

Hey girl
As I've always said I prefer your lips red
Not what the good Lord made
But what he intended
Hey girl
Don't point the finger at me
I am only a rat in a maze like you
And onlly the dead go free
So...please hold my hand
As we blundre through the maze
And remember
Nothing can grow without rain
Don't point
Don't point your finger at me
I woke in a fever
The bedclothes were all soaked in sweat
She said "You've been having a nightmare
And it's not over yet"
Then she picked up the doggy in the window
(The one with the waggly tail)
And she put him to bed between two bits of bread 

Writer(s): Roger Waters
Copyright: Pink Floyd Music Publr. Inc.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sfânta Cuvioasă Parascheva

Doamne, Dumnezeul nostru, Tu, Cel ce ai zis și s-a făcut toată făptura, nu întoarce fața Ta de la noi păcătoșii, ca să nu vină asupră-ne mânia cea groaznică și înfri­co­șă­toare a durerilor, care este rodul păcatelor noastre, ce în toată ziua, nenumărate, cu ne­so­co­tință le săvârșim. Noi suntem păcătoși, ne­treb­nici și plini de răutate; iar Tu ești izvorul vieții și al milostivirii. Nu ne lăsa, Doamne! Nu trece rugăciunea noastră, a păcătoșilor, nici ne răsplăti nouă după nelegiuirile noastre, ci pentru că nu suntem vrednici a câștiga mi­los­tivirea prin sârguința cea de toate zilele, dă­ruiește-ne-o Tu ca un îndurat mult-Milostiv.
Doamne, pentru rugăciunile Cuvioasei Maicii noastre Parascheva, dăruiește-ne nouă sănătate și viață ferită de toată răutatea și ne întărește cu Duhul Tău cel stăpânitor, ca din adâncul inimilor, cu bucurie să slăvim prea­sfânt numele Tău în veci. Amin.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Răchitoasa, Bacău

Răchitoasa  este o comună în judeţul Bacău, Moldova, România, formată din satele Barcana, Bucşa, Buda, Burdusaci, Dănăila, Dumbrava, Farcaşa, Fundătura Răchitoasa, Hăghiac, Magazia, Moviliţa, Oprişeşti, Putini, Răchitoasa (reşedinţa) şi Tochilea.
Comuna se află în estul extrem al judeţului, la limita cu judeţul Vaslui, în zona cursului superior al Zeletinului. Este traversată de şoseaua judeţeană DJ241, care o leagă spre nord de Coloneşti şi Izvoru Berheciului şi spre sud de Motoşeni, Glăvăneşti, Podu Turcului (unde se intersectează cu DN11A) şi mai departe în judeţul Vrancea de Bogheşti şi Tănăsoaia şi în judeţul Galaţi de Gohor
În comuna Răchitoasa se află fosta mănăstire Răchitoasa (secolele al XVII-lea–al XVIII-lea), ansamblu cuprinzând biserica „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” (1698), zidul de incintă (1704) şi clădirile vechi (1739); precum şi biserica de lemn „Sfinţii Arhangheli” (1634–1653) şi biserica „Sfinţii Apostoli Petru şi Pavel (1750) din satul Oprişeşti, toate trei monumente de arhitectură de interes naţional. wiki

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