Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A Wild Swan: And Other Tales

  “Yeah, right, sweetheart, it’s a wing, I’m part angel, but trust me, the rest is pure devil.”

Michael Cunningham, A Wild Swan: And Other Tales

A flock of swans was housed in a bay of the Black Sea, Eforie Sud (Romania ). They quickly found admirers: locals who come to feed them and take pictures with them.


  1. I like swans for their beauty and grace. Their majestic and graceful behavior can be seen both in your photos and in the video at Eforie.

  2. superbe! o zi faina, Daliana! :)

  3. Eu le-am vazut in zona Mangalia! Erau si acolo destule si se jucau pe mal si culegeau si ce le dadeau oamenii.
    Frumos si filmuletul!
    Seara frumoasa, Daliana!

  4. So beautiful. I love the black and white shots. Wow.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥
