Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Hachi: A Dog's Tale is a 2009 drama film based on the true story of a faithful Akita Inu, the titular Hachikō. It is a remake of the 1987 film Hachi-kō (ハチ公物語, literally "The Tale of Hachiko"). It was directed by Lasse Hallström, written by Stephen P. Lindsey and stars Richard Gere, Joan Allen, and Sarah Roemer.
The first foreign premiere was on August 8, 2009, in Japan.
A spiritual reading of the true story of a love dog.
The Real Story
The real Hachi was born in Odate, Japan, in 1923, and lived with a professor at Tokyo University. Every day the dog would accompany Dr. Ueno to the train station where he left for work; the dog would return at the end of the day to meet him. But one day Dr. Ueno had a stroke while teaching and died. For the next nine years, Hachi returned to the Shibuya train station where he last saw his friend.
A bronze statue now sits in the place where the dog waited. His story has been told and retold to Japanese children as an example of family loyalty and the importance of being true to the memory of a loved one. The DVD includes a short film titled "A Bond of Loyalty: The Making of Hachi: A Dog's Tale" in which the stars and director share other examples of Hachi's enduring legacy.
Love Dog
Hachi's story is a beautiful testimony to loyalty, patience, and friendship. But it can also be seen from a spiritual perspective as a parable about the spiritual practice of yearning as a way we stay connected with the Divine.
We identify with Hachi and feel compassion for him, especially in his later years, because we, too, know what it means to be separated from our Beloved. He remembers what it was like to be in constant communion with his beloved. How can he have that again? How can we have that again? By showing up day after day in love and devotion. Rumi would call Hachi a "Love Dog."
One night a man was crying.
Allah! Allah!
His lips grew sweet with the praising,
until a cynic said,
“So! I have heard you
calling out, but have you ever
gotten any response?”

The man had no answer to that.
He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep.

He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide of souls,
in a thick, green foliage.
“Why did you stop praising?” “This longing
you express is the return message.”
The grief you cry out from
draws you toward union.
Your pure sadness
that wants help
is the secret cup.

Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.
That whining is the connection.

There are love dogs
no one knows the names of.

Give your life
to be one of them.

— Jelaluddin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks
Movie here: 
The film score of Hachi: A Dog's Tale was composed by Jan A. P. Kaczmarek.

full album here :
 Hachiko: A Dog's Story Album by Jan A.P. Kaczmarek

  1. "Japan" (03:26)
  2. "New Home" (01:47)
  3. "The Foot" (02:40)
  4. "Dance Rehearsal" (02:15)
  5. "Storm and the Rescue" (01:36)
  6. "The Second Dance" (00:51)
  7. "Under the Fence" (01:51)
  8. "Treats from Cate" (01:52)
  9. "Parker's Dance Played on Piano" (03:42)
  10. "Parker and Hachi Walk to the Station" (02:04)
  11. "Baby" (01:23)
  12. "Marriage Bath" (03:27)
  13. "Fetch" (02:12)
  14. "To Train Together" (03:25)
  15. "Packing Boxes" (02:15)
  16. "Parker and Hachi" (03:28)
  17. "Hachiko Runs Away" (04:27)
  18. "Memory of the Storm" (01:36)
  19. "Hachi Waiting for Parker Again" (02:51)
  20. "Hachi's Last Trip to the Station" (02:06)
  21. "Goodbye" (02:10)
  22. "Hachi, Parker, Cate and Memories" (03:58)
  23. "Hachi's Voice (Version 1)" (Bonus track) (00:14)
  24. "Hachi's Voice (Version 2)" (Bonus track) (00:10)
  25. "Hachi's Voice (Version 3)" (Bonus track) (00:11)
  26. "Hachi's Voice (Version 4)" (Bonus track) (00:09)
 Hachikō (November 10, 1923 – March 8, 1935). Known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō -  ”Faithful dog Hachikō” ['hachi' meaning 'eight', a number referring to the dog's birth order in the litter, and 'kō', meaning prince or duke] .
In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took in Hachikō, a golden brown Akita, as a pet. During his owner’s life, Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachikō was waiting. Every day for the next nine years the dog waited at Shibuya station.
Hachikō attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachikō and Professor Ueno together each day. Initial reactions from the people, especially from those working at the station, were not necessarily friendly. However, after the first appearance of the article about him on October 4, 1932 in Asahi Shimbun, people started to bring Hachikō treats and food to nourish him during his wait. This continued for nine years with Hachikō appearing precisely when the train was due at the station.
The Demise:
Hachikō died on March 8, 1935, and was found on a street in Shibuya. Hachikō’s stuffed and mounted remains are kept at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo. His grave is in Aoyama cemetery in Minatoku, Tokyo.
The Symbol 
In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at Shibuya Station. Later, The new statue was erected in August 1948, still stands and is an extremely popular meeting spot. The station entrance near this statue is named “Hachikō-guchi”, meaning “The Hachikō Entrance/Exit”, and is one of Shibuya Station’s five exits.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas! Craciun Fericit!

