Friday, October 19, 2012

Romanian Trovants - Living Stones

In Romania, at about 35 km from Ramnicu Valcea, going towards Targu Jiu – not far from where the great sculptor Brancusi was born – is located one of the most interesting museum of Romania, The Romanian Trovants Museum Natural Reserve. The exhibits are a collection of some beautifully strange stones, supposed to be formed about 6 million years before in a sand stratification cemented by the limestone waters. Once you have gotten there you are overwhelmed by the multitude of shapes of these stones that seem to be carved by a very skillful and gifted sculptor.  They are called “the living stones” or “the stones that are growing by themselves”. However, despite their best efforts, scientists have failed to come up with a logical explanation why the stones have extensions that remind of roots. If they are cut, their sections have colored rings, just like trees. The museum is known as “Muzeul Trovantilor” and it is a must see for a visitor of Romania. The “curator” of the museum is  KOGAYON ASSOCIATION and they are protected by UNESCO. (LIVING STONES, GROWING STONES)

Hypothesis on the paleodynamic (paleoseismic) origin of the trovants ("Sandsteinkonkretionen") 

Romanian Trovants – Sculptures by The Greatest Artist of Them All 

Cu 6 milioane de ani inaintea nasterii marelui sculptor Constantin Brancusi, natura isi crea, nu departe de locul lui natal, propriile „Domnisoare Pogany”. Li se spune trovanti, dar numele care s-a incetatenit in randul localnicilor este „pietre care cresc”. n apropiere de drumul care leaga Ramnicu Valcea de Targu Jiu, in comuna valceana Costesti, natura a creat unele dintre cele mai surprinzatoare sculpturi de piatra. Forme bizare, milimetrice sau de dimensiunea unui om, continua sa iasa la iveala pe masura ce oamenii exploateaza nisipul din cariera. In jurul balatrucilor sau dorobantilor, cum ii mai numesc localnicii, s-a tesut un adevarat folclor: unii spun ca bolovanii ar avea origini supranaturale, altii ca ar fi marturii ale existentei unor civilizatii extraterestre superioare. Cert e ca nici oamenii de stiinta nu au reusit, pana acum, sa desluseasca in totalitate misterul formarii trovantilor, si tot ce pot face, deocamdata, este sa emita ipoteze pe care sa incerce sa le verifice in laborator. Ei sustin că formatiunile, numite in literatura de specialitate si concretiuni grezoase, ar avea peste 6 milioane de ani vechime si ar fi aparut datorita unor cimentari locale ale nisipului, posibil pe fondul unei activitati seismice. Din Romania si pana in Noua Zeelanda, din Antarctica si pana in Groenlanda, trovantii starnesc uimire si admiratie. Desi sunt usor de recunoscut chiar si de nespecialisti, ei difera mult ca marime, culoare ori consistenta si pot avea forme dintre cele mai diverse, de pilda sfera, disc, cilidru... Interesante sunt pietrele sferice rosii din Parcul National Theodore Roosevelt, situat in Dakota de Nord, SUA, colorate astfel datorita faptului ca au in compozitia lor fier. Desi ating pana la 3 metri diametru, concretiunile de aici pot fi considerate pitice pe langa cele din depresiunea Faiyum, din Egipt, care ajung pana la 9 metri si par a fi cele mai mari din lume. Concretiuni grezoase mai sunt intalnite si in Africa de Sud, China, Australia, Mexic, Argentina, Peru, Rusia, Kazahstan, Spania, Franta sau Cehia. Americanii au trovantii lor in Colorado, Wyoming, California, Arkansas, Montana sau New York.

Trovantii -misterul „pietrelor vii” 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wild Boar and his Friends

"Pigs on the Wing" is a two-part song by the progressive rock band Pink Floyd from their 1977 concept album, Animals, starting and wrapping up the album.  

  • Roger Waters — music, lyrics, acoustic guitar, vocals
  • Snowy White — guitar solo (8-track version only)[3]
  • Richard Wright — Hammond organ (8-track version only)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trash the Dress

Trash the dress, also known as fearless bridal or rock the frock, is a style of wedding photography that contrasts elegant clothing with an environment in which it is out of place. It is generally shot in the style of fashion and glamour photography. "Trash the dress" is the art of destruction or deconstruction of a bride's wedding dress to create a new "artwork" . This new "masterpiece" is formed in the creative destruction of the dress. This will normally be portrayed in a sequence of images or simply a single image.
Pictures are taken on a beach, but other locations include city streets, rooftops, garbage dumps, fields, and abandoned buildings. ( Trash_the_dress)

Trash the Dress este o tehnica interesanta in fotografia de nunta.  Este arta, rafinament,
libertate de expresie, poezie...
Pentru fotografi sau cameramani, TTD este un test de originalitate.
Locatiile trebuie alese cu atentie , fie ca sunt locuri pustii pe malul marii, paduri,
peisaje salbatice de munte, strazi vechi, case parasite, santiere , in locuri romantice, 
periculoase, rustice, unele triste - altele pline de poezie.
Limita depinde doar de imaginatia fotografului .

cu exceptionala contributie a : DunghaMarius Grozea

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