Monday, July 11, 2011

Street Spirit - Street Art Delivery

Rows of houses, all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me

All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again

This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle

Before we all go under
And fade out again

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love

Street Spirit (Fade Out) Lyrics
Rows of houses, all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out
This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out again and fade out again
Cracked eggs, dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out again

Immerse your soul in love


Dominic Tautan said...

Immerse your soul in love and it will become art...and art will always make you feel free...that's how you will become, a free soul...

Peace and love!

Bibliotecaru said...

Păcat că nu numai artiştii pictează strada.

Victor said...

fiecare imagine povesteşte mai mult decât culorile din ea...
fiecare imagine te duce dincolo de desenul ei...
fiecare, ascunde dincolo de ea, o poveste, o lume, o ploaie de stele... sau un ţipăt de durere... şi prea puţină bucurie...
vântule drag, să ai o săptămână frumoasă
te rog ai grijă de tine
te mai aştept, acolo unde se agaţă harta...

Ignacio Santana said...

Hola, Wind!!!...un reportaje lleno de creatividad y color...el guitarrista me ha encantado!!!

Enhorabuena, amiga mía!!!

Un abrazo!!! ;)

Clint said...

Very powerful and moving, Wind. Thank you.

Windsmoke. said...

Fantastic photos, i especially like the pottery heads quite humourous and the door that opens to another world of the imagination :-).

Luis Gomez said...

These are great! Thank you!

ADRIAN said...

As enjoyable, provoking and inspiring as always.

♥AMBre said...

Thanks and congrats for all !

Fram Actual said...

The most artistic element I see before me are your photographs, Wind, but I will not wander too far in that direction this evening (my evening) as thunder and lightning again dominate my world.

I especially like the shot with the two women, the child and the photographs of other children behind them. The expressions of children almost always are wondrous, and these are particularly expressive. The mixture, again, of black and white with color makes this photograph extremely effective, I think, and the intenseness of the look on a beautiful woman's face -- such as you reveal here -- always makes me wonder exactly what she is thinking at the moment the shutter blinks.

Your song has everything going for it, too: Voice, lyrics, choreography.

It is evident you have been a very busy young lady, Wind, and it is equally clear your time has been well spent to create such a masterful series.

Se-cret said...

Arta aceasta este foarte interesantă după părerea mea.Frumoasă serie ai realizat Daliana!(ca de obicei,ce mă mai mir și eu?)

Teri said...

I am always amazed at your photos. You live in such a colorful, artistic looking place. Much creativity exists in your blog and I love coming here to see what you have put together. Great stuff, always!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a photo series! Good work!

Aliceee Traveler said...

splendida colectia!

Blitz said...

Street art are my favorite! What a great and fun serie you have made here. Really well done!

Ola said...

as always, amazing pictures!

Catalin said...

Fata cu eşarfa fotografiază cu un Canon 5D Mark II...

Ramón García Durán said...

Bravo ! Por cada una de esas fotos. Un saludo.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Awesome! I love all of these :)

Traveling Hawk said...

Cel mai mic imi plac "doamna cu catelul" si figurinele de lut.

Noke said...

Schöne Bildserie sehr interessant.


robert said...

BW si color in aceeasi foto... nu stiu daca ma mai vazut. Poate la tine, dar asta inseamna ca nu am fost atent.

Nu le inteleg pe toate... dar nu toti sunt alesi dintre cei chemati :)

robert said...

FELICITARI pentru PR! Se vede munca depusa...


wow beautiful !

J_on_tour said...

Hi Wind, I appreciate the amount of work you have put into this post and it sometimes does not look like I am do it justice by passing a comment and moving on. This one, like many others as works of art, deserves to be visited many times and causes the viewer to think as opposed to many photography blogs(including my own) where the viewer just looks. In many ways, the detail and meaning of these posts can be lost a little like the two people lost in their phone conversation. If I know you at all by now, I would realise that you represent all the images in the repeated phrase at the end. There is the customary trademark sadness thrown in that all is not perfect for most in this life... but then again that seems to be the mix and outlet of street art.
Regards, Have a good week, Jay

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting and stunning photoshooting with us on *PicStory*! :) LG Tina


These are masterpieces. Fascinating artworks. It surely will spark everyone's creativity. Thanks a lot for bringing these eye candies to our computer screens, my idol.

Anonymous said...

Ma bucur tare mult ca te am in blogroll si ca te vizitez, Daliana, esti foarte talentata, setul asta de fotografii e foarte pe gustul meu, sa zic asa :) Te felicit!

BrandNewStudio said...


villa said...

Espectaculares fotografías, muy impactantes.

Un abrazo desde Salamanca.

ANRAFERA said...

Estupendas fotografías. Me gustan mucho sus detalles y procesados.
Enhorabuena Wind.
Un cordial saludo.

Zina said...

Arta de stradă e o provocare... Remarcabilă colecţie !

CARMEN said...

privind fotografiile simti pulsul strazii... Fiecare exponat te invita la visare, deschide usa imaginatiei.
Multumesc pentru aceasta minunata plimbare!

Anonymous said...

de cate ori trec pe la tine, imi dai o idee noua despre cum sa privesc lumea din jur si simt ca am mai invatat ceva. multumesc :)

Marty said...

I love street art and all your images!
they are just amazing !

Lumi RO said...

They are real artists in my opinion. Have a nice WW!

Games Online said...

Am si eu cateva site-uri cu page rank-uri 2 si 4.
Daca vrei sa facem un link exchange avantajos sau mai multe da-mi te rog un add pe mess la id : francesco_da_gama sa vorbim mai usor.
Astept un raspuns oricare ar fi el.
Numai bine!!!

Se-cret said...

Revenind,aduc salutări din Israel și mă mai minunez odată de fotografiile tale minunate!

Unknown said...

O compoziţie superbă. Mulţumesc pentru delectare.

Madalina Dascalu said...

minunate cadre
si vai.. ce-mi plac figurinele acelea de lut..

Sérgio Pontes said...

The photos are very pretty =)

Fotokarusellen said...

Love this post. Wonderful images. Beautiful work. Bravo.

Photos by Stan said...

Spellbinding collection!! You are an artist!!!

Elisa said...

I love all this pieces of street art.

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