Showing posts with label Muzeul Satului. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muzeul Satului. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Village Museum and Saint Dumitru

National  Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti”  organized the event of  ”Saint Demetrius” , patron and protector of this space of tradition and spirituality.
Formerly called feast of Saint Dumitru Sânmedru, marks the second season pastoral,  when nature and Hibernate is being prepared to be reborn in the spring.
In the three days of celebration, there was folklore ensembles, concerts and popular music vocalists of the ethnic Romanian and Bulgarian, and marching band music, religious music, military honors … in antique equipment, theater  photo exhibition, folk-inspired costumes parade, fair with the products of traditional cuisine – traditional cakes, pies, meat products, cheese, gingerbread, bio-products, honey, fruits and vegetables, also handmade objects.
Muzeul Naţional al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti" din Capitală a organizat, de vineri până duminică, o nouă ediţie a Târgului de "Sfântul Dumitru", patronul şi protectorul acestui spaţiu de cultură.
În cele trei zile de sărbătoare, vizitatorii s-au bucurat de prezenţa ansamblurilor folclorice, a tarafurilor şi a soliştilor de muzică populară românească şi ale etniei bulgare, precum şi de muzica de fanfară, muzica religioasă şi onoruri militare. Sspectacole de teatru, expoziţii de fotografie, parada costumelor de inspiraţie populară şi o şezătoare la mijloc de zi .

Produsele din gastronomie tradiţională - cozonaci, plăcinte, produse din carne, brânzeturi, turtă dulce, produse bio, miere, fructe şi legume, zacuscă, dulceţuri . (MEDIAFAX)

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Floriile (the flower day) - last Sunday before Easter

This holiday marks the end of the Easter fasting but also the revival of nature after winter.
It is considered to be the name day of all Romanians with names of flowers (Florina, Florin, Margareta, Daliana etc.)
On this day, people go the church to bless small branches from the willow tree and later put them on door and window sills to protect their home from ills and unpleasant event.

Floriile - Intrarea Domnului in Ierusalim

Floriile 2011, Village Museum (Muzeul Satului): Wood, Windows, Cats and Time (II), 
1 march , Mărţişor - 1st of March / Romanian Traditions/ Village Museum
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