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Saturday, November 28, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Ambassade de France en Roumanie - Résultats du Concours E-Climat 2015
Juriul concursului E-Climat a ales cele 22 de imagini care vor fi
incluse în e-book-ul și prezentate în cadrul unei expoziții care va avea
loc la Institutul Francez din București. Câștigătorii bicicletei
electrice, aparatului foto și tabletelor vor fi anunțați pe 3 decembrie
la Ambasada Franței.
Format din doamna Medeea Marinescu, preṣedinte al juriului și Ambasadoare
a Conferinței Paris Climat 2015 pentru România, doamna Amalia Anghel,
reprezentant al companiei ENGIE, domnul Daniel Constantinescu, fotograf,
doamna Irina Neațu, grafician, domnul Christophe Gigaudaut, directorul
Institutului Francez din România, ṣi doamna Simona Bădoi, reprezentant
al Serviciul economic al Ambasadei Franței în România) juriul
concursului E-Climat a avut dificila sarcină de a alege dintre cele 261
de fotografii și clipuri video 22 de lucrări care să ilustreze unul
dintre termenii glosarului Paris Climat 2015.
Misiunea juriului a fost una cât se poate de dificilă, fiecare dintre imagini exprimând într-o modalitate cât se poate de creativă termenii glosarului Paris Climat 2015, dar și temerile și îngrijorările colective cu privire la încălzirea globală.
Câṣtigătorii ṣi lucrările care vor fi incluse în e-book și prezentate în cadrul unei expoziții care va avea loc la Institutul Francez din București sunt:
- Brindusa Dan la categoria «Tranziție energetică»
- Damian Camelia la categoria « Agroecologie»
- Eftenie Vlad la categoria « Adaptare»
- Genes Floriana la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Gîrboan Georgiana la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Gligor Mihai la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Iovita Geanina la categoria «Despădurire»
- Klus Marta la categoria « Gaze cu efect de seră»
- Melnic Nicoleta la categoria « Reciclarea deșeurilor »
- Pacuraru Daliana la categoria «Reciclarea deșeurilor »
- Palavescu Catalin la categoria « Refugiat climatic »
- Piticariu Ofelia la categoria «Despădurire»
- Pop Talida la categoria «Despădurire»
- Popescu Cristian Nikita la categoria « Refugiat climatic »
- Stoiescu Georgian la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Sveduneac Dorin Lucian la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Tanase Iulian la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Urse Mirela Cristina la categoria « Gaze cu efect de seră»
- Vida Daniela la categoria « Despădurire »
- Vieru Liliana Mariana la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Voicu Cristina la categoria « Eficiență energetică»
- Zavadescu Anca la categoria «Adaptare »
Câștigătorii celor patru premii puse la dispoziție de organizatori - o bicicletă electrică (premiul întâi), un aparat foto digital (premiul al doilea) și două tablete ( două premii trei) vor fi anunțați pe data de 3 decembrie 2015 în cadrul unei ceremonii oficiale, care va avea loc la Reşedinţa Franţei, în prezența domnului Francois Saint-Paul, Ambasadorul Franţei în România şi a membrilor juriului.
Mulțumim călduros tuturor participanților pentru contribuțiile ṣi implicarea lor în lupta împotriva schimbărilor climatice.
Misiunea juriului a fost una cât se poate de dificilă, fiecare dintre imagini exprimând într-o modalitate cât se poate de creativă termenii glosarului Paris Climat 2015, dar și temerile și îngrijorările colective cu privire la încălzirea globală.
