One of the greatest mysteries in the entire country of Romania is
the Castle of Julia Hasdeu, located in the town of Câmpina, 40 km north
from Ploiesti.
Julia Hasdeu died in 1888, at the age of 18, from Tuberculosis, and her tomb is in Belu cemetery, in Bucuresti/Bucharest. Deeply affected by his daughter's death, her father, B.P. Hasdeu, started in 1893 to build a castle on a small piece of land in Câmpina and, between 1888 and1891 arranged the tomb of Julia, in Belu cemetery, in Bucharest. The wife of B.P. Hasdeu, and Julia's mother, died in 1902 and B.P. Hasdeu died in 1907. Julia was a very smart child, well versed in the French language and a good writer, even from a small age (about 4 years old) and her loss was a real disaster for her father who never accepted this fact. B.P. Hasdeu tried all his life to communicate with the spirit and soul of the dead Julia, to which end he called in a lot of specialist people to help him do so, and he also asked a lot of friends to help him on this way (spiritualism). There are a lot of documents from those times which discuss the activity of B.P. Hasdeu in spiritualism and also there are two places (the Castle from Câmpina and the tomb from Belu/Bucharest), used in this way by him and his friends. There are many stories in connection with the Castle and the Tomb, but there are also point of views of a lot of specialists who do not give any importance to those stories.
Julia Hasdeu died in 1888, at the age of 18, from Tuberculosis, and her tomb is in Belu cemetery, in Bucuresti/Bucharest. Deeply affected by his daughter's death, her father, B.P. Hasdeu, started in 1893 to build a castle on a small piece of land in Câmpina and, between 1888 and1891 arranged the tomb of Julia, in Belu cemetery, in Bucharest. The wife of B.P. Hasdeu, and Julia's mother, died in 1902 and B.P. Hasdeu died in 1907. Julia was a very smart child, well versed in the French language and a good writer, even from a small age (about 4 years old) and her loss was a real disaster for her father who never accepted this fact. B.P. Hasdeu tried all his life to communicate with the spirit and soul of the dead Julia, to which end he called in a lot of specialist people to help him do so, and he also asked a lot of friends to help him on this way (spiritualism). There are a lot of documents from those times which discuss the activity of B.P. Hasdeu in spiritualism and also there are two places (the Castle from Câmpina and the tomb from Belu/Bucharest), used in this way by him and his friends. There are many stories in connection with the Castle and the Tomb, but there are also point of views of a lot of specialists who do not give any importance to those stories.
Julia's Castle is built in the middle of a small town called Câmpina,
in the middle of a small park, with a lot of trees and grass around. The
castle consists of a central tower and two smaller towers, around it.
The look of the castle is unusual for our country and the story says
that the castle was designed and built specially for ghost activity by
B.P. Hasdeu, in remembrance of his daughter. The castle is built based
on the magic numbers 3 and 7, having, for example 3 towers, 3
underground rooms and steps formed of 7 steps each. The main entrance to
the castle is a huge door made of stone, supposedly fixed on a diamond
bearing, and the door rotates around this axis easily, then the door
shuts itself, said to be because of the rotation of the Earth
Una dintre cele mai misterioase locatii din Romania este castelul Iulia
Hasdeu, aflat in orasul Campina, la 40 km nord de Ploiesti.
Iulia Hasdeu a murit in 1888 la 18 ani de tuberculoza si se afla inhumata in cimitirul Belu din Bucuresti. Profund afectat de pierderea ficei, tatal ei, B.P. Hasdeu, in 1893 a inceput constructia unui castel pe terenul din Campina, si intre 1888-1891 a amenajat mormantul acesteia din cimitirul Belu. Sotia lui B.P. Hasdeu si mama Iuliei a murit in 1902, iar B.P. Hasdeu a murit in 1907. Iulia a fost un copil extrem de inteligent, cunoscatoare de limba franceza si scriitoare de la o varsta mica, iar pierderea sa a fost un adevarat dezastru pentru tatal ei care nu a acceptat niciodata acest fapt. B.P. Hasdeu a incercat permanent sa intre in comunicare cu spiritul si sufletul Iuliei, motiv pentru care a apelat la persoane specializate in spiritism si la un grup de prieteni intelectuali care sa il ajute in acest sens. Exista foarte multe documente de epoca legate de activitatea spiritista a lui B.P. Hasdeu si exista doua locatii (castelul din Campina si mormantul din cimitirul Belu din Bucuresti), care au fost folosite in acest scop. Exista foarte multe legende si povesti legate de castel si mormant, dar exista si puncte de vedere ale specialistilor care nu acorda o importanta prea mare acestor intamplari.
Iulia Hasdeu a murit in 1888 la 18 ani de tuberculoza si se afla inhumata in cimitirul Belu din Bucuresti. Profund afectat de pierderea ficei, tatal ei, B.P. Hasdeu, in 1893 a inceput constructia unui castel pe terenul din Campina, si intre 1888-1891 a amenajat mormantul acesteia din cimitirul Belu. Sotia lui B.P. Hasdeu si mama Iuliei a murit in 1902, iar B.P. Hasdeu a murit in 1907. Iulia a fost un copil extrem de inteligent, cunoscatoare de limba franceza si scriitoare de la o varsta mica, iar pierderea sa a fost un adevarat dezastru pentru tatal ei care nu a acceptat niciodata acest fapt. B.P. Hasdeu a incercat permanent sa intre in comunicare cu spiritul si sufletul Iuliei, motiv pentru care a apelat la persoane specializate in spiritism si la un grup de prieteni intelectuali care sa il ajute in acest sens. Exista foarte multe documente de epoca legate de activitatea spiritista a lui B.P. Hasdeu si exista doua locatii (castelul din Campina si mormantul din cimitirul Belu din Bucuresti), care au fost folosite in acest scop. Exista foarte multe legende si povesti legate de castel si mormant, dar exista si puncte de vedere ale specialistilor care nu acorda o importanta prea mare acestor intamplari.