The Nativity also called Christmas, is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on December 25. 
Romanian tradition calls for children to go out with triangles from house to house on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Epiphany Eve, and sing the corresponding folk carols. There are separate carols for each of the three great feasts, referring respectively to the Nativity, to St. Basil and the New Year, and to the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, along with wishes for the household.
Longer carols follow a more or less standard format: they begin by exalting the relevant religious feast, then proceed to offer praises for the lord and lady of the house, their children, the household and its personnel, and usually conclude with a polite request for a treat, and a promise to come back next year for more well-wishing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rasfat marca L' Oreal pentru fetitele de la SOS! Pentru ca merita!

O parte din fetitele de la SOS Satele Copiilor Romania au avut parte de o zi speciala!
Prin bunavointa L' Oreal zilele trecute s-a intamplat o magie! Expertii L' Oreal Profesional le-au rasfatat pe micute cum numai ei stiu cel mai bine: le-au intampinat cu zambete calde, apoi le-au transformat din fete frumoase in adevarate printese. Rasfatul a fost total: spalat pe cap, masajul scalpului, tuns, coafat. Ce mai, a fost o zi grozava, plina de rasete, buna dispozitie, caldura si frumusete.
Multumim, L ' Oreal, pentru ca indepliniti vise si povesti cu zane si printese! Chapeau, sunteti cei mai buni! L'Oréal Professionnel & L'Oréal Paris

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sfântul Ierarh NICOLAE - St. Nicholas

Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae, arhiepiscopul Mirei Lichiei, s-a născut în localitatea Patara din Asia Mica, în cea de-a doua jumătate a secolului al III-lea, într-o familie de oameni înstăriţi şi creştini devotaţi. Crescut în spiritul poveţei creştine "să împarţi averea săracilor", Sfântul Nicolae şi-a dat întreaga moştenire pentru a-i ajuta pe nevoiaşi.
La primul sinod ecumenic ţinut la Niceea, în anul 325, acesta a fost recunoscut drept un mare apărător al ortodoxiei. Sinodul a condamnat erezia lui Arie, conform căreia Iisus Hristos nu este Fiul lui Dumnezeu, ci doar un om cu puteri supranaturale. Nicolae, ajuns episcop de Myra de la o vârstă fragedă, îngrijorat de o posibilă ruptură care putea avea loc în Biserică, i-a dat ereticului Arie o palmă. Astfel, potrivit bisericii, de la palma Sfântului Nicolae a rămas obiceiul ca, pe 6 decembrie, cei neascultători să fie loviţi cu nuieluşa, în semn de avertisment.
Sfântul Nicolae este unul dintre numele cele mai îndrăgite şi mai răspândite. Numele este format din cuvintele greceşti nike - victorie, biruinţă şi laos - popor, om ce face parte dintr-un popor victorios.

St. Nicholas celebration in Romania: official start of holiday season and gifts in boots 

Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Nicholas (Sfantul Nicolae) on December 6 (this Friday), and the holiday has exceeded its religious significance. It is one of the most eagerly awaited holidays of the year by children, who receive small gifts on this occasion. It’s also the official marker for the beginning of the holiday season.
It is also the name day for around 800,000 Romanians who celebrate their name day on this occasion.
Over 513,000 of these people are men, named after St. Nicholas – Nicolae for men, while the rest are women, named Nicoleta or Nicola.
Saint Nicholas is the spiritual patron of Greece, Russia and of many other cities in Eastern Europe. According to the Romanian tradition, St. Nicholas comes with gifts on the night between December 5 and December 6. He places the gifts in everyone’s recently polished boots, except for those who have been naughty – they receive a whip or a stick instead, as punishment.
The gifts are usually small and symbolic, often oranges or chocolate, or small useful items, leaving room for bigger presents on Christmas.
The Romanian traditional belief also says that if it snows on December 6, St. Nicholas has shaken his beard so winter can start.

Nicholas of Myra 

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