Câṣtigătorii ṣi lucrările care vor fi incluse în e-book și prezentate în cadrul unei expoziții care va avea loc la Institutul Francez din București sunt:
- Brindusa Dan la categoria «Tranziție energetică»
- Damian Camelia la categoria « Agroecologie»
- Eftenie Vlad la categoria « Adaptare»
- Genes Floriana la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Gîrboan Georgiana la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Gligor Mihai la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Iovita Geanina la categoria «Despădurire»
- Klus Marta la categoria « Gaze cu efect de seră»
- Melnic Nicoleta la categoria « Reciclarea deșeurilor »
- Pacuraru Daliana la categoria «Reciclarea deșeurilor »
- Palavescu Catalin la categoria « Refugiat climatic »
- Piticariu Ofelia la categoria «Despădurire»
- Pop Talida la categoria «Despădurire»
- Popescu Cristian Nikita la categoria « Refugiat climatic »
- Stoiescu Georgian la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Sveduneac Dorin Lucian la categoria « Schimbări climatice»
- Tanase Iulian la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Urse Mirela Cristina la categoria « Gaze cu efect de seră»
- Vida Daniela la categoria « Despădurire »
- Vieru Liliana Mariana la categoria « Amprenta de carbon»
- Voicu Cristina la categoria « Eficiență energetică»
- Zavadescu Anca la categoria «Adaptare »
Câștigătorii celor patru premii puse la dispoziție de organizatori - o bicicletă electrică (premiul întâi), un aparat foto digital (premiul al doilea) și două tablete ( două premii trei) vor fi anunțați pe data de 3 decembrie 2015 în cadrul unei ceremonii oficiale, care va avea loc la Reşedinţa Franţei, în prezența domnului Francois Saint-Paul, Ambasadorul Franţei în România şi a membrilor juriului.
Mulțumim călduros tuturor participanților pentru contribuțiile ṣi implicarea lor în lupta împotriva schimbărilor climatice.
Résultats du Concours E-Climat 2015
Le jury du concours E-Climat a choisi les 22 images qui seront incluses dans le e-book et présentées lors d’une exposition organisée à l’Institut Français de Bucarest. Les gagnants du vélo électrique, de l’appareil photo et des tablettes seront annoncés le 3 décembre à l’Ambassade de France.
La mission du jury a été très difficile, puisque chaque image a exprimé d’une façon très créative aussi bien les termes du glossaire Paris Climat 2015, que les inquiétudes collectives liées au réchauffement climatique.
Le jury du concours E-Climat, composé de Madame Medeea Marinescu, présidente du jury et Ambassadrice Paris Climat 2015 pour la Roumanie, Madame Amalia Anghel (représentante de ENGIE), Monsieur Daniel Constantinescu (photographe), Madame Irina Neatu (graphiste), Monsieur Christophe Gigaudaut (directeur de l’Institut Français de Roumanie) et Madame Simona Badoï (service économique de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie) a choisi 22 images censées illustrer les termes du glossaire Paris Climat 2015, parmi les 261 images envoyées.
Lauréats et oeuvres sélectionnées
- Brindusa Dan dans la catégorie « Transition énergétique »
- Damian Camelia dans la catégorie « Agroécologie »
- Eftenie Vlad dans la catégorie « Adaptation »
- Genes Floriana dans la catégorie : « Empreinte carbone »
- Gîrboan Georgiana dans la catégorie : « Changements climatiques »
- Gligor Mihai dans la catégorie « Changements climatiques »
- Iovita Geanina dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Klus Marta dans la catégorie « Gaz à effet de serre »
- Melnic Nicoleta dans la catégorie « Recyclage des déchets »
- Pacuraru Daliana dans la catégorie « Recyclage des déchets »
- Palavescu Catalin dans la catégorie « Réfugié climatique »
- Piticariu Ofelia dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Pop Talida dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Popescu Cristian Nikita dans la catégorie « Réfugié climatique »
- Stoiescu Georgian dans la catégorie « Changements climatiques »
- Sveduneac Dorin Lucian dans la catégorie : « Changements climatiques »
- Tanase Iulian dans la catégorie « Empreinte carbone »
- Urse Mirela Cristina dans la catégorie « Gaz à effet de serre »
- Vida Daniela dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Vieru Liliana Mariana dans la catégorie « Empreinte carbone »
- Voicu Cristina dans la catégorie « Efficacité énergétique »
- Zavadescu Anca dans la catégorie « Adaptation »
Le Palmarès final (1er, 2ème et 3ème prix) du concours seront annoncés et remis le 3 décembre 2015 à 11h à l’Ambassade de France lors d’une cérémonie officielle.
Nous remercions chaleureusement tous les participants pour leur contribution et leur implication dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Le jury du concours E-Climat a choisi les 22 images qui seront incluses dans le e-book et présentées lors d’une exposition organisée à l’Institut Français de Bucarest. Les gagnants du vélo électrique, de l’appareil photo et des tablettes seront annoncés le 3 décembre à l’Ambassade de France.
La mission du jury a été très difficile, puisque chaque image a exprimé d’une façon très créative aussi bien les termes du glossaire Paris Climat 2015, que les inquiétudes collectives liées au réchauffement climatique.
Le jury du concours E-Climat, composé de Madame Medeea Marinescu, présidente du jury et Ambassadrice Paris Climat 2015 pour la Roumanie, Madame Amalia Anghel (représentante de ENGIE), Monsieur Daniel Constantinescu (photographe), Madame Irina Neatu (graphiste), Monsieur Christophe Gigaudaut (directeur de l’Institut Français de Roumanie) et Madame Simona Badoï (service économique de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie) a choisi 22 images censées illustrer les termes du glossaire Paris Climat 2015, parmi les 261 images envoyées.
Lauréats et oeuvres sélectionnées
- Brindusa Dan dans la catégorie « Transition énergétique »
- Damian Camelia dans la catégorie « Agroécologie »
- Eftenie Vlad dans la catégorie « Adaptation »
- Genes Floriana dans la catégorie : « Empreinte carbone »
- Gîrboan Georgiana dans la catégorie : « Changements climatiques »
- Gligor Mihai dans la catégorie « Changements climatiques »
- Iovita Geanina dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Klus Marta dans la catégorie « Gaz à effet de serre »
- Melnic Nicoleta dans la catégorie « Recyclage des déchets »
- Pacuraru Daliana dans la catégorie « Recyclage des déchets »
- Palavescu Catalin dans la catégorie « Réfugié climatique »
- Piticariu Ofelia dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Pop Talida dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Popescu Cristian Nikita dans la catégorie « Réfugié climatique »
- Stoiescu Georgian dans la catégorie « Changements climatiques »
- Sveduneac Dorin Lucian dans la catégorie : « Changements climatiques »
- Tanase Iulian dans la catégorie « Empreinte carbone »
- Urse Mirela Cristina dans la catégorie « Gaz à effet de serre »
- Vida Daniela dans la catégorie « Déforestation »
- Vieru Liliana Mariana dans la catégorie « Empreinte carbone »
- Voicu Cristina dans la catégorie « Efficacité énergétique »
- Zavadescu Anca dans la catégorie « Adaptation »
Le Palmarès final (1er, 2ème et 3ème prix) du concours seront annoncés et remis le 3 décembre 2015 à 11h à l’Ambassade de France lors d’une cérémonie officielle.
Nous remercions chaleureusement tous les participants pour leur contribution et leur implication dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Berca Mud Volcanoes Reservation - Vulcanii Noroiosi (1)
In Romania, nearby Buzau, at Berca commune, the Muddy Volcanoes / Vulcanii Noroiosi are waiting to be seen. Located on the hills in the geological and botanical reservation Berca Mud Volcanoes, the mud volcanoes were created by the salty mud and natural gases eruptions at 3km deep towards the surface.
When traveling through Berca Mud Volcanoes Natural Reservation,
unusual and strange feelings are a regular occurrence (I tried to
capture how strange looks in my pictures). In these mysterious and
pretty amazing places where everything feels alien, the plants are
missing and the whisper of wind and blurbs of the volcanoes are the only
sounds you can hear.
The best description was realized in 1875 by Alexandru Ioan Odobescu
(1834 - 1895), Romanian author, archaeologist and politician. He has
written about this area in his work Pseudo-Kynegeticos / Fals tratat de vanatoare:
" There the Devil has mounted his boilers with boiling tar; below ground the muddy clods are gurgling and boiling, colder than ice, darker than fog; then, through opened mouths all over the non-drained valley, the mud is bubbling upwards, bursting out either at a palm or a fathom height; around each hole's mouth has lasted mud mound, and the drooling tar spited by Devil out of caverns, are flowing along the greasy mounds, gathers in the mud, dries in the wind, breaks in the sun-rays and spread out throughout the valley a gray and wet clay in which does not grow any knot-weed or thirstle. '
Acolo si-a aşezat Necuratul cazanele cu catran si cu smoala clocotita; pe sub pamant galgaie si fierbe glodul noroios, mai rece decat gheata, mai negru decat ceata; apoi, pe guri cascate prin tot ocolul acelei vai fara de scursoare, tasneste tina in sus, cand de o schioapa, cand de o palma, cand de un stanjen si mai mult; la fiecare gura imprejur s-a durat musuroi, si balele catranite, pe care Uciga-l-toaca le scuipa din vagauni, se scurg naclaite d-a lungul movilitelor, se aduna in namol, se usuca de vant, se crapa de soare si astern tot fundul vaii cu o huma sura si jilava, pe care nu se prinde, Doamne fereste! nici troscot, nici ciulini."
" There the Devil has mounted his boilers with boiling tar; below ground the muddy clods are gurgling and boiling, colder than ice, darker than fog; then, through opened mouths all over the non-drained valley, the mud is bubbling upwards, bursting out either at a palm or a fathom height; around each hole's mouth has lasted mud mound, and the drooling tar spited by Devil out of caverns, are flowing along the greasy mounds, gathers in the mud, dries in the wind, breaks in the sun-rays and spread out throughout the valley a gray and wet clay in which does not grow any knot-weed or thirstle. '
Acolo si-a aşezat Necuratul cazanele cu catran si cu smoala clocotita; pe sub pamant galgaie si fierbe glodul noroios, mai rece decat gheata, mai negru decat ceata; apoi, pe guri cascate prin tot ocolul acelei vai fara de scursoare, tasneste tina in sus, cand de o schioapa, cand de o palma, cand de un stanjen si mai mult; la fiecare gura imprejur s-a durat musuroi, si balele catranite, pe care Uciga-l-toaca le scuipa din vagauni, se scurg naclaite d-a lungul movilitelor, se aduna in namol, se usuca de vant, se crapa de soare si astern tot fundul vaii cu o huma sura si jilava, pe care nu se prinde, Doamne fereste! nici troscot, nici ciulini."
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
#colectiv55 / Roger Waters / To Kill the Child
This song is performed by Roger Waters and appears on the album To Kill The Child / Leaving Beirut (2004) and on the soundtrack Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War Veteran (2008).
The child lay
In the starlit night
Safe in the glow of his Donald Duck light
How strange to choose to take a life
How strange to choose to kill a child
Hoover, Blaupunkt, Nissan, Jeep
Nike, Adidas, Lacoste and cheaper brands
Cadillac, Amtrak, gasoline, diesel
Our standard of living, could this be a reason
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
Allah, Jehovah, Buddah, Christ
Confucius and Kali and reds, beans and rice
Goujons of sole, ris de veau, ham hocks
Lox bagels and bones and commandments in stone
The Bible, Koran, Shinto, Islam
Prosciutto, risotto, falafel and ham
Is it dogma, doughnuts, ridicule faith
Fear of the dark, or shame or disgrace
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
It's cold in the desert
And the space is too big
The rope is too short
And the walls are too thick
I will show you no weakness
I will mock you in song
Berate and deride you
Belittle and chide you
Beat you with sticks
And bulldoze your home
You can watch my triumphant procession to Rome
Best seat in the house
Up there on the cross
Is it anger or envy, profit or loss
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
Take this child and hold him closely
Keep him safe from the holy reign of terror
Take this child hold him closely
Take this child to the moral high ground
Where he can look down on the bigots and bully boys
Slugging it out in the yard
In the starlit night
Safe in the glow of his Donald Duck light
How strange to choose to take a life
How strange to choose to kill a child
Hoover, Blaupunkt, Nissan, Jeep
Nike, Adidas, Lacoste and cheaper brands
Cadillac, Amtrak, gasoline, diesel
Our standard of living, could this be a reason
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
Allah, Jehovah, Buddah, Christ
Confucius and Kali and reds, beans and rice
Goujons of sole, ris de veau, ham hocks
Lox bagels and bones and commandments in stone
The Bible, Koran, Shinto, Islam
Prosciutto, risotto, falafel and ham
Is it dogma, doughnuts, ridicule faith
Fear of the dark, or shame or disgrace
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
It's cold in the desert
And the space is too big
The rope is too short
And the walls are too thick
I will show you no weakness
I will mock you in song
Berate and deride you
Belittle and chide you
Beat you with sticks
And bulldoze your home
You can watch my triumphant procession to Rome
Best seat in the house
Up there on the cross
Is it anger or envy, profit or loss
That we would choose to kill the child
That we would choose to kill the child
Take this child and hold him closely
Keep him safe from the holy reign of terror
Take this child hold him closely
Take this child to the moral high ground
Where he can look down on the bigots and bully boys
Slugging it out in the yard
Sunday, November 8, 2015
#colectiv 50
The Colectiv nightclub fire was a deadly fire in Bucharest, Romania, on October 30th, 2015, which killed 45 people and injured 166. The fire, the worst such incident in Romania in the last 20 years,occurred during a free concert performed by the metalcore band Goodbye to Gravity
to celebrate the release of their new album, Mantras of War.
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced his resignation on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 following large protests in the wake of a nightclub fire in Bucharest that killed 45 people and injured 179 others.
Ponta declared on national television: “I’m handing in my mandate, I’m resigning, and implicitly my government too.”
“I am obliged to take note of the legitimate grievances which exist in society,” he said. “I hope handing in my and my government’s mandate will satisfy the demands of protesters,” he added.
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is to name a prime minister to form a new government with the approval of the parliament. If this fails, a snap election will be called. Romania is due to hold parliamentary elections in December 2016.
On Tuesday night more than 25,000 protesters took to the streets calling for PM Ponta to step down because of government corruption and poor safety supervision.
The public and protestors are sceptical about the accuracy of the official figures of the size of the protest. Student Mihnea Blag, 21, a survivor of the fire, explained: “There were around 35,000-40,000 protesting but the media did not want to admit it.”
Protestors met in Victory Square, Bucharest [Dan Mihai Balanescu via Facebook]
went on to discuss the incident that happened on Friday night: “I’m
lucky to be alive. I was near the door that we managed to break and get
out. After I made two steps out of the building, it exploded. What I saw
there, it was hell on earth.”
The fire at the Colectiv nightclub, the worst such incident in
Romania in the last 20 years, happened on Friday, October 30, during a
free concert performed by heavy metal band Goodbye to Gravity to
celebrate the release of their new album, Mantras of War.
Romania’s government declared a three-day period of national mourning beginning the day after, just hours after the tragedy.
Early reports which are still under investigation suggest that the blaze was allegedly caused by the band’s pyrotechnics and the Colectiv Club’s inadequate exits which caused a stampede.
The number of people allowed in was far beyond the permissible limit of the premises and the conduct of fireworks in the interior design conditions were unfit for such activities, according a statement from PICCJ, the Public Ministry, Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Hundreds of Romanian citizens flocked to hospitals and blood donation centres, queueing up to give blood to the many club casualties in need of transfusions.
Thousands more from inside and outside the country took to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to mourn the loss and call for much-needed blood donations.
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced his resignation on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 following large protests in the wake of a nightclub fire in Bucharest that killed 45 people and injured 179 others.
Ponta declared on national television: “I’m handing in my mandate, I’m resigning, and implicitly my government too.”
“I am obliged to take note of the legitimate grievances which exist in society,” he said. “I hope handing in my and my government’s mandate will satisfy the demands of protesters,” he added.
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is to name a prime minister to form a new government with the approval of the parliament. If this fails, a snap election will be called. Romania is due to hold parliamentary elections in December 2016.
On Tuesday night more than 25,000 protesters took to the streets calling for PM Ponta to step down because of government corruption and poor safety supervision.
The public and protestors are sceptical about the accuracy of the official figures of the size of the protest. Student Mihnea Blag, 21, a survivor of the fire, explained: “There were around 35,000-40,000 protesting but the media did not want to admit it.”
Protestors met in Victory Square, Bucharest [Dan Mihai Balanescu via Facebook]
Romania’s government declared a three-day period of national mourning beginning the day after, just hours after the tragedy.
Early reports which are still under investigation suggest that the blaze was allegedly caused by the band’s pyrotechnics and the Colectiv Club’s inadequate exits which caused a stampede.
The number of people allowed in was far beyond the permissible limit of the premises and the conduct of fireworks in the interior design conditions were unfit for such activities, according a statement from PICCJ, the Public Ministry, Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Hundreds of Romanian citizens flocked to hospitals and blood donation centres, queueing up to give blood to the many club casualties in need of transfusions.
Thousands more from inside and outside the country took to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to mourn the loss and call for much-needed blood donations.
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