Showing posts with label paste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paste. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Floriile - PALM SUNDAY

Ortodocşii prăznuiesc, duminică, Floriile sau Duminica Stâlpărilor, cea mai importantă sărbătoare care vesteşte Paştele, rememorând intrarea lui Iisus în Ierusalim şi sărbătorindu-i, totodată, pe cei cu nume de flori.

In Romania and Moldova, Palm Sunday is known as Duminica Floriilor or simply Florii, translating Flowers' Sunday.
Romanian Orthodox are one week ahead of Easter Celebrations and this means today is Palm Sunday or Flower’s Sunday.
Since Romanians do not have palm trees we’re using willows in churches celebrating the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Christians are then taking these branches and adorn their homes. Occasionally they are also using lilac flowers.
Palm Sunday is also Flower’s Sunday in Romania meaning that whoever wears a flower-related name is celebrated.(communication development)

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I am not what I ought to be. 

I am not what I want to be. 

I am not what I hope to be. 

But still, I am not what I used to be. 

And by the grace of God, 

I am what I am.

~ John Newton

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Floriile (the flower day) - last Sunday before Easter

This holiday marks the end of the Easter fasting but also the revival of nature after winter.
It is considered to be the name day of all Romanians with names of flowers (Florina, Florin, Margareta, Daliana etc.)
On this day, people go the church to bless small branches from the willow tree and later put them on door and window sills to protect their home from ills and unpleasant event.

Floriile - Intrarea Domnului in Ierusalim

Floriile 2011, Village Museum (Muzeul Satului): Wood, Windows, Cats and Time (II), 
1 march , Mărţişor - 1st of March / Romanian Traditions/ Village Museum

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday- Easter Feelings

Hand made - Easter Painted Eggs

I am not what I might be,

I am not what I ought to be,

I am not what I wish to be,

I am not even what I hope to be...

But I thank God
I am not what I was!

John Newton